
Writing 64 bit int value to NSOutputStream

I'm having trouble communicating position coordinates to a set of motors I have connected on the network. I can send a string just fine, and receive text back from the motor, but I can't seem to send it an int value. Using NSlog I have determined that the actual value I'm sending is correct, however I suspect my method of sending it via...

difference between "long" and "long int", abs & labs

This is probably just an inconsistency of notation at, but is there a difference between "long int" and "long" types in C++? says that abs takes inputs of types "int" and "long", whereas labs uses "long int". I assume that this is basically a typo. If so, then is the only difference between abs and labs tha...

Are MySQL datetime and timestamp fields better for PHP apps then Unix timestamp ints?

I was reading over an article that shows some really good information and benchmarks about how well the three different MySQL date/time storage options perform. MySQL DATETIME vs TIMESTAMP vs INT performance and benchmarking with MyISAM While reading the article you start to get the idea that using ints are just a waste and you should...

how to convert an integer value to a specific ascii character in c++

I'm new to C++ and I'm trying to do something that should be pretty basic. I have a small loop in C++ that just displays a sequence of numbers and I would like to convert these numbers into specific ASCII characters. Something like this: for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { display(65+k); } And the result should look like t...

R.string.value Help android notification

whats the deal with CharSequence contentTitle = R.string.value; Error cannot convert from int to CharSequence. Is there a way around this or am i missing something? i tried String s = R.string.value + ""; CharSequence contentTitle = s; it returns integers values. Any help? ...

Trying to change image using int

Hi, I have this code: - (IBAction)next { static int index = 0; // <-- here index++; // Set imageCount to as many images as are available int imageCount=16; if (index<=imageCount) { NSString* imageName=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"img%i", index]; [picture setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: imageName]]...

C# Converting a string containing a floating point to an integer

What is the best way to take a string which can be empty or contain "1.2" for example, and convert it to an integer? int.TryParse fails, of course, and I don't want to use float.TryParse and then convert to int. Thanks! ...

How to perform an action after a moving UIImage reaches a specific point

i am trying out a pong game to start out developing games on the the iphone and i've got everything moving but i need to implement the scoring and make the ball return to the center of the screen this is the code i have currently in the touchesBegan method: if( >=444) { computerScore=computerScore+1; compute...

Differences between 0x01 and 0x01f

I'm looking at the original source code for Identicons. There's a bit of code that does some bit twiddling to extract red, green and blue components: int blue = (code >> 16) & 0x01f; int green = (code >> 21) & 0x01f; int red = (code >> 27) & 0x01f; The code variable is a 32 bit integer. My question is this: What's the difference be...

maximum float in python

Hi, I think the maximum integer in python is available by calling sys.maxint, whereas the maximum float or long, what is it? ...

c++ uint , unsigned int , int

Hi i have a program that deals alot with vectors and indexes of the elements of these vectors , and I was wondering : is there a difference between uint and unsigned int which is better to use one of the above types or just use "int" as I read some people say compiler does handle int values more efficiently , but if i used int i will ...

Convert String to Int Objective-C?

Hello! Really basic iPhone Objective-C question. I'm trying to extract a string (which is really a int) from an array and then use it as an int in a function. I'm trying to convert it to a int using intValue. Here's the code I've been trying. NSArray *_returnedArguments = [serverOutput componentsSeparatedByString:@":"]; [_appDeleg...

What is the size of a Nullable<Int32>?

So, a couple of questions, actually: An int (Int32) is specified to be (obviously) 32 bits. What about an int? (Nullable<int>)? My gut tells me that it would be 32 bits for the integer plus 8 more bits for the boolean, but perhaps the implementation is more intricate than that. I would have answered my own question using sizeof(int?); ...

LINQ to XML .Count() method returning HEX? How to Convert it to Int?

I am having a problem converting a value to int. I ran this query to count number of tags in xml file var items = (from category in xml.Descendants("category") where category.Attribute("id").Value != "0" select category).Count(); it is returning me this 0x00000002 when i am expecting...

Converting an integer into English Words using C#.Net

hi.. can anybody help me to debug this... i have the following errors when executing the bolow code.. Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'long' Error 2 The name 'inputNum' does not exist in the current contex protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var englishTranslation = IntegerT...

validate int which exceeds PHP_INT_MAX value (2147483647) in zend framework

Any workaround to validate an int field which exceeds PHP_INT_MAX (2147483647 on 32 bit) value? The code I am using in Zend framework is: 'int_input' => array( 'allowEmpty' => true, 'Zend_Validate_Int', array('Zend_Validate_Between',0,4000000000), 'message' => 'Int must be between 1 and 4,000,000,000.' ...

Converting an int array to a String array

So I have this "list" of ints. It could be a Vector, int[], List<Integer>, whatever. My goal though is to sort the ints and end up with a String[]. How the int array starts out as is up in the air. ex: Start with:{5,1,2,11,3} End with: String[] = {"1","2","3","5","11"} Is there anyway to do this without a for loop? I have a for ...

C# int byte conversion

Why is byte someVar; someVar -= 3; valid but byte someVar; someVar = someVar - 3; isnt? ...

How to check if "set" in c

If I allocate a C array like this: int array[ 5 ]; Then, set only one object: array[ 0 ] = 7; How can I check whether all the other keys ( array[1], array[2], …) are storing a value? (In this case, of course, they aren't.) Is there a function like PHP's isset()? if ( isset(array[ 1 ]) ) ... ...

SQL convert int to time

I have a database that displays time as an integer. However I am wanting to output this into a report with the correct format. This is the format that I would like to change: eg. 183000 would become 18:30 500 would become 00:05 160000 would become 16:00 and so on. I have had a look and CAST and CONVERT but not succefully manage...