
[[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] always null

As per the title. Calling [[UIDevice currentDevice] BeginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications] has no effect. DidRotateToInterfaceOrientation etc events are working fine, but I need to be able to poll the device orientation arbitrarily. How can I fix/do this? The long story: I have a tab application with a navigation controller on...

Rotate UIViewController to counteract changes in UIInterfaceOrientation

Hi there, I've been searching a lot on this, and can't find anything to help me. I have a UIViewController contained within another UIViewController. When the parent UIViewController rotates, say from Portrait to LandscapeLeft, I want to make it look as though the child didn't rotate. That is to say. I want the child to have the same or...

iPhone Orientation Relayout From Single Column to Double Column

I am trying to create a UIView in Interface Builder that shows to the user two boxes containing some text. This UIView should support both landscape and portrait modes. When in portrait orientation, the two boxes should be centered horizontally and be under each other. Like in the picture below: But when in landscape orientation, it s...

iPad launch orientation not detected

I have an iPad app that works correctly except for an odd issue during launch. I've read several questions & answers regarding orientation, but this still has me stumped. The root view controller is a UITabBarController with 3 tabs. Two of the tabs are have custom view controllers (one based off of UIViewController, the other off of UIT...

UITabBar in iPad - Won't go into landscape mode with more than 2 items

I created a new project and selected the Tab Bar template for iPad. I opened it up in Interface Builder and added 4 more items, bringing the total items to 6. I did a build and run and it opened up fine in the iPad simulator, but it wouldn't go into landscape! I then backtracked in interface builder and found that it would go landscape i...

Can’t tap button after interface rotation

Hello! I’ve got a view that has to be presented both in landscape and portrait. The transition between different orientations is done by repositioning and resizing the subviews. One of the subviews is a button (plain UIButton with an image background). When the interface rotates to landscape, the button starts misbehaving – it can only b...

How to rotate from portrait to landscape?

How to rotate from portrait to landscape? What would I have to implement? And what must I do that my views resize to the new width? ...

Handling Orientation with Multiple Windows on iPad

I have a iPad application which goes between two states, one using a SplitView the other a TableView. Currently I have a single UIWindow object, and switch between views with the following code -(void) switchToStateA { [viewControllerB.view removeFromSuperview]; [window addSubview:viewControllerA.view]; } -(void) switchToStateB { [view...