
How to update Select menu with AJAX w/out <div> inside form

Hey all, I am using an ajax call to update a select menu. The ajax call puts the list into my select menu by running from a different .php file. Here is the JS insertion snippet: if (req.status == 200) { document.getElementById('countydiv').innerHTML=req.responseText; } else { alert("There was a problem while using XM...

innerHTML in IE?

I'm having trouble using innerHTML with my radio type button. <table align="center"> <div class='main'> <span id="js" class='info'> <label><input type="radio" name="js" value="0" size="<?php echo $row['size']; ?>" onclick="js(this.value, this.size);" /><img src="arrowup.png"/></label> <br /> <label><input type="radio" name=...

Firefox extensions & XUL: get page source code

I am developing my first Firefox extension and for that I need to get the complete source code of the current page. How can I do that with XUL? ...

CSS/JavaScript: get user-visible text of an element

Suppose I have the following HTML: <div id="test"> <span style="display:inline;">foo</span> <span style="display:none;">bar</span> <span style="display:inline;">baz</span> </div> .. is there some way in JavaScript for me to get the output "foo baz" (not "foo bar baz")? $('test').textContent returns the latter, and innerHTML doe...

Trouble outputting full list of numbers using innerHTML

Hi, the following is code to create a sequential list of numbers from 1 to 10. I'd like to take this list and output in the div "pagination" using innerHTML. However, when I execute the script, the only thing that is outputted is the number 10. When I overwrite the page using document.write instead, it outputs the whole list. Can som...

How to speed up the reading of innerHTML in IE8?

I am using JQuery with the DataTable plugin, and now I have a big performnce issue on the following line. aLocalData[jInner] = nTds[j].innerHTML; // jquery.dataTables.js:2220 I have a ajax call, and result string in HTML format. I convert them into HTML nodes, and that part is ok. var $result = $('<div/>').html(result).find("*:first"...

Jquery Events dont work after ajax/innerHtml

i have many events such as $('.hidefile').click(function (event) { On page load and on certain conditions i use ajax to get the html for a certain div and fill it in with .html(htmlstring). It took me forever but i notice that the events do not work when i do this. How do i fill the div with html and have the jquery events work with i...

Problem with changing td's html in JQuery.

I want to change text in table td from 1,1,1 to 1,2,3 with jQuery But it not seem to work. what is wrong in my code? This is my JavaScript function. function reorder(targetId){ var i = 1; jQuery.find(targetId).each(function(){ jQuery(this).attr("innerHTML", i); i ++; }); } My ht...

Jquery html() and self closing tags

While creating self contained elements with Jquery html() the following issue happens: $('#someId').html('<li><input type="checkbox" /></li>') will create <li><input type="checkbox"></li> It closes correctly the <li> tag but not the <input> It seems its an issue from innerHtml which is used in the html() function. I have looked ...

IE innerHTML chops sentence if the last word contains '&' (ampersand)

I am trying to populate a DOM element with ID 'myElement'. The content which I'm populating is a mix of text and HTML elements. Assume following is the content I wish to populate in my DOM element. var x = "<b>Success</b> is a matter of hard work &luck"; I tried using innerHTML as follows, document.getElementById("myElement").inner...

InnerHTML IE 8 doesn't work properly? Resetting form.

Yeah this works in FF and Chrome, but for some reason wont work in IE 8. I'm using a radio button to clear a section of a form.. that section is a select box, but I don't want to leave the area empty - instead I want to reset it to what it was when the page loaded. At the moment IE8 is just leaving me with an empty small select box. Htm...

How can I tell when changes to jquery html() have finished ?

I'm using jQuery to change the HTML of a tag, and the new HTML can be a very long string. $("#divToChange").html(newHTML); I then want to select elements created in the new HTML, but if I put the code immediately following the above line it seems to create a race condition with a long string where the changes that html() is making may...

HTML Agility Pack - ReplaceNode doesn't change the InnerHTML of the Body

Hi there, I have this The body: <body><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent leo leo, ultrices eu venenatis et, rutrum fringilla dolor.</p></body> The code: HtmlNode body = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); Dictionary<HtmlNode, HtmlNode> toReplace = new Dictionary<HtmlNode, HtmlNode>(); /...

Executing <script> elements inserted with .innerHTML

I've got a script that inserts some content into an element using innerHTML. The content could for example be: <script type="text/javascript">alert('test');</script> <strong>test</strong> Problem is that the code inside the <script> tag doesn't get executed. I googled it a bit but there were no apparent solutions. If I inserted the c...

Javascript dom tree modification

Hi all, Whats the wayto modify the "body" of a dom tree like this using javascript: Original htm: <html> <head></head> <body> blah blah blah </body> </html> Modified html: <html> <head> </head> <abc> <body> blah blah blad </body> </abc> </html> That is, I wish to put the whole body node inside another node. The code I...

JavaScript: 'textarea.value' not working in IE?

Hi! A few hours ago, I was instructed how to style a specific textarea with JS. The following piece of code (thanks again, Mario Menger) works like a charm in Firefox but unfortunately nothing happens in Internet Explorer (7 tested only so far). var foo = document.getElementById('HCB_textarea'); var defaultText = 'Your message here'; fo...

javascript innerHTML without childNodes?

hi all im having a firefox issue where i dont see the wood for the trees using ajax i get html source from a php script this html code contains a tag and within the tbody some more tr/td's now i want to append this tbody plaincode to an existing table. but there is one more condition: the table is part of a form and thus contains che...

Remove all styles from dynamic label in

I have a label and I got some text from database. text format like: Windows Server 2008 ...etc But sometimes there are different fonts or something like style. How can I remove all of them quickly? I know I can make it with replace command. But is there any quick way for it? ...

addEventListener gone after appending innerHTML

Okay, so i have the following html added to a site using javascript/greasemonkey. (just sample) *a id='abc'*HEllo*/a* *a id='xyz'*Hello*/a* (excuse me, i've had to replace the '<' '>' with * since hyperlinks for new users aren't allowed!) and i've also added a click event listener for the elements. All works fine up to this point, ...

SharePoint Designer - xmlHTTPRequest innerHTML

Hi, I have a sharepoint page that filters a data view from a query string in the address bar. I wanted to add further functionality by also returning back any of the files in the main sharepoint library that matches the query string in the address bar. I added a content editor webpart and I added a xmlHTTPRequest that imports the search...