
GDB error invalid offset, value too big (0x00000400) Unable to build app in debug mode need help

Hello all, I have an app which was working fine few days ago. But today I'm getting this error {standard input}:1948:invalid offset, value too big (0x00000400) Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit >code 1 Please help. ...

Iphone, how do I fix this warning: '-respondsToSelector:' not found in protocol(s)

I'm getting this warning. '-respondsToSelector:' not found in protocol(s) It occurs on the line marked by "HERE" below. - (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForFooterInSection:(NSInteger)section { id<SetsSectionController> sectionController = [sectionControllers objectAtIndex:section]; if ([sec...

How to write/get latitude longitude with image in uiimagepickercontroller?

Currently I am saving and image with the following method in "saved photos album". UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, self, @selector(image:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:), nil); Now I want to associate the current latitude and longitude with that image. How can I do so ? Can I do with its mediaInfo dictionary (metadata). ...

Xcode: How do I wrap a long string around to the next line in the xcode editor

I've got a long string an sql statement, which I want to wrap onto the next line in the xcode editor, how do I wrap it round e.g. [db executeUpdate:@"insert into test (rid, one, two, amount, startdate, recurrance) values (nil, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ...

Xcode: How can I add large sql querys to the xcode editor without double quotes at the start and end of each line?

I asked a question earlier today "Xcode: How do I wrap a long string around to the next line in the xcode editor" ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778589/xcode-how-do-i-wrap-a-long-string-around-to-the-next-line-in-the-xcode-editor ... but this is going to be inconvenient, I`ve got some quite large sql statements, which are nice...

examples/tutorials iPhone post/upload request ?

I am doing some uploading stuff in iphone this time. This is absolutely first time for me. I have found some useful links and answers by googling and finding them on stackoverflow. And I was able to upload an image by the following code : NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageView.image, 90); NSString *urlString = @"s...

utitlity applications in Iphone

What are utility applications & how to use them in Iphone. Plz give me some link for starting with utility application(tutorial & implementation). Thanks. ...

Iphone: How do I add a year to the current date and return it as a string in the format 2011-11-20

I need to get the current date. Then add a year to it. And output the result in the format YYYY-MM-DD aka 2011-11-20 ...

how to save a uiview while closing the app

hi, I have a requirement to save the last screen viewed while closing the app so that i can show the same screen when he re-opens the app. Can anyone tell me how to save the view and show it after re-opening ? ...

iPhone + sqlite3 + fmdb, What code do i need to put data into a UiTableView datasource?

If I was adding data from an array to the UITableView datasource array I'd use this, in viewDidLoad. NSMutableArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Head First Design Patterns", @"Head First HTML & CSS", @"Head First iPhone", nil]; self.transactionsArray = array; [array release]; And this in cellForRowAtIndexPath NSInteger...

iPhone: How can I add a currency symbol, decimal point and decimal places in shouldChangeCharactersInRange

I've found the code below, which I'm trying to make work in the UITableView shouldChangeCharactersInRange event. Without the currency symbol it works fine. When I try to add the currency symbol, it just allows me to enter one number. What it should do is this, say I enter 7536, it should appear in the following steps £0.07, £0.75, £7.53...

iPhone: How do I add a 'next 25' like at the bottom of the screen in the app store app?

I've got a UITableView and I want to have a 'next 25' feature like in the app store app. However, I've no idea what control they use and how to develop it. Can someone shed light on it and give me as much info a possible ? ...

iPhone: how do I add the discolsure and delete icons to a UITableView ?

I need to have a disclosure and delete icon on my UITableView how do I add them ? I think the delete doesn't show all the time ? although I'm not sure about this, can someone advise? ...

'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSPlaceholderString initWithFormat:locale:arguments:]: nil argument'

va_list arglist; if (!formatstring) return; va_start(arglist, formatstring); id outstring = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:formatstring arguments:arglist] autorelease]; va_end(arglist); UIAlertView *av = [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:outstring message:nil delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease];...

iPhone: How do I convert a string with a currency symbol to a negative number ?

Say I have a string which is £23.56 or $23.56 how can I convert it into -23.56 ? I have this part NSMutableString *strAmount = [NSMutableString stringWithString:txtAmount.text]; [strAmount replaceCharactersInRange: [strAmount rangeOfString: strCurrencySymbol] withString:@""]; ...

Detect external hardware which is connectd to iPhone

I need to detect an external hardware which is connected to the iPhone. Let say when the camera is running in our application and user plugss an external hardware device which is a camera and default behavior is propagated to the external hardware. In that scenarios how does the program know that the external hardware is plugged? Simply ...

Why isn't my tableview visible?

Hi all. I'm an sdk newbie, so please forgive the simplicity of this question. Here's the scenario: I used the Utility Based application template because I like the flip effect of the info button. I changed the info button to a round rect button and made a copy of it that to have two round rect buttons on my first view. I modified the f...

How to capture the user click "Tabbar" item action?

I have a application with many views. For example, I have "A", "B", "C".... Both "A", "B" have a button to switch to "C". Also, I can click the tabbar "C" item to switch to "C". The question is, when I tab the tabbar to switch "C" is different from "B" and "A". For example, if I click the A view's button, it will switch to "C", and the...

uiswitch and UItableview

Hi I was just going through the controls called tableview and uiswitch i added the uiswitch control inside the table view cell with the help of the code given below cell.accessoryView = objswitch; Now what i wanted is that my tableviewcell text must change to on or off as per the value change event of the switch so i wrote a function ...

Using iPhone to measure the waist size of a person

Hi all. I want to create an application using which I can measure waist of any human being. But I am not able to identify how to perform such kind of thing. I may can use ACCELEROMETER but how to use it or else if any kind of another logic any one can suggest me so that I can create such kind of application. thanks in advance ...