
Why would ASP.NET not be able to find asp:UpdateProgress ?

Basically I am upgrading from 1.1 to .NET 3.5 SP1 and replacing an old .NET 1.1 WebForms application with its newer .NET 3.5 version. I run the .net 3.5 sp1 installer (dotnetfx35setup.exe) I run the crystal reports redistributable installer I set up a new application pool I set up a new website using the directory with the new files, u...

Installing IIS on windows 2003 without the windows CD

Ihave a server that I need to install IIS on - however I don't have the windows 2003 CD available. It prompts me to insert the CD labeled "Service Pack 2 CD-ROM" - I've downloaded the service pack and it's not able to find the file it needs in there. How can I get IIS to install w/o the windows CD? ...

Why can't I install SQL Server SP1 (KB968369)?

Hi, I have a Windows Server 2008 x64 machine. I have the "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (KB968368)" as an "optional" update available from Windows Update. I choose to install it, my computer installs it for a while, I restart, and that update is available again. Why doesn't my computer install it? Thank you. ...

How to install Open Type Fonts using Wix

Hi All, I want to install a set of Open Type Fonts as part of my msi istallation, I am using Wix to create the msi. Any advice? ...

Best PHP download to keep all my options open?

In the past, I used WAMPserver on windows to parse PHP for me. This is a pre-configured package, focussed on working with MySQL. When I tried to run PostgreSQL, I got error messages that said that my version of PHP wasn't compiled to work with PostgreSQL. So, I've recently uninstalled WAMP and every associated with it. I've downloaded ...

Installing RPM Dependencies

Hi, I am trying to install dbus-1.1.2-12.el5.i386 but I get the error " dbus-libs = 1.1.2-12.el5 is needed by dbus-1.1.2-12.el5.i386" :-( So I downloaded "dbus-libs-1.1.2-12.el5.i386.rpm" in the same directory and ran the command rpm -ivh dbus-1.1.2-12.el5.i386 again, but I still got the same error. On searching on Forums I found t...

How to divide an NSIS script among developers?

I'd like to divide tasks for the development of a NSIS installer among a couple of developers. How can I physically organize the code? Do they have to edit and merge the single .nsi script when they check into SVN? Is it possible to divide NSIS scripts into modular, separate files? This would be ideal. Thanks! ...

Create drag-drop graphic when installing OS X application from dmg

A lot of applications on the mac show a little graphic when the installer DMG is initially opened - the graphic basically allows you to drag and drop the app in that window without having to do it in finder (I'm not talking about package manager here). Any idea if there's a standard way to create that type of experience? ...

Are there any USB stick runnable, no-install, cross platform software frameworks (with GUI)?

Does anyone know of a good software development framework or similar that has the following properties? Cross platform: it should be runnable on XP, Vista, OSX and common versions of Linux (such as Ubuntu and Kubuntu). No installation: Be able to run the software from a USB stick without having to copy anything to the host machine. Hav...

Change Default Install Directory of Visual Studio 2008

I would like to install Visual Studio 2008 on a PC with an existing VS2005 install. Due to the lack of space on my C: drive, I would like to install VS2008 on my D: drive. Is this possible? Note: I have reinstalled all trivial applications on my D: drive, and have cleared as much space as possible on the C: drive. Due to the fact t...

Unable to have full-screen in Mac's Xmonad

I installed the newest X11. I run the following command unsuccessfully after sourcing ~/.profile $exec /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc I get a message Screen is terminating and I do not see any evidence of XMonad. I run the command the second time, and I get zsh: permission denied: /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc Process completed...

SQL 2005 express with 2008 express compatibility

I installed VS 2008 without SQL 2005, then I installed SQL 2008, then I needed 2005 express so I reinstalled VS checking the SQL feature. The installation went OK, however I still cannot open mdf files from VS. I think there is no 2005v instance installed. When I dbl-click an mdf file in VS I get the following message: Connections to SQ...

Installing/registering win32 OpenSSL libraries (distributed with my app)

My application depends on OpenSSL libraries (through Qt networking modules; you can't compile it into Qt statically, because of legal issues) There's this project - Win32 OpenSSL Seems like all I need is to copy the two dlls into System32 and register them. copy ssleay32.dll %WINDIR%\System32\ssleay32.dll copy libeay32.dll %WINDIR%\S...

ClickOnce installing old assemblies from cache

Hi, I'm using ClickOnce for installing MyApp written in C#. Everything worked fine till last update after which start of MyApp ends with error saying "Could not load file or assembly MyAssembly... HRESULT: 0x80131040". After some research I've found that there is an old version of MyAssembly located in MyApp's ClickOnce cache folder (...

Get installed applications in a system.

How to get the applications installed in the system using c# code? ...

Unable to install Meld by MacPorts

I found that other people too have had trouble in installing Meld to Mac by MacPorts. I run sudo port install meld I get sudo port install meld ---> Activating shared-mime-info @0.60_0 Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: /opt/local/bin/update-mime-database already exists and does not belong to a registered...

What does 4: mean in g++ apt-get install version string?

On EasyPeasy 1.1 (for mini notebooks) derived from Ubuntu I installed g++ using apt-get: $ apt-get install g++ One of the lines displayed was: Setting up g++ (4:4.3.1-1ubuntu2) ... What the does "4:" mean? $ g++ --version g++ (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu12) 4.3.2 What is the relationship of the "4.3.1" in apt-get to the "4.3.2" g++ ver...

Making installation files

I need to make installation file (.exe), but is that possible with batch script and how? I made installation with some software (Deployment...) but I need to do that with script. I have all necessary files for my installation. Is that possible? Marko ...

SVN Checkout of drupal to another site

I'm trying to svn checkout into's public_html directory (site is not really named, but my repo is located on one of my other sites ( When I try to do this checkout: svn checkout file:///home/landonwinters/svn/treeoil/trunk . But I get an error that reads: svn: Unable to open an ra_local se...

oracle 10g xe install on ubuntu. problems logging in and creating database

objective: to install oracle 10g xe on ubuntu. method followed problem: The installation went fine and at 1 point it asked me for a password for the system account and I gave it lets say 'securepassword' that. Now, I have 2 problems: I want to create a database. There is ...