
This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder:'

Hello Everybody! I'm testing my app on simulator 3.1.3 release, it runs fine. When it come to simulator 3.2 or 4.0, it crashes right from the beginning: 2010-09-28 18:36:39.957 Angeloni[23268:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from init...

iPhone, how can I evalute whether a text property is equal to a define'd string ?

I have the following define'd constant set up. #define EndDateNotSpecified "None" But I can't seem to evaluate it, I've tried if (btnEndDate.titleLabel.text != EndDateNotSpecified) { and if (btnEndDate.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:EndDateNotSpecified) { I get compiler problems with each. ...

iPhone, how do I center button.titleLabel text ?

I change the text of one of my buttons, I didn't realize that the text wasn't centered. Its set in IB How do I center it ? ...

Multiple ViewControllers passing multiple plist

my FirstViewcontroller has few plist properties that needs to pass to SecondViewController with its own plist properties. The "LastViewController" needs to take both plist properties from First and Second VC, together with user input to calculate the weight of a given item. I am missing a link between First and Second VC. didSelectRow...

what is the role of delegations in objective c?

wanted to know about delegations in objective c ...

Play(Stream) Videos in MPMoviePlayerController from a URL ??

i am trying to play a video from a Url with help of MPMovieplayer which loads it in the Quicktime player while i want the video to play in my application only(no background mode)?? how can i achieve that?? will playing the video in a UIWebview instead of MPMoviePlayer work?? Also when QuickTime Player loads only Audio plays and no video...

How do I concat a string + int and match it to an item in an NSArray?

Heres my Array. NSArray *arrayData = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"1 days", @"7 days", @"14 days", @"28 days", @"1 months", @"2 months", @"3 months", @"4 months", @"6 months", @"1 years", @"2 years", @"once", nil]; Heres my NSString and my integer. int interval = 2; NSString *itype = @"years"; I need to join b...

iPhone, how do I determine when a child screen passes back to a UITableView and how do I update that row?

I asked a question the other day about how rows are added to a UITableView after the table is shown and I was told that the datasource should be updated and insertIndexPaths:withRowAnimation should be called. My UITable view contains rows of data, when the row is clicked another screen is shown which allows the user to edit the data, on...

iPhone, how do I App Delegate variable which can be used like global variables?

Heres the code I'm using, see my error afterwards @interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject { NSString *userName; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *userName; ... @end and in the .M file for the App Delegate you would write: @implementation MyAppDelegate @synthesize userName; ... @end Then, whenever you want to fetch or write u...

How do runtime-created sub views communicate with the view controller?

For iOS development, if you create and add a sub view at runtime, how would you allow it to communicate with the view controller? Since the sub view isn't instantiated within a nib, you can't use Interface Builder to drag a connection to an IBAction method on the controller. I can't see an obvious way to grab a handle to the controller f...

iPhone, if I'm converting a date string from one format to another, to store it, do I have to convert it to a date, how?

I need to show a date in a certain format on screen, but I need to store the date as a string in another format. I think this means I have to convert it to a date and back to a string. How do i do this ? I have already figured out how to convert my string to a date, however build analyser gives me a warning. I want to convert the stri...

add new window or view on the alertview click button in iphone

hello friendz , i juzz want to know that how we can add new window or view on the click of an alertview button in iphone? ...

Performing custom bitmap drawing in an iOS application

I am new to iOS/Mac programming. I am trying to create an iOS application that performs custom bitmap drawing, and blits it to screen. I have looked at some examples that use CGImage, but I haven't been able to able to follow them to create an iOS application that performs custom drawing on the application window. I am now looking for ...

Passing arguments to selector

hi, i have been working on a small demo and i wrote a function which accepts two string object and looks like this -(void)adding:(NSString*)num1 :(NSString*)num2 { num1 = first.text; //first is object of label num2 = second.text; //second is object of label int x= [num1 integerValue]; int y = [num2 integerValue]; i...

Custom Login screen inside iphone application ?

Hi, I am a beginner in iphone application development. I have implemented the Facebook login in one of my demo applications. but my current requirement is to have a custom login screen with username and password for a registered website. If we tap on a button to view data present in website, we should get our custom login screen, afte...

Change name of Iphone Project

i have edited an app and made some changes in it. I want to change its name .. SO i tried lots of methods to change the name and was success.. but the problem is, when i run this new application it replaces the older one.... but i want both to be there....not replacement... edited---- my app support inapp purchase could be this is a ...

How to show a PDF Page by Page using the Three20 Project - iPhone

Hi, I have a large local PDF. How can I use three20 Project for showing the PDF page by page with zooming, swiping functionalities? Is there any other free library available to achieve this functionality? I tried to use the Apple WWDC 2010 code but facing some problems (I am showing PDF Pages instead of images). The question related t...

how to remove object from NSDictionary

Hi i am having a NSdictionary in which i am adding a array with key "countries ". Now i take the value of this dictionary into array and sort the array in alpahbatical order .Now i want to add this array into my Dictionary (that is i want to update my dictionary with new sorted array and remove the old array from it ).. how to do this ...

How to find out if the iPhone is on silent mode?

I have a mailing application. If the user sends a mail successfully, then I need to notify that the mail was sent successfully. For that, I need to know if his phone is on silent mode (in which case there will be a 'vibrate') or regular mode (in which case there will be a 'beep'). Can anyone help me with it? Thanks in advance ...

UIScrollView problem

Hi all, This may be a simple problem. I have a UIScrollView with 3 views. I need to display 3 dots like Indicator ( to indicate there are more pages to the user). How do i do this? Thanks ...