
Application crashes when running in iPhone simulator 3.2 (Works fine in simulator 3.0)

I just upgraded to SDK 3.2. My application runs in Simulator 3.0 in debug mode but when I change the Simulator to run with 3.2 it crashes with EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. It is crashing at objc_msgsend method. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv...

3.1.3 and 3.2 different behaviour

I'm using a custom cell in tableView with a UITextField - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell =...

xml parameter for soap webservice request in iphone

Hello everybody. I want to send a soap request to a webservice method. Now i want to send the parameter as an xml input for that request. so plz can anybody give me an idea of how to do it in iphone? Right now i am sending the request in following way : NSString *soapMessage = @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" "<soap:Enve...

Universal App won't build for device

I'm trying to get an iPad/iPhone app to run on my iPad. (it builds and runs fine on the simulator) I went through the menu to create a new universal project. Then I added another library that my app will use (route-me), and i keep getting the following linker errors: "___restore_vfp_d8_d15_regs", referenced from: and "___save_v...

Redirecting input to another view

My application is working fine on the normal iPad display, but I also need to output to VGA out. When I do this, I need to add the view to the external screen's window which seems to mean that I can't use it to accept input from the iPad screen. I want to redirect input from the iPad's window to the window displaying on the external scr...

how can i zoom a portion of my view based iphone app?

I am using iPhone SDK 3.2. I have drawn some lines on an UIView like road on a small city and added that as subview to the main view window(controller view). Now I need to zoom it from different point of view like a more specific aria of that city. FYI: I am a new programmer in Obj-C as well iPhone app development. ...

persisting launchOptions NSURL as global variable

I have associated my app with a UTI so that users can launch KML attachments. In the iPad app delegate of my universal app I can see the launchOptions and from these I get an NSURL for the file being launched. I want to store this as a global so that I can access it from elsewhere in my app, I am doing this using a singleton called Engin...

MPMoviePlayerController not getting touches

I have a MPMoviePlayerController which resides int a UIView which again is located in a UIScrollView. The UIView is getting event/touches, but I am unable to press on the controls on the movie player. All layers have userInteractionEnabled = true. The base view also has UIGestureRecognizers attached to it. How can I trace the path of a...

Making an grid of an UIImageView

Hi, I don't know if this is possible, but I guess it is. I have a tableview with custom cells. These cells have a UIImageView as background. But because the size of the cell is relative I would like the image view to adapt its size. This is now problem, I can define that in the Interface Builder. But I don't want the corners of my ima...

Changing dev iPhone app's bundle identifier - retain core data store?

I need to change the bundle identifier of my iPhone app before I can upload it to the app store. However, I also have data in my Core Data store which want to continue using even after I change the bundle identifier. However, it seems that the bundle identifier is how the iPhone knows whether apps are identical with one another, so I end...

setFetchLimit and sectionNameKeyPath on iPhone OS4 (XCode 3.2.3) cause crash

Previously, on iPhone OS 3.2 with XCode 3.2.2 this used to work fine. I have created a small test to prove it. An NSManagedObject with 2 attributes, "group" and "vaue". Both strings. When setting up an NSFetchedResultsController to be used in the TableViewController, I set up the setFetchLimit on the request and I set the sectionNameK...

iPad Rotation, Any Way To Load Custom View Based On Orientation?

Hello All, Im writing an app that I would like to display different views based on orientation. For example, if the device is portrait load pView, if landscape load lView. Below is the code ive currently tried. - (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation) interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)durat...

iOS 3.2 breaks UITableView update animations

I'm trying to make a simple accordion-style menu system for iPad using a UITableView and expanding rows. The way I implement this is storing the selected index path and in heightForRowAtIndexPath: conditionally setting the row with that index to be larger. In didSelectRowAtIndexPath: I provide an empty update block so that the table wil...

How to know when the playControllerBar of moviePlayer will be dismiss?

Hi,as the title,when i play movie using moviePlayer I want to know when the playControllerBar will be dismiss,so that i can control my view added in moviePlayer . Is there anyone know that? Tell me ,thanks . ...

MPMoviePlayerController + Movie get pause after it start buffering the data

Hello All, In my application I am using MPMoviePlayerController to play movie from URL. initially for 2-4 secs it play well , but after that for each buffering it pauses the movie and Manually I need to play though .... shouldAutoplay = YES; is set I have debugged with loadstate (iDemoPlayer.loadState ) it is showing value 5 ( no re...

How to get the current playback time from moviePlayer?

As i know moviePlayer.duration can get the duration of a movie, i know playableDuration, initialPlaybackTime,endPlaybackTime, but i want to get the current playback time of the moviePlayer .And if there has this method,which Notification should be sent to where,thank you! ...

How can i detect whether a touch action touches on a sprite or not at zoom state?

First i have scaled the layer larger which contains the sprites. Now I need to sense touch on a sprite. I have tried as follows, but cant reach to goal- CGRect tRect= [[aSprite displayedFrame] rect]; if(CGRectContainsPoint(tRect, touchedPosition)) { NSLog(@"touched:>> touch at (%f,%f)",touchedPosition.x,touchedPosition.y); /...

How to resume playing after i sliding the indicator of the slider in my custom moviePlayer?

In my custom movie player ,i use [player setInitialPlaybackTime:playSlider.value]; to make the movie resume playing at the time i slide to,but it has this situation: the indicator returns to the start of the movie,then go to the time playSlider.value .At the same time, the view of movie get to the starting view of movie then resume the ...

Iphone simulator polls 'shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation' with every possible option

Hi All! I have a strange problem with the simulator (at least I think it is the simulator only). When I change the orientation of the simulator, my viewcontroller's shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation-method gets 12 calls with every possible interfaceOrientation as argument. I don't know why the methods gets called so often and more ...

UISplitViewController not as the main window

Hi, I trying to do something like this : AppDelegate -> View -> View -> SplitView The documentation states that the SplitView must be called from the delegate object. I can make my views talk switch back and forth. But no success with the SplitView. How can I get this to work ? Please Help ConfusedLemon ...