
className and isKindOfClass messages sent to an object

Hi, I have following piece of code NSMutableArray *mutArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [mutArray addObject: [NSProcessInfo processInfo]]; [mutArray addObject: @"This is NSString Object"]; [mutArray addObject: [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString: @"1st Mutable String"]]; for (id element in mutArray){ NSLog(@" "); N...

How can I list the methods in a Python 2.5 module?

I'm trying to use a Python library written in C that has no documentation of any kind. I want to use introspection to at least see what methods and classes are in the modules. Does somebody have a function or library I can use to list the functions (with argument lists) and classes (with methods and member variables) within a module? I...

using soaplib to connect to remote SOAP server lacking definition

I am looking at the soaplib python module (it comes with standard ubuntu 9.04). I have used xmlrpclib extensively in the last years but now I am curious about soap. writing servers with soaplib is acceptably easy, I assume writing clients should be even easier. in my impatience I can't find a way to make use of introspection. do I re...

There a way to determine at runtime if an object can do a method in C++

In Perl, there is a UNIVERSAL::can method you can call on any class or object to determine if its able to do something: sub FooBar::foo {} print "Yup!\n" if FooBar->can('foo'); #prints "Yup!" Say I have a base class pointer in C++ that can be any of a number of different derived classes, is there an easy way to accomplish something si...

Python: List all base classes in a hierarchy

Given a class Foo (whether it is a new-style class or not), how do you generate all the base classes - anywhere in the inheritance hierarchy - it issubclass of? ...

Constructing Dynamic Properties at Runtime in VB .NET

Is there a way to dynamically create properties at runtime in VB .NET using introspection? e.g. Suppose I had a class Public Class Foo Public Property Bar() As String get ... end get set(ByVal value As String) ... end set End Class Is there a way to create property Bar at runtime? T...

How do I query Tcl about its version?

There must be an easy way to do this, but I can't find it. What command can I run within Tcl to get it to introspect and report the version of itself that is running? ...

Ruby String#to_class

Taken from a previous post with some modifications to respond to sepp2k's comment about namespaces, I have implemented String#to_class method. I'm sharing the code here and I do believe that it could be refactored someway specially the "i" counter. Your comments are appreciated. class String def to_class chain = self.split "::"...

Python object inspector ?

Hi, besides from using a completely integrated IDE with debugger for python (like with Eclipse), is there any little tool for achieving this: when running a program, i want to be able to hook somewhere into it (similar to inserting a print statement) and call a window with an object inspector (a tree view) after closing the window, t...

Can Python determine the class of a object accessing a method

Is there anyway to do something like this: class A: def foo(self): if isinstance(caller, B): print "B can't call methods in A" else: print "Foobar" class B: def foo(self, ref): class C: def foo(self, ref): a = A(); B().foo(a) # Outputs "B can't call methods in A...

Generating SWIG bindings with CMake

How would I generate automatic bindings for a C project that is built using CMake? I want to generate bindings for Python, Java, .NET, PHP, Perl, TCL, Ruby and Octave automatically. ...

Runtime Object Inspector for iPhone?

I'd like to be able to add a runtime object inspector to my iPhone app, mostly for debugging purposes. This would let me do something like: [inspector addObject:someObject]; and in my app, a view would appear that would let me browse and change the public properties of the object in question. Possibly it would work with a subset o...

How can I get the name of an object in Python?

Is there any way to get the name of an object in Python? For instance: my_list = [x, y, z] # x, y, z have been previously defined for bla in my_list: print "handling object ", name(bla) # <--- what would go instead of `name`? # do something to bla Edit: Some context: What I'm actually doing is creating a list of functions t...

Object Reflection

Does anyone have any references for building a full Object/Class reflection system in C++ ? Ive seen some crazy macro / template solutions however ive never found a system which solves everything to a level im comfortable with. Thanks! ...

Introspect postgresql 8.3 to find foreign keys

I'm trying to introspect a postgres 8.3 database to retrieve details of its foreign keys. Imagine I have the following schema: CREATE TABLE "a" ( "id" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE "b" ( "one" integer, "two" integer, "a_id" integer REFERENCES "a", PRIMARY KEY ("one", "two") ); CREATE TABLE "c" ( "id" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, "...

Ruby: Get list of different properties between objects

Helo, I am pretty new to Ruby (using 1.8.6) and need to know whether the following functionality is available automatically and if not, which would be the best method to implement it. I have class Car. And have two objects: car_a and car_b Is there any way I could do a compare and find what properties differ in one of the objects a...

Python logging using a decorator

This is the first example we meet when we face with decorators. But I'm not able to realize what exactly I would like. A simple decorator named LOG. It should work like this: @LOG def f(a, b=2, *c, **d): pass And the result should be something like: f(1, pippo=4, paperino='luca') ===== Enter f ===== a = 1 b = 2 pippo = 4 paperin...

How do I get the string representation of a variable in python?

I have a variable x in python. How can i find the string 'x' from the variable. Here is my attempt: def var(v,c): for key in c.keys(): if c[key] == v: return key def f(): x = '321' print 'Local var %s = %s'%(var(x,locals()),x) x = '123' print 'Global var %s = %s'%(var(x,locals()),x) f() The results are: Global va...

What is the issubclass equivalent of isinstance in python?

Given an object, how do I tell if it's a class, and a subclass of a given class Foo? e.g. class Bar(Foo): pass isinstance(Bar(), Foo) # => True issubclass(Bar, Foo) # <--- how do I do that? ...

Is there a good way of setting C/C++ member variables from string representations? (introspection-lite)

I've got a struct with some members that I want to be able to get and set from a string. Given that C++ doesn't have any introspection I figure I need some creative solution with macros, the stringize operator and maybe boost::bind. I don't need full serialization or introspection, more an 'introspection-lite' I'd like to have somethin...