
VSTO install package How to check for prerequisites and skip them

I created Setup project for my Excel add-in project according to the article: Deploying a Visual Studio Tools for the Office System 3.0 Solution for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Using Windows Installer I add prerequisites such as 2007 Interop assemblies(Office2007PIA...

C# / IronPython Interop with shared C# Class Library

I'm trying to use IronPython as an intermediary between a C# GUI and some C# libraries, so that it can be scripted post compile time. I have a Class library DLL that is used by both the GUI and the python and is something along the lines of this: namespace MyLib { public class MyClass { public string Name { get; set; } ...

c#-excel interop - create chart on workbook as opposed to in a sheet

Using c# MS Excel interop library, I would like to programmatically create a new chart on the workbook, as opposed to on an a sheet. The code below allows me to create a chart on an existing _Worksheet (sheet). using using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; _Worksheet sheet; (assume this is a reference to a valid _Worksheet object) ...

Calling Java vararg method from Scala with primitives

I have the following code in Java: public class JavaClass { public static void method( Object x ) { } public static void varargsMethod( Object... x ) { } } When I try and access it from Scala, object FooUser { JavaClass.method(true) JavaClass.varargsMethod(true) // <-- compile error } I get the following comp...

What is the best way to interoperably serialize a message?

I'm considering message serialization support for spring-integration. This would be useful for various wire level transports to implement guaranteed delivery, but also to allow interoperability with other messaging systems (e.g. through AMQP). The fundamental problem that arises is that a message containing Java object in it's payload a...

JNBridge experiences

Has anyone here used JNBridge? If so, what is your experience? Is it better to use than JNI, or writing a Web service Java wrapper? ...

Get current Cursor Position in Word (VSTO)

Is there a way for a Word Add-In to get the current cursor position within the document/on screen (e.g. to display my own control next to it)? ...

Cannot obtain value of local or argument 'hwndSource' as it is not available at this instruction pointer

Hey Guys I'm playing around with Interops and I thought: "Hey let's code something that accesses the clipboard ..." so I googled and found some articles (yeah I'm doing it with WPF - .Net 3.5). However the following method generates an error (as seen in the title) and throws a stackoverflow. private void Window_SourceInitialized(objec...

Is there any implementation of .NET for Mac OS?

I know this might sound awful. Is there any implementation of .NET for Mac computers so I can write C++.NET apps for the library (like GTK+ etc.)? ...

DllImport Based on OS Platform

I have a mixture of unmanaged code ( backend) and managed code ( front end), as such, I would need to call the unmanaged code from my managed code, using interop techniques and DllImport attribute. Now, I've compiled two versions of unmanaged code, for both 32 and 64 bit OS; they are named service32.dll and service64.dll respectively. ...

Extract Bullets and Tables information in Word doc from c#

Hi All, I need to create an word document based on the template in c#. I have tags for only the paragraphs. Is there any way to replace the bullets and tables that are already available in the template based on the user input. I was able to replace the paragraph with input text using the Replace command in the Word InterOp. Need help ...

How to set the version number in VB.NET COM Interop DLL?

I'm writing a COM Interop DLL in VB.NET with VS2008. How to set the version number of the DLL generated by VS? ...

wpf interoperability extra buttons

Hi I'm developing an app that needs to have some backward compatibility. I have a form where I host the UserControl element. When i do that 2 extra buttons show from the middle of nowhere like navigation application. How to get rid off these? the gui was made in blend. Firstly i made a new project (WPF) and then i change it to WPF Us...

How to notify a Windows .net service from PHP on Linux?

I'm writing a service in C# on Windows which should be triggert by an PHP driven web frontend, which runs on Linux. Both processes share the same SQL Server 2005 database. There is no messaging middleware available atm. The PHP process inserts an row in a SQL Server table. The Windows process should read this entry and process it. I...

Hosting QT gui app within Java gui app

I have a gui app A, written in QT and another gui app B, written in Java. I wish to make app B the container of app A.I reparent windows in app A with windows in app B by passing proper handles to it. However, windows in app A dont get painted properly when app B is refreshed. Do I have to pass refresh events across to app A? Cant the ...

Replacing a C++ ActiveX component with a .NET implementation?

I have existing managed and unmanaged software using an ActiveX component supplied by a third party to perform some communications, but it is now required that this communication be routed through my application. Ideally I'd be able to install a .NET component which will expose exactly the same interface, and will be usable as a drop-in...

Loading a Win32 control in C# (specifically WPF)

I have written a set of Win32 dlls that encapsulate a Delphi Frame (see Snippet 1 below), and can load them into another Delphi program by loading the dll and assigning the right variables (Snippet 2). I now want to be able to do the same thing in C# (I can load the DLL in pinvoke, but am unsure how to connect up the control to the basic...

What concerns should I have when instantiating a .NET component in a VB6 application?

I just read through a 2002 article on MSDN called Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component to get a basic understanding of calling .NET objects from VB6 code. However, I still wondering what else I might be concerned about when referencing .NET objects from VB6 and if there's anything newer information than what was available when ...

Marshal.ReleaseComObject(...) issues

I use said invocation to release some Excel objects after I'm done. Is it necessary to set references to null afterwards (like in the following code) ? var dateCol = sheet1.get_Range("C4", "C" + rowOffset); dateCol.NumberFormat = "Text"; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dateCol); dateCol = null; ...

Possible to call a managed DLL from unmanaged C++?

Is it possible to call CLR DLL (one for example which is made with C#) from Undamaged C++ code? I need a DLL that is not managed to call into it somehow, maybe even via some proxy C++ process that is built with C++ / CLI? ...