
Invalid binary on iOs 4 app submission

I am trying to submit an iOs 4 binary and get "We do not accept applications built with this version of SDK" message. I build with XCode 3.2.3 iPhone 4 GM Seed iPhone 4 based SDK iPhone/iPad as a target family iPhone 3.0 as a target deployment family ...

How to parse the Manifest.mbdb file in an iOS 4.0 iTunes Backup

In iOS 4.0 Apple has redesigned the backup process. iTunes used to store a list of filenames associated with backup files in the Manifest.plist file, but in iOS 4.0 it has moved this information to a Manifest.mbdb You can see an example of this file by making a backup with your iOS 4.0 devices and looking in your ~/Library/Applicatio...

How do I support Fast App Switching in an iPhone App

I have an app that works well on iPhone OS 3.0 or higher. How do I support fast app switching in it? It should work as is on iPhone OS 3.0 but support fast app switch on iOS 4.0. Anupam ...

Gyroscope vs Accelerometer?

Now that iOS 4 is no longer NDA, I would like to know what Gyroscope has to offer over the Accelerometer for developers. Is there a difference in APIs? Other things? ...

A problem with Media Player base on iOS4 and deploy iOS3

when Run on Device 3.1.2, why it also pass if(NSClassFromString(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController") != nil) and do code of iOS4 then it will crash , how to fix this issues? if(NSClassFromString(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController") != nil) { // iOS 4 code NSLog(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController")...

downgrading iPhone 3GS iOS4 to OS3

hi Guys, I'm working on an iphone project for OS3.1.3. I updated my iPhone to iOS4 and now I can't test my project on my iPhone anymore. I tried downgrading but get "device not eligible" What should I do now? If I download latest XCode SDK4 will I be able to recreate my app so that it runs both on OS3 and OS4 ? It has no specific os...

iOS4 UIImagePickerController doesn't suport mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *) kUTTypeMovie] ?

In my application,I want to open the camera in Video mode.So I write the following codes - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { [window addSubview:viewController.view]; [window makeKeyAndVisible]; UIImagePickerController *ipc; ipc = [[UIImagePi...

Open Source Framework for Speech to Text on the iPhone

Does anyone know of a good framework for speech to text on the iPhone? I've tried using CMU's VocalKit, but it doesn't seem to be working very well for me. Any suggestions? ...

Weird iOS4 XCode framework error

Hey guys, I'm converting a OS3 application to the new iOS4 release. What I did was download the new XCode and the new SDK, and just opened the application. I clicked on the "Build & Run" and I'm getting an error that looks like this for every the Foundation, CoreGraphics and CoreLocation frameworks- warning: in /Developer/Platforms/iPh...

Core Data store disappears when app is removed from task list in 4.0

Under 4.0, my iOS application which uses Core Data loses all stored data when the application is suspended and subsequently removed from the background task list. Data persists fine between suspensions, but when the app is killed, there is no data on relaunch. Under 3.1, data persisted just fine between quits/relaunches of the app. Do...

Exit application in iOS 4.0

Before iOS4.0 clicking the home button on iPhone exits the application, and Apple had in their guide that programmatically exiting the application was not accepted. now everything changed in iOS4.0, clicking the home button puts your app in a suspended mode (multitasking).. and I think there should be a clear way for the user to exit th...

how to make Device 3.1.3 not pass if(NSClassFromString(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController") != nil) this condition

when Run on Device 3.1.2, why it also pass if(NSClassFromString(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController") != nil) and do code of iOS4 then it will crash , how to fix this issues? if(NSClassFromString(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController") != nil) { // iOS 4 code NSLog(@"MPMoviePlayerViewController"); MPMoviePlayerVi...

iOS 4 wireless app distribution for in house applications

According to the apple website iOS 4 should support wireless app distribution. I have been unable to find any documentation at all on how to host your applications for users to download them over wifi/3g. We are currently enrolled in the standard iphone dev program, as we don't have over 500 employees. Is this limited feature limited t...

iPhone app running Simulator 4.0 received Sigkill

I just got the iPhone SDK 4 and I'm trying to leave off developing an app I was working on before. So I implemented both -(void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application and - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application When I click the home button in the simulator 4.0, it seems to work okay. The app ...

iphone iOS4 breaking app

Hi all, I have an application that has been running fine since its launch over a year ago. I developed it with iphone iOS 2.2.1 originally and tested and kept selling it up until 3.2 without issues. Now it fails to launch with iOS4. the app uses a non standard size for a UIPickerView (I don't think that's the problem but just mention...


    Compiling for iOS 3.1.3, using xcode 3.2.3 (and iOS 4 that came with it)

    I've downloaded the final version (and never installed any beta versions before) of xcode 3.2.3 with sdk 4, and now I can't seem to find a way to compile my app for a 3.1.3 iOS. Does anybody know how can I do that ? ...

    How to set UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle textAlignment to center in iPhone iOS4?

    Since upgraded XCode to Version 3.2.3 with iPhone SDK 4 my code doesn't work anymore. I have a default cell with style UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle and want to set the textAlignment of textLabel and detailTextLabel to center, but nothing happens. Same code used before now not working anymore. On UITableViewCellStyleDefault center alignm...

    [iPhone SDK 4.0] Catch remote notification while application is in Background

    Is there a way to catch remote push notification while the application is "running" in Background ? I have implemented the delegate function didReceiveRemoteNotification, and would like it to catch the remote notification while the application is in Background in the new iPhone OS 4.0 The application is correctly in background, since i...

    iPhone UIWebView/ iOS 4 video/movie - Server issue?

    Hello, I have a UIWebView which loads videos from an external server. The code seems to be fine since it works when I try to host my videos on another server. Are there any changes since iOS 3.0 which the server didn't need to have? (Where it loaded without problems). The easiest way to test it is to load the url in the inbuilt Safari....