
problem with pasting image over lines in wx DC

hello .. i have the same code as wx Doodle pad in the wx demos i added a tool to paste images from the clipboard to the pad. using wx.DrawBitmap() function , but whenever i refresh the buffer .and call funtions ( drawSavedLines and drawSavedBitmap) it keeps putting bitmap above line no matter what i did even if i called draw bitmap ...

How to make a thumb from a big image file in J2ME?

I'm trying to display a big image file in a J2ME application. But I found that when the image file is too big I can not even create the Image instance and get a OutOfMemory exception. I suppose I can read the image file in small chunks and create a thumbnail to show to the user? Is there a way to do this? Or is there any other method to...

How do I make a google charts larger by scale

I've just started using google charts and want to use it in a small project I'm workin on but I've bumped into a problem. The thing is I want the charts rather big at a static size and look good but I'm generating the charts dynamically with php. Now the problem is that I can't get it to scale properly in width but height is perfectly fi...

Require 'RMagick' not working?

I have installed RMagick on OSX via MacPorts and can see it by running 'gem server'. However when I try to include it in my script using require 'rubygems' require 'RMagick' It crashes with the following error message ./RMagick.rb:4:in `show_info': uninitialized constant Magick (NameError) from ./RMagick.rb:24 from /System...

jquery image slide procedure faulty in IE

Where did I go wrong? IE reports a problem while everything else seems to be just fine. $(document).ready(function(){ menu = $('#menu > ul > li'); image = $('#image > ul > li > div'); menu.each(function(idx) { this.slide = image[idx]; }).hover( function() { menu.removeClass('active'); image.removeClass('act...

[jQuery] preload image and show a spinner while loading

Hy, i use uploadify to upload some images, after i display all the images thumbs in a list, when i click on a image thumb a bigger image it's open in a div with this function $(".thumbs li a").click(function(){ var largePath = $(this).attr("href"); $('.thumbs li').removeClass('thumbac'); $(this).parent().addClass('thumbac')...

Image rotate with JQuery and PHP

i have a list of thumbnails! i am able to rotate a image with jquery, but after i refresh the page, the image is the same! i want to make a SAVE button to save all the edited images? how i can save the edited image on the server side? thanks ...

Problem with relative path to image in XAML?

I am trying to reference a PNG file in my applications working directory through XAML with the following: <Image Name="contactImage"> <Image.Source> <BitmapImage UriSource="/Images/contact.png"> </Image.Source> </Image> Now in my code-behind I try to get the height of the image with contactImage.Source.Height This fai...

How to convert Word to images with win32com in python?

Hi all, I have googled an example for converting Word to Html. import win32com from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants w = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application') w = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Word.Application') '''skip some code here''' wc = win32com.client.constants w.ActiveDocument.SaveAs( FileName = filenameou...

PIL 1.1.6 saves Photoshop CMYK image colour wrong

I have an image. I want to resize it using PIL, but it comes out like this. Even without a resize, it still messes up the colour. Minimal code: from PIL import Image import os import urllib import webbrowser orig_url = '' temp_fn, _ = url...

ASP.NET 3.5 C# : Combine images in one download

I Would like to know if its possible to combine mulitple images in 1 download. On my homepage I'm showing 12 images which change depending on the country of the user. I notice this takes a lot of time to download for some users and i would like to know if it's possible to combine them into one download with an httphandler (in the way u ...

make array from a list of images with jquery

i have a list of photos like this: <div class="upimage"> <ul id="upimagesQueue" class="thumbs ui-sortable"> <li id="upimagesKHGYUD"> <a href="uploads/0002.jpg"> <img src="uploads/0002.jpg" id="KHGYUD"> </a> </li> <li id="upimagesNCEEKI"> <a href="uploads/0003.jpg"> <img src...

Flex SDK 3.5 - Check file mimetype

Is there a way to get a file's mimetype in Flex SDK 3.5 without using its extension? I need to validate if an uploaded file is of a certain kind. This is for images, or documents (PDF, ODT, etc.) All the solutions I've found are by checking its extension. What if I rename a .odt file as a .jpg? Then I can upload it as an image... I s...

Web Page Rendering Capture

I start with describing the problem itself. Rather than a problem I'm looking for a better solution. I have a page which has a bunch of images and a link underneath it, Each image is infact the latest rendering of the link underneath it. I scheduled a bat script which runs every hour to fetch the images through IECapt a web page...

Canvas Image Smoothing

What is ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; for webkit(or other browsers)? I need it to remove anti-aliasing because i am trying to get a pixelized effect to an image. With anti-aliasing, it looks bad-quality but with no sharp edges. ...

PHP: Creating cropped thumbnails of images, problems.

Hi there, I am fairly new to PHP, and I am writing a script that will resize images. First an uploaded image is resized to 800width by *height, depending on the orientation of the file uploaded (portrait/landscape). The script is then meant to create a thumbnail of that image. The thumbnail must be 175width by 117height. This is has...

iPhone: How can you draw a piece of an image

Code sample - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { [super drawRect:rect]; CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSaveGState(context); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, self.frame.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0); CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.frame....

Magento "File was not uploaded"

I'm currently using the magento admin interface, trying to upload an image in the "manage products" and I get the error "file was not uploaded" after I browse the file and click "upload file". I've looked on other forums and the main solution I saw were to make sure that php.ini has the following lines... magic_quotes_gpc = off short_o...

How can I tell Wordpress to reset all posted image sizes to the largest set width?

I've set the width of large files in Wordpress' Media settings: but how can I tell Wordpress to apply the setting to all the images I've already inserted in posts? It's limiting them to a previous setting of 500px wide. Thanks! ...

Setting background image for QPushButton

Hi Geeks, I am struggling to set an background image for an QPushButton. No Success till now. Following is my code. appsWidget::appsWidget(QWidget *parent) :QWidget(parent) { QPushButton *button1 = new QPushButton("SETTINGS",this); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton("TEST",this); QPushButton *button3 = new QPushButt...