
extend web server to serve static files

Hello, I want to extend a web server which is only able to handle RPC handling now. The web server is written in C#. It provides a abstract handler function like following: public string owsHandler(string request, string path, string param, OSHttpRequest httpRequest, OSHttpResponse httpResponse) A...

Flex/Actionscript image display problem.

I'm trying to extend the Image class but hit a problem that I can't get past. I have a private image (img) that loads an image and a function that takes that image and copies it onto the parent. The debug function "copyit2" displays the image fine (so I know it's loaded OK). But the function "copyit" doesn't work - it just displays a wh...

Resizing image with Python with locked aspect ratio

How should I resize an image with Python script so that it would automatically adjust the Height ratio to the Width used? I'm using the following code: def Do(Environment): # Resize App.Do( Environment, 'Resize', { 'AspectRatio': 1.33333, 'CurrentDimensionUnits': App.Constants.UnitsOfMeasure.Pixels, ...

Multiple ToggleButton image with different highlight image in WPF

I am very new to WPF and needed some pointers as to why this is not working correctly. I am trying to make a maximize button that will change to a restore button when clicked. I thought a toggle button with 2 different styles that would be changed in the code behind could work. I am first trying to get the maximize button working and ...

Can I hide an image path on page without http Handler?

I have many static images under a directory in my site structure, and I'm not concerned with hotlinking or copy-protecting the images. For a myriad of reasons, what I need to do is not show the image path on the site (or show a fake one). Is there any way to do this without resorting to an http handler or a worker page? ...

how can i replace an image (inside a div) through jquery and ajax.

I am trying to click on an image and change it to another image through jquery. When i step through the below code, on the serverside, the controller action fires and on the client side, i can see the correct html return in firebug watch window but the image doesn't change at all. any idea why this div is not updating? original div: ...

Adding titles and descriptions to images in Refinerycms-Portfolio

I'm using the Refinery content management system with a the Portfolio plugin see I wanted to create a title and description for images uploaded to Refinery using Refinerycms-Portfolio so far I have done the following; added the columns to the images table; $script/generate migration AddTitleToImage...

Resize images in UIWebView to viewport size

I'm displaying HTML with some images inside a UIWebView in my iPhone App. When the images are wider than the viewport of the iPhone I get horizontal scrollers which I don't want because its mostly about the text not the images. Is there a way to resize images displayed inside the UIWebView according to the width (best: even if the devi...

How to model rules for generating geometric patterns?

For my problem it would be best to find a numeric representation of kazakh national ornaments for generating new ones. But other approaches are also fine. The ornaments essentially consist of combinations of relatively basic ornaments. Usually the ornaments are symmetrical. Here are few examples of basic elements: (The images ...

jQuery click event on image only fires once

I created a view of thumbnails. When the user clicks, I want the real image to pop-up in a dialog. That works the first time, but once the jQuery 'click' fires on an thumbnail it never fires again unless I reload the entire page. I've tried rebinding the click events on the dialog close that that does not help. Here is my code: $(do...

How to make non-blurry image in WPF 3d

I used Viewport3D and ModelVisual3D to create a simple ImageBrush with an image (I tried it with JPG, PNG), but it shows the image blurry, but the original image is very sharp and clear. I don't know how to make it with the original quality in 3D... I also tried some 2D solutions like RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode and SnapsToDevicePi...

Problem with image path of html files viewed by webbrowser control

I have an webbrowser control on my form. I am able display html files in that control. But my page contains some images if i give absolute path to it then images are displayed. But if i give relative path then images are not shown in the pages. I have HtmlPages folder located at bin folder. And i am assigning FileStream source = new Fi...

How to Stich to Image objects in Java

Hi, I have a scenario in which i`m getting a number of tiles (e.g.12) from my mapping server. Now for buffering and offline functions I need to join them all back again so that we have to deal with 1 single image object instead of 12. I ve tried to do it without JAI my code is below. package imagemerge; import java.awt.*; import java...

How to delay to load the button on image view in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created a view controller and sets the button on the view. On clicking the button, it navigates to the next view and loaded the image in the view. Now i want to display the button on after loaded the image. The button will be shown after 3 seconds on the image view. Please help me out, Thanks...

Gravatar : Is there a default image?

I have implemented gravatar for a portal I am building and wanted to know if there is a default image URL for gravatar? Not all people who visit the site are logged in or have email addresses, in such a case, is there a default image that can be shown (accessible via gravatar url) ...

Java : VolatileImage slower than BufferedImage.

I'm making a game in java and in used BufferedImages to render content to the screen. I had performance issues on low end machines where the game is supposed to run, so I switched to VolatileImage which are normally faster. Except they actually slow the whole thing down. The images are created with GraphicsConfiguration.createCompatible...

preload image with jquery

Updated: firs append a empty image and a span with some text hide the loading image, after it's load it's show the image var pathimg = "path/to/image" + "?" + (new Date()).getTime(); $('#somediv').append('<div><span>loading..</span><img id="idofimage" src="" alt="" ></div>') jQuery("#idofimage").hide().attr({"src":pathimg}) ...

C# Button with Image does not get 'pushed' in when clicked

I'm dabbling in C#,and I'm rather inexperienced with it. I have a button with text and an image on it. When I run the program and press the button, the button gets pushed in, along with the text, but the Image stays static. Does anyone know a workaround? *EDIT: this.btnRename.AllowDrop = true; this.btnRename.Anchor = ((System...

How to save optimized png images with java's ImageIO?

I am generating lots of images in java and saving them through the ImageIO.write method like this: final BufferedImage img = createSomeImage(); ImageIO.write( img, "png", new File( "/some/file.png" ); I was happy with the results until Google's firefox addon 'Page Speed' told me that i can save up to 60% of the size if i optimize the ...

Resize with minimal loss of quality

Hi, I need to resize an image, but the image quality cannot be affected by this, the images will be from like 10x10 to 1000x1000, it will have some major congestions and some empty times it has to scale both up and down "potentially losing some image quality." is OK but it has to be at minimum, everything with raster graphics indeed NO ...