
How to connect openvpn point-to-point with both dynamic ips?

How i can connect openvpn point-to-point link with both dynamic IP? Yes, i know about dyndns, but i do not want to use it. Maybe by STUN server? ...

PHP getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') serious side effects?

Hi, I am trying to grab a users' IP address to show them content relevant to their geography. I used the php code $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); to grab their IP address. This works fine on my computer but my co-developer tried it and found that he was unable to connect to our site at all and got a "Host Not Accessible" error. He is una...

mod_Rewrite: Filter specific pages by IP and redirect them

Hi All, I am researching a way to work filtering specific pages by IP and redirect them on a different page. The code below, did not work properly. RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^/192.168.10.* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/support RewriteRule ^/.* http://www.yahoo.com/gone [R,NE] Once the link http://example.com/support has been accesse...

mod_Rewrite: Allow only one IP and redirect the rest to a certain error url?

I got a code that will match a certain block of IP and redirect them to another page. RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^192\.168\.10\..* RewriteRule ^/support http://www.yahoo.com/gone [R,NE,NC] However, how would I reverse this? to only allow one IP and redirect the rest to a certain url? ...

Problem with JSP getRemoteAddress

I would like to find out how to get IP address of the client, that is visiting my web pages. Content of JSP page: <% out.print( request.getRemoteAddr() + "<br>"); out.print( request.getRemoteHost() ); %> Output: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ...

Rails saving IP address with every create/update request

Hello, I'd like to do the following: define a before_filter in application.rb that extracts the user's IP address and stores it anywhere, preferably in the session. define two before filters in all my models as before_create and before_update that add the current user's IP to the object to be stored. Problem: I cannot access sess...

How to redirect an entire range/block of IP addresses with PHP?

Hello all, I'm using the following snippet to redirect an array of IP addresses. I was wondering how I would go about adding an entire range/block of IP addresses to my dissallowed array... <?php // Let's redirect certain IP addresses to a "Page Not Found" $disallowed = array(""); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(in_arra...

How to calculate the IP range when the IP address and the netmask is given?

When a IP-Range is written as aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/ I need to calculate the first and the last included ip address in this range with C#. Example: Input: Result: - ...

Python: Grab the A record of any URI?

I basically want to implement something where you can type in any URI ( I probably will only deal with http ) and I want to return the A record of the domain in the URI, I want the server's IP address. I know there's the ping command which most people use to look an ip address up, but I also know there's 'host' and 'dig' which are more...

How can I determine that user IP address is in accessible range or not?

Guys, I am grabbing user IP address, and then I want to determine whether that IP address is in accessible range or not. What I am doing is, in my PHP script i am using 'ip2long' function and compare it with allowed range of ip address. I know this is not a clean way to do that...does anyone have better idea to do that? Any help appr...

Restricting access to a website by IP address range / domain

Hi, I would like advice on the best way to restrict access to a weba pplication (using .net 2.0 and II6) based on the clients IP address. The two ways I am considering: 1) Through the server side code - check the client I.P against a list of IP addresses within the web.config. 2) Through IIS by creating a virtual directory and restric...

Retrieve Proxy IP address C#

Hi, I need to know what this proxy and in the past I used an IP webservice to get the IP. Is there was some way in C# to get the actually proxy IP address. If I could just ping somewhere and get the IP that way that would be ideal. ...

How to prevent access to a single file based on IP using .htaccess?

Hi, All the resources I've read explains how to prevent access to an entire directory based on IP but doesn't explain how to do this for a single file. This is what is used to protect a directory: <Limit GET POST PUT> order deny,allow deny from all allow from 123.456.78.910 </Limit> ^ here only the IP 123.456.78.910 will have acc...

What does the following mean in PHP?

what does the colon mean in php in the following example. ::1 if($host == "" || $ip == "::1") ...

How to scan an IP Range C#

How to scan a specific range of IP and also increment it to user defined range.. in like most of the port scanners. but how to increase host bits.. it increases network bits.. ...

how to code an ip tracer program in c?

i would like to code an ip tracer program in c , but i am not able to get a head start in it . Any e book , links or sample code would be of much needed help !! ...

Get IP of my machine C# with virtual machine installed

I want to get the current IP address of the computer that has say 3 virtual machines (VM Ware) installed. I want to get LAN address of that computer. current code that i have returns me an array but how to identify current computer lan address ? public static string getThisCompIPAddress() { IPAddress[] addresslist = Dns.Get...

How to Send Packets Between Two IP Hosts on Different Subnets?

Host 1: Host 2: Mask is both: How to send a packet from Host 1 to Host 2? ...

About IP

Hi All: I've got a server and we run a django powered site. Since we want to test the site, so we use django's build-in development server(i.e runserver). But I'm curious about the ip of the command: python manage.py runserver Then we can visit the test site using server's ip remotely. But when I try: python manage.py run...

Geting the IP Address Of A client For a webservice

I am using JAX-WS and I am having trouble retrieving the client information that is consuming a webservice. I've found out how to do it with JAX-RPC, and Apache Tomcat Axis, but not with JAX-WS. Does anyone have an idea about this? ...