
Use PHP to create thumbnails. (Cropped to square)

I have a php script im currently using that creates thumbnails based on a max width and height. However, I'd like it to always create square images and crop the images when needed. Here is what I'm using now: function makeThumb( $filename, $type ) { global $max_width, $max_height; if ( $type == 'jpg' ) { $src = imagecreat...

Can't get ajax - loaded image's height and width via jquery.

I'm loading an image exteranlly via ajax like so... function load_image(image_href) { var img = new Image(); $(img).load(function () { $(this).hide(); $('#a_box').append(this); $(this).fadeIn(); }, gallery_image_load_complete() ).error(function () { }).attr('src', image_href); } function gal...

ASP.NET MVC: Problem generating thumbnails...need help!

Ok, so i'm new to mvc and i'm trying to make a web application photo gallery. I've posted once on here about this issue i am having of trying to generate thumbnails on-the-fly on the page instead of the actual full-size images. Basically, the functionality i am looking for is to be able to have thumbnails on the page and then b...

Flex: FileReference and Image unhandled IOErrorEvent

The following code shows a button that allows you to select a file (should be an image) and display it into an image component. When I select an invalid image (e.g. unsupported image type, a word document), I get the following error: "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type." I know I can ...

TCPDF remote image loading problem

Hi, Im trying to load a remote image into a pdf generated by tcpdf however I can't seem to get it to work? The rest of the pdf loads fine and it looks like to trying to retrieve the image however it just does print to the page? The code I am using is: $pdf->Image("", 0, 0, 100, 150, 'JPEG', '', 'T', tr...

Problem with using APACHE-POI to convert PPT to Image

Hi all, I got a problem when I try to use Apache POI project to convert my PPT to Images.My code as follows: FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("test.ppt"); SlideShow ppt = new SlideShow(is); is.close(); Dimension pgsize = ppt.getPageSize(); Slide[] slide = ppt.getSlides(); for (int i = 0; i < slide.length; i++) { Buffered...

How to merge two images into a single Jpeg

I need to be able to take multiple images and overlay a smaller one on top of a larger one and save the result as a single image. How would I go about accomplishing this in C#? ...

SSRS: Report loading external images, image not found, can I hide the image control

My SSRS report loads logo images for each customer from a customer number specific folder on the report server. I write an expression, to form my URL to the image based on th customer number. ..."http://localhost/images/" + iCustomerNumber.ToString() + "/logo.gif" I am able to get this working, but the problem I face is, when a parti...

Is it possible to call a servlet from css?

I'm trying to move all the images stored in web application folder to a database. And calling them with a servlet. Is it possible to call a servlet from my css ?? or is there any way to call a remotely stored image file from css?? I tried to call a servlet method from CSS.But couldn't succeed. Is it possible to call a method like this? ...

C++ Zig-Zag Scan with libjpeg

Hi, right now i am implementing a Zig-Zag scan in C++. In addition to that i use the libJpeg8a. I want to intervene into the process when encoding images. My questions is: How can i connect to the scanning process out of C++??? Or: And where exactly is the zig zag scan located within the libJpeg??? ...

BlackBerry - How to send image as a attachment

Hi all i am new to this technology. i have configured ESS server with Microsoft Outlook for sending email from simulator. But i am not able to send image as a attachment from simulator to outlook. html attachement is working fine. Should i configure BES server with Microsoft Exchange for testing the image attachment. is it possible....

Merge an image over another in the specified position and save it as a new image?

save an image that is generated by merging an image over another image? i have an image first and i want to insert some text over this image in a specified position given....that i got the new task is to place this last generated image over another image template in the location given and save it as a new jpg image in my w...

Screenshot of page, or getting unchanged image

Hi there! I need to get image from page, without reloading it, and without getting it's source. I read about "SimpleTest" scriptable browser, but i don't know can it save site image. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Opera: avoid wait cursor during img-src-refresh?

On a web page, I have an image continuously be refreshed by updating the src-attribute of the corresponding img-tag. This seems to work very well with a broad range of browsers. However, in Opera 10.51/WinXP/32, every time the image is updated, for a fraction of a second, the wait cursor is shown. It may confuse users. So, how do I get ...

Rotating images with CSS and putting them back in place

When I rotate a large image with CSS -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); which sits in a floating div (using Firefox 3.6.3 to display the page), it messes up the page layout: Apparently, the size of the image is evaluated before it has been rotated. Furthermore, the image is displaced, partly being out of the screen, because the poi...

Extract images from PDF without resampling, in python?

How might one extract all images from a pdf document, at native resolution and format? (Meaning extract tiff as tiff, jpeg as jpeg, etc. and without resampling). Layout is unimportant, I don't care were the source image is located on the page. I'm using python 2.6 but can use 3.x if required. thanks Summarized Responses There is a JP...

Merge 2 Colors to make a tranparent Ovelap?

I have two System.Windows.Media.Color (a and b)and need to get a and put over b to simulate tranparency. to use in my merge method: public static Image Merge(Image a,Image b) { for(int x=0;x < b.Width;x++ ) { for (int y = 0; y < b.Height; y++) { a.SetPixel(x, y, b.GetPixel(x, y)); } } ...

How do I stop image spam from being uploaded to my (future) site?

I have in mind an idea for a generally accessible site that needs to allow images to be uploaded. But I'm stymied on how to prevent image spam: porn, ads in image form, etc. Assumptions: I'm assuming that the spammers are clever, even human. I'm skeptical of the efficacy of image analysis software. I do not have the resources to appr...

Problems saving a photo to a file

Man, I am still not able to save a picture when I send an intent asking for a photo to be taken. Here's what I am doing: Make a URI representing the pathname android.content.Context c = getApplicationContext(); String fname = c.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath()+"/parked.jpg"; file = new fname ); Uri fil...

dynamically set the control template

hi, i am using dictionaries in WPF. i have two bitmap image in it with name something like image1 and image2 now in forms, i like to set them to single image control depending on condition, some times image1 and sometimes image2. so how i set the source dynamically, in dictonary i have UriSource="/wpf1;component/images...