
SQL Bulk Insert error 4863

Hey guys, I am trying to import some data to SQL Server 2008 by means of Bulk Insert, but I've been getting a ton of conversion errors: Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 5902, column 2 (Type). OK so first things first: a) the da...

DB2Command ExecuteNonQuery Insert multiple rows problem

I'm attempting to insert multiple rows into a DB2 database using C# code like this: string query = "INSERT INTO TESTDB2.RG_Table (V,E,L,N,Q,B,S,P) values" + "('lkjlkj', 'iouoiu', '2009-03-27 12:01:19', 'nnne', 'sdfdf', NULL, NULL, NULL)," + "('lkjlk2', 'iuoiu2', '2009-03-27 12:01:19', 'nnne2', 'sddf2', NULL, NULL, NULL)"; DB2Command cm...

Using Autonumbering in Access - INSERT statements

I'm having trouble running an INSERT statement where there's an autonumber as the PK field. I have an Auto-incrementing long as the Primary Key, and then 4 fields of type double; and yet Access (using ADO) seems to want five values for the insert statement. INSERT INTO [MY_TABLE] VALUES (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); >> Error: Number of query va...

asp:to add web control in table cell of table control (web control ).

i have inserted a table web control in a that table 's cells i want to insert other user control like label, panel .i am not able to do there any difference in normal table for layout and table web control.if it is.then how can i insert simple table in a panel. ...

Sqlite3: Disabling primary key index while inserting?

I have an Sqlite3 database with a table and a primary key consisting of two integers, and I'm trying to insert lots of data into it (ie. around 1GB or so) The issue I'm having is that creating primary key also implicitly creates an index, which in my case bogs down inserts to a crawl after a few commits (and that would be because the da...

SQL: Use the same string for both INSERT and UPDATE?

The INSERT syntax I've been using is this INSERT INTO TableName VALUES (...) The UPDATE syntax I've been using is UPDATE TableName SET ColumnName=Value WHERE ... So in all my code, I have to generate 2 strings, which would result in something like this insertStr = "(27, 'John Brown', 102)"; updateStr = "ID=27, Name='John Brown', I...

Why is my MySQL INSERT query inserting 3 identical rows?

I am trying to track what users are searching for on my site (from a simple search form on the front page) with PHP and MySQL. At the end of all my queries I am using this query: INSERT INTO `DiggerActivity_Searches` ( `SearchTerms`, `SearchType`, `NumResults`, `Location`, `Date`, `Time` ) VALUES ( 'SearchKeywords', 'SearchTypes', 'Num...

Using Insert throws Exception on Datetime field

When trying to execute an Insert comment using the Insert CLass I get the following Exception: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. I am uing the following globalization settings: <globalization uiCulture="en-AU" culture="en-AU"/> And my date format is :"dd/mm/YYYY" ...

Possible to implement a manual increment with just simple SQL INSERT?

I have a primary key that I don't want to auto increment (for various reasons) and so I'm looking for a way to simply increment that field when I INSERT. By simply, I mean without stored procedures and without triggers, so just a series of SQL commands (preferably one command). Here is what I have tried thus far: BEGIN TRAN INSERT INT...

Linq To Sql - How to get # of inserted records.

How can I get the number of records that were inserted? Is there an easier way, with L2S, than count before and count after and taking the difference? ...

Microsoft Sql Management Studio, SQL Server Agent, Build a Insert Bulk with dynamic parameters.

Here is the syntax to start with (classified data omitted) BULK INSERT [dbName].[dbo].[data_200801] FROM '\\servername\wwwroot\path\Files\data_200904.csv' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ';', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ); This works fine as one of the step of the job. Where I hit a wall is that I need the file name...

VS2005/VS2008 DataSet designer, insert a row into a table that has an autogenerated guid column

Hello all, I have a strongly typed DataTable created with the VS2005/VS2008 DataSet designer. The table has a Primary Key column that is a guid, which gets populated by SQL server. The problem is when I want add a row (or multiple rows) to my DataTable and then call the DataAdapter.Update method (passing in the DataTable). When DataA...

Insert similar data into two tables

Hello all.. I have the following code I use to insert form data into a single table in my db.` function insert_interests($uid, $interests) { /* first, we'll delete any entries this user already has in the table */ purge_lookup("jss_users_interests_table", $uid); /* now create the sql insert query */ global $db; $db->query(create_chec...

Best way to get PK Guid of inserted row

Hi all, I've read this question about getting the identity of an inserted row. My question is sort of related. Is there a way to get the guid for an inserted row? The table I am working with has a guid as the primary key (defaulted to newid), and I would like to retrieve that guid after inserting the row. Is there anything like @@IDE...

Getting new IDs after a bulk insert in SQL Server 2008

I'm inserting a bunch of new rows into a table which is defined as follows: CREATE TABLE [sometable]( [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [someval] sometype NOT NULL ) using the following insert: insert into sometable select somefield as someval from othertable when I've finished, I'd like to know the IDs of all the newly in...

Using Select Statement from 1 database to insert into another database using VB .NET

Hi, I am currently writing a VB .NET application where I am trying to open 1 database, create a select statement and then post the results into another database file using Microsoft Access database 2003. The code seems to stop executing at the statement cmdJetDB.ExecuteNonQuery() I am using the following code: Dim conn1 As OleDbConne...

Why isn't this INSERT with DATEDIFF statement working right?

INSERT INTO timecrunch.dbo.intervals (IntervalID, Duration) SELECT ixInterval, DATEDIFF(hour, dtStart, dtEnd) FROM fogbugz.dbo.TimeInterval WHERE dtEnd is not NULL IntervalID is an int, Duration is a float I am trying to put all the hourly durations into the Duration column... I assume that even if it is less than an hour it will use...

MySQL - ignore insert error: duplicate entry

I am working in PHP. Please what's the proper way of inserting new records into the DB, which has unique field. I am inserting lot of records in a batch and I just want the new ones to be inserted and I don't want any error for the duplicate entry. Is there only way to first make a SELECT and to see if the entry is already there before...

NHibernate, one-to-one mapping, cascade insert

I have a one-to-one relationship between a Company class and a CompanySettings class. When I create a new Company object, (a CompanySettings object is created in Company's constructor for its Settings property), and then SaveOrUpdate(session, companyObject) I expect the INSERT to cascade from the Company to the CompanySettings. Howeve...

insert html after

Hello, my question is the following what would be the best way to insert a div container and the next one after the last inserted one <div class="pane"> <div class="inhoud"> <h3>Sample heading</h3> <p>Testbericht. </p></div> <form id="noteform" class="frm"> <input type="image" src="images/kn_verwijder.gif" alt="delete" cl...