
Python Reflection and Type Conversion

In Python, functions like str(), int(), float(), etc. are generally used to perform type conversions. However, these require you to know at development time what type you want to convert to. A subproblem of some Python code I'm trying to write is as follows: Given two variables, foo and bar, find the type of foo. (It is not known at ...

Is it possible to write to a python frame object as returned by sys._getframe() from python code running within the interpreter?

Apropos of This question, there is a bit of scaffolding within the interpreter to inspect frame objects, which can be retrieved by sys._getframe(). The frame objects appear to be read only, but I can't find anything obvious in the docs that explicitly states this. Can someone confirm whether these objects are writeable (in some way) or...

python: determine if a class is nested

Suppose you have a python method that gets a type as parameter; is it possible to determine if the given type is a nested class? E.g. in this example: def show_type_info(t): print t.__name__ # print outer class name (if any) ... class SomeClass: pass class OuterClass: class InnerClass: pass show_type_info(Some...

Python introspection: How to get an 'unsorted' list of object attributes?

The following code import types class A: class D: pass class C: pass for d in dir(A): if type(eval('A.'+d)) is types.ClassType: print d outputs C D How do I get it to output in the order in which these classes were defined in the code? I.e. D C Is there any way other than using inspect.getsour...

How do I access properties of a javascript object if I don't know the names?

Say you have a javascript object like this: var data = { Name: 'Property Name', Value: '0' }; You can access the properties by the property name: var name = data.Name; var value = data["Value"]; But is it possible to get these values if you don't know the name of the properties? Does the unordered nature of these properties make it...

Python: Why can't I modify the current scope within a function using locals()?

Why does creating/modifying a member of locals() not work within a function? Python 2.5 (release25-maint, Jul 20 2008, 20:47:25) [GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> # Here's an example of what I expect to be possible in a function: >>> ...

How do I get the filepath for a class in Python?

Given a class C in Python, how can I determine which file the class was defined in? I need something that can work from either the class C, or from an instance off C. The reason I am doing this, is because I am generally a fan off putting files that belong together in the same folder. I want to create a class that uses a Django template...

Is it possible to automatically derive the components of a cache-key in rails?

When generating cache-keys for rendered content in web applications, you have to take into account all variables that might change the result. In dynamic environments like rails these can be defined in different places: the controller, a model, the session or the server environment. And they can be referenced in the template, in a templa...

Class introspection in Common Lisp

Java's java.lang.Class class has a getDeclaredFields method which will return all the fields in a given class. Is there something similar for Common Lisp? I came across some helpful functions such as describe, inspect and symbol-plist after reading trying out the instructions in Successful Lisp, Chapter 10 (

Retrieving format string from Format object

In Java is there a way to retrieve the format string from a Format object (or any derived classes) In code: Format f = new DecimalFormat("$0.00"); System.out.println(???); Is there something I can use to get System.out.println(???); to print "$0.00". I looked at toPattern(); but that function doesn't appear in the abstract Format c...

Tips on a tool to measure code quality?

I'm looking for a tool that can provide code quality metrics. For instance it could report very long functions (spaghetti code) very complex classes (which could contain do-it-all code) ... While we're on the (subjective:-) subject of code quality, what other code metrics would you suggest? I'm targetting C#/.NET code, but I'm sure...

How do I find all the property keys of a KVC compliant Objective-C object?

Hello, Is there a method that returns all the keys for an object conforming to the NSKeyValueCoding protocol? Something along the lines of [object getPropertyKeys] that would return an NSArray of NSString objects. It would work for any KVC-compliant object. Does such a method exist? I haven't found anything in searching the Apple docs ...

How do I list available methods on a given object or package in Perl?

How do I list available methods on a given object or package in Perl? ...

Looping over a Python / IronPython Object Methods

What is the proper way to loop over a Python object's methods and call them? Given the object: class SomeTest(): def something1(self): print "something 1" def something2(self): print "something 2" ...

Finding out which functions are available from a class instance in python?

How do you dynamically find out which functions have been defined from an instance of a class? For example: class A(object): def methodA(self, intA=1): pass def methodB(self, strB): pass a = A() Ideally I want to find out that the instance 'a' has methodA and methodB, and which arguments they take? ...

How to access the parent class during initialisation in python?

How do I find out which class I am initialising a decorator in? It makes sense that I wouldn't be able to find this out as the decorator is not yet bound to the class, but is there a way of getting round this? class A(object): def dec(f): # I am in class 'A' def func(cls): f(cls) return func @dec...

How to getDefinitionByName of a packageless class in AS3?

Say you have a flexunit test that looks like this: package foo { import flexunit.framework.TestCase; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName; class DescribeTypeTest { public function testDescribeInnerType():void { var currentInstance:ChildBar = new ChildBar(); ...

What is the VB equivalent of Java's instanceof and isInstance()?

In the spirit of the c# question.. What is the equivalent statements to compare class types in VB.NET? ...

How do I look inside a Python object?

I'm starting to code in various projects using Python (including Django web development and Panda3D game development). To help me understand whats going on, I would like to basically 'look' inside the Python objects to see how they tick - like their methods and properties. So say I have a Python object, what could would I need to print o...

Spy++ for PowerBuilder applications

Hi, I'm trying to write a tool which lets me inspect the state of a PowerBuilder-based application. What I'm thinking of is something like Spy++ (or, even nicer, 'Snoop' as it exists for .NET applications) which lets me inspect the object tree (and properties of objects) of some PowerBuilder-based GUI. I did the same for ordinary (MFC-...