
Java extension/abstraction/implementation question.

I have three classes (class A, class B, and class C). Class A calls an instance of B and runs start(). Class B extends Thread, so when start() is called, anything in the run() method is executed. In the run() thread, there is an instance of class C. Is there anyway to allow a method in Class C to call a method in Class A, without ins...

Multiple threads in Java causing problems.

Sorry for another vague example...but I have a single class where I'm starting a new thread instance. However, if I add a new thread instance, it interrupts (destroys?) the first. But, if I run two instances of the class (separately, after I turn them into jar files) where each instance only opens up a single thread, they both run concu...

Keeping everything loosely coupled and extendable: Too many layers, too small ROI?

Hello, I (now more than ever) see developers write huge amounts of layers such as: implementation PresentationLayer -> interface IMyDTO -> implementation MyDTO -> interface IMyService -> implementation MyService -> interface IMyDomainRepository -> i...

Handling very large SFTP uploads - Cocoa

Hello everyone, I'm working on a small free Cocoa app that involves some SFTP functionality, specifically working with uploads. The app is nearing completion however I've run into a pretty bad issue with regards to uploading folders that contain a lot of files. I'm using ConnectionKit to handle the uploads: CKTransferRecord * record;...

How might I index PDF files using Lucene.Net?

I'm looking for some sample code demonstrating how to index PDF documents using Lucene.Net and C#. Google turned up a few, but none that I could find helpful. ...

Inline Interface implementation in Actionscript

Is something like this possible in Actionscript? Java: URLFetcherFactory.setCreator( new IURLFetcherCreator() { public IURLFetcher create() { return new URLFetcher(); } } ); Actionscript: ? I've been wondering about this and have been unable to find anything that indicates it's possible. Figured if it was ...

Register an object creator in object factory

I have the convenient object factory template that creates objects by their type id names. The implementation is pretty obvious: ObjectFactory contains the map from std::string to object creator function. Then all objects to be created shall be registered in this factory. I use the following macro to do that: #define REGISTER_CLASS(cla...

Library implementation pitfalls

What practices should developers avoid when implementing libraries? For example, libraries should not use the following (or default usage should be disabled): System.err System.out exception.printStackTrace System.exit The developer of an application needs full control over the text that is presented to the user (language being one r...

Constant reference to temporary object

Let's say there is a function like void SendToTheWorld(const Foo& f); and I need to preprocess Foo object before sending X PreprocessFoo(const Foo& f) { if (something) { // create new object (very expensive). return Foo(); } // return original object (cannot be copied) return f; } Usage Foo foo; SendToT...

Implementation work in networking to be done as thesis

I am planning to do an implementation project as my one year MTech thesis, can you help me find some places to find any good work to be implemented ? I already looked into Tor, nmap and some other opensource projects involved in GSOC. Can you please direct me to other opensource work going on in networking where I may find some work to b...

Java - Reference implementations vs 3d party vendor provided ones

Dealing with Java - which the option you prefer in the most cases - reference impl. of some technology or another one, provided by any other vendor? Some examples - there is Glassfish server, which is basically official reference implementation of the JEE. However, i really seldom see people use that. Jboss, some free Apache projects re...

How might I add and calculate a "total" column using JavaScript?

Some time ago, people here helped me very well with code. Now I'm tasked with adding a small function: I really like to count the winning numbers which are defined in picks. Can somebody explain/edit the code for adding a extra column behind the last column with the total of green/winning numbers? Here is the website: http://www.cold...

Extract min implemetation for heap in c++

I need to implement extract min for heap(in c++ if possible), could not get this method from STL heap. ...

Implementing the View in MVC or MVP (in PHP)

I've experienced first hand the extent of the horror and foot-shooting that the ugliness of PHP can cause. I'm onto my next project (you may be wondering why I'm not just switching languages but that's not why I'm here) and I've decided to try doing it right, or at least better, this time. I've got some models defined, and I've started ...

ERP implementation Process

Are there any good resources to develop a good understanding of ERP implementation process. (may be websites,books or case studies) By the way I have gone through some Harvard case studies and referred to some ERP books but I am not satisfied. Thanks ...

Best practices to reflect the software design in the implementation

I'm concerned about best practices that help reflecting the design of the software system in the implementation. Simple example may be naming: The names of the structures and identifiers should be equal. Do you have any advices o this? ...

Cocoa: Incomplete implementation of class 'Driver'

Hi! In advance: sorry for the noob question but I'm learning Cocoa & Objective-C and I have this problem on which I've been searching for a complete hour. It'll be very nice if someone could find the problem! Here's my two files: Driver.m #import "Driver.h" @implementation Driver - (int)go:(BOOL)distance { if (distance) { return ...

kdtree implementation C++

Any recommendations for a C/C++ kd-tree? I'm looking for an existing implementation which the poster hopefully has worked with or has heard good things about. Also, I need to use this kd-tree to do a 1/2-NN search. ...

Looking for a particular Common Lisp implementation

I'm looking for a Common Lisp implementation I ran across once, sometime in the past year or two. I only remember a few things, and I don't know how to search for it based on these facts, so maybe somebody here can help. it was open-source, but wasn't one of the big ones (SBCL, CMUCL, MCL, etc.) it was likely incomplete; it looked alm...

What does it mean to program to a interface?

I keep hearing the statement on most programming related sites: Program to an interface and not to an Implementation However I don't understand the implications? Examples would help. EDIT: I have received a lot of good answers even so could you'll supplement it with some snippets of code for a better understanding of the sub...