
HTML form default values override actual values at post time in Internet Explorer 9

I am just testing the brand new Internet Explorer 9 Beta with my website. I see a weird behaviour for some form values and I am not sure if it is my mistake or a bug in IE9. What do you think? I have one form which declares several hidden input fields like this <input type="hidden" name="NewStatus" /> <input type="hidden" name="lastSav...

html5 tricks with the new Bing in IE9

Microsoft showed off some enhancements to in IE9. One is a html5/css3 trick that is referred to as an accordion. As the user scrolls down, links are first displayed as a stacked accordion and with more scrolling the summary text is displayed. you can see it midway through the video here:

Why does IE9 switch to compatibility mode on my website?

Hi, I have just installed IE9 beta and on a specific site I created (HTML5) IE9 jumps to compatibility mode unless I manually tell it not to. I have tried removing several parts of the website but no change. Including removing all CSS includes. On some other website of me it goes just fine. Also, don't set it manually because then IE9 ...

<base /> tag in IE9 beta

Is it just me, or IE9 fails with <base /> tag? first page is displayed correctly, if you go to /index.php, all is ok again, if site is used with SEO links, it fails, i.e. Tried with Compatibility View too, no success. Anyone else experiencing this problem, and (if yes), may...

Create IE Addons

I'm looking for a tutorial to make addons for IE 8 or 9. Can you provide me with a resource. Please, for the sake of peace and everything else, I already know I can make FF or Chrome addons. I want to make an IE addon. Thanks. ...

IE 8 & 9 not resizing container when width set in image.load

To see the issue go to this page and click the next text. The small, medium fullsize text will be off to the left (in IE8 or IE9, works fine in Chrome, FireFox) and will not be aligned with the left edge of the image. Code ( Line 154: ShowView.prototype.setImageSrc...

IE9: radio button selection fails with Infopath forms

After upgrading to IE9, InfoPath forms consistently fail on radio button selection. This occurrs even when using compatibility mode. ...

IE9 Beta: CSS features frozen? Multi-Column? Vendor Extensions?

Does anyone know authoritatively if the CSS feature set for IE9 is frozen as of IE9 Beta? I'm particularly wondering/disappointed about CSS multi-column. What I can't find on the Microsoft site is a current list (for IE9) of CSS vendor extensions with the -ms- prefix. Might be some of the basic multi-column features implemented there....

Why is IE9 displaying my HTML5 block level elements as inline?

Guys, Isn't HTML5 is supposed to work in IE9? It’s not working as expected for me. Here is my HTML5 code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title> Dripel - Welcome </title> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <![endif]--> </head> <body> <header>W...

IE9 Beta Support for localStorage

Does anyone know if current IE9 Beta fully supports HTML5 "localStorage" functionality? Normally the test for "localStorage" support can be done with js code just like: try { return ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } Well, it seems that this kind of test returns "true"...

ieframe.dll error while running silverlight application in IE9

I've recently updated my Internet Explorer version from 8 to 9. Now, I'm getting the following exception This is kind of weird. Following are the re-producing steps. Open a Silverlight application [Currently, using Silverlight 4]. Use Clean, Build and Run. [The above mentioned exception occurs] Now, again hit refresh in browser. [The...

How can I get debugging output from IE 9?

I am trying to make a website that uses the <canvas> element and Javascript to learn some new things. It works properly inside of Chrome and Firefox, but Internet Explorer 9 simply hangs on it. Neither Chrome nor Firefox give me any sort of error output in their consoles and IE9 just crashes without actually giving any debug output. Is...

developing with IE9 in mind.

I'm curious if there are any specific things that I should be aware of as a developer with IE9, there's no question that Microsoft um... "forgot" to add compatibility for things like web-sockets etc. But in terms of CSS, font rendering, and JavaScript what precautions do I need to take? ...

Is this a bug in IE9 Beta?

I have something like this in my web forms: <input type="hidden" name="myField" value="defaultValue" /> Later on, in some Javascript, I am overwriting the default value before I submit the page to the server. var formField = document.getElementsByName("myField")[0]; formField.setAttribute("value", "myNewValue"); var form = document...

IE9 selectSingleNode missing from beta, how to overcome this in JavaScript?

XMLDocument object in Internet Explorer 9 does not contain definition for selectSingleNode Xpath-based traversal anymore. Of course, I googled a little and came across this thread, where it is unsure is it missing by specification or by the fact it is still "in beta".

DrawToDC fails on IE9 web browser control

I have been using the following code to get a metafile vector image for the content of IWebBrowser2 control as following: IHTMLElement* pDocBody; IHTMLDocument2* pDoc; ... ... pDoc->get_body(&pDocBody); // get body element for IHTMLDocument2 pDocBody->get_parentElement(&pEleParent); pEleParent->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2,(v...

Internet Explorer 9 expected release date?

What would be an educated guess on the release date for Internet Explorer 9? Comparing release histories could indicate March 2011, though I don't know if there are other factors at play too. I'm asking t...

Is Flash ExternalInterface use possible in IE9 Beta?

I am trying to get our site to work in the Internet Explorer 9 Beta, and we make extensive use of Flash ExternalInterface, using Javascript to call functions exposed by our Flash movie with ExternalInterface.addCallback. I have seen some indication that others are having similar trouble: -

IE9 ignoring CSS for certain pages?

I have different sites being served up, essentially running off the same code. One page renders correctly, while the other appears to have no CSS available. When I bring up the IE9 developer console for the broken page, I see: SEC7113: CSS was ignored due to mime type mismatch So that explains why the pages render improperly, but the ...

Ajax.BeginForm + Updating entire page in IE9

I'm using MVC2 and have a telerik popup window in which I'm doing a search and wanting to display the search results in a second tab. I have my search form in the first tab, on post, I perform the search and have a partialview containing a telerik grid. This works perfectly in Chrome, but when I give it a go in IE9, it shows the search...