
How can I get the deviceid of the device on which my aplication has got installed?

Hi all, How can I get the device-id of the iPhone on which my application's got installed immediately after installation? Is PUSH_NOTIFICATION the answer? Thanx in advance. ...

Installing services remotely

Is there a way to install services remotely, without necessarily resorting to .msi packages or full-blown installers? I'm currently using a method similar to the one discussed here: to install a service locally, and it works fine. However, ...

Problem in Ruby Gems Source Installation..

I get the following error while performing the following commmand of adding rubygems.orgs as the gem source. I am having Windows XP. C:\>gem source --add Error fetching SocketError: getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname. (http://r Please help me out ...

How to install/upgrade Lisp libraries on Debian

I recently discovered that some of my favorite libraries have been removed from Debian, e.g., Hunchentoot: For a while now most Common Lisp projects do not do releases anymore, our plan is to move to proving a cl-build like environment inside debian I've looked at the mailing lists and Debian Common Lisp homepage and not found an...

Problem during SQLite3 installation on Windows XP

As shown in a blog I followed the instructions of setting up SQLite3 on my Windows, but after I pasted the necessary files in Bin folder of Ruby, which I downloaded from, I get the following error when I use the following commmands: C:\gem install sqlite3-ruby --version=1.2.3 ERROR: http://rubygems....

Installing ruby gems fails when attempting to build native

So I decided that I was going to give Ruby (first 1.9.1, then 1.8.7) a try and I wanted to get the basic tools installed before I attempted to do too much. I have begun to install some gems, and I have run into some issues when I attempt to install one which builds native code on windows 7. I was attempting to install the ruby debugge...

how to install ffmpeg to thumbnails from video stream in php

i have to generate thumbnail from video but i have no idea how to start i have downloaded the different ffjmeg but i have not been able to install it in order to use for thumbnailing can some one help ? plz ...

Problem in SQLite3 installation...

The following error comes up: C:\gem>gem install sqlite3-ruby --local Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing sqlite3-ruby: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb checking for #include <sqlite3.h> ... no sqlite3.h is missing. Install SQLite3 from htt...

CF - Starting application after installing it on device

Hello In my setup.dll i have the folowing: #include "stdafx.h" #include "ce_setup.h" TCHAR Message[] = _T("TERMS & CONDITIONS\r\n ") _T("Do you agree to terms? \r\n"); codeINSTALL_INIT Install_Init ( HWND hwndParent, BOOL fFirstCall, BOOL fPreviouslyInstalled, LPCTSTR pszInstallDir ) { if (!fFirstCall || ::Me...

Installing Boost on Unix...can't unzip boost library

I am trying to install Boost on an unix cluster machine following the Boost instructions I downloaded boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2 and was then instructed to execute the following command: tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2 However it didn't work and this is the output I get: tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2 ...

Discrepancy in Number of Tables in Database of each Magento Installation of same Version

I am currently using Magento version For different clients, when I install this same version of Magento, I get different number of tables in database of each of the clients. I think the normal total number of tables is 267, but this prediction may be incorrect. Please correct my statement or mention, regarding the default num...

Joomla(1.5) templates wont appear on the interface when i add add the folder in the /teplates directory

I tried installing via the interface but it said that the package i waas trying to install wasnt found. I also tried puting the extracted folder in the templates/ folder but still nothing. I tried reinstalling Joomla all over again but with no luck. I am suspecting that the problem has something to do with mysql but i cannot confirm that...

How to install PHP Kohana framework?

I would like to install Kohana PHP framework. The site is on a shared web hotel. I have tried to follow the instructions on Kohana's website. Downloaded the latest stable realse ( Unzipped the file to create a kohana directory Uploaded the folder to my shared hosting website. opened the url application/bootstrap.php ...and here...

How do I create keyboard shortcuts programmatically in KDE ?

Hello, I am able to create keyboard shortcuts for Ctrl-F1 and Ctrl-F2, making them launch a script, using the Control Center interface, Input Actions section. The platform of interest is KDE 3.5 on CentOS 5 at present, but 4.x is also of less immediate interest. What I need, however, is to create the same shortcuts from a shell script, ...

Installing Eclipse

I am installing Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, my old copy went rogue and decided to act up. So clean install time! Yay! I downloaded the new version copied it to opt folder and extracted it, then ran it. For some reason I cant install any plugins due to some crap error*, and it doesn't have list of default plugins, i deleted my ...

How do you create an "empty" FitNesse site

I'm trying to start a blank FitNesse akin to what Uncle Bob did here: I'm using release 20100303 and I cannot find how to prevent an entire "Welcome to FitNesse" site to expand whenever I use the -d switch. Here's what I'm doing on Windows: java -jar fitnesse20100303/fitnesse.jar -e 0 -p 8888 -d content I'm ...

Warning: session_start() failed: No such file or directory

I'm trying to install berta (v 0.6.3b) a cms. and I get this error. The error seems to happen on line 75 of class.bertasecurity.php (view source code) What is wrong and how can I fix it? Thank you so much! Answer I added this to the class.bertasecurity.php file session_save_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/randomfolder/sessions'); ...

Multiple Python Installations of the same python version on a single computer

I want to install the new Python 2.7 on my Windows XP 32bit PC. having CDO (thats OCD with initials sorted in alphabetical order) I want to install it multiple times on the same computer (to different TARGETDIRs). how do i do that ? double clicking on the installer, or running msiexec multiple times did not work for me Coincidentally,...

Why aren't the Python 2.7 command-line tools located in `/usr/local/bin` on Mac OS X?

The Python 2.7 installer disk image for Mac OS X (python-2.7-macosx10.5.dmg) states: The installer puts the applications in "Python 2.7" in your Applications folder, command-line tools in /usr/local/bin and the underlying machinery in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework. However, after installation there are no Python 2.7 files in...

Having troubles configuring PHP to work with mySQL

I'm venturing out of the world of .NET and into the world of open-source. However, I've hit a few roadblocks while trying to get my development environment set up. And I'm kind of stuck on the most recent one. I have installed: Apache 2.2, php 5.3.2, and mySQL 5.1.48 everything is working pretty much; apache is serving up PHP pages, ...