
Outline view in iPad application

I m new to iPhone development so can anyone tell me how to create an outline view on the left side of splitview in iPad. any help will be appreciated. Thanks. ...

UIView capturing all events

I have a UIView that uses several UIGestureRecognizers and this view again has at least one child view that contains a MPMoviePlayerController. When a touch event occurs over the movie player, the main view seems to 'eat' all the events, leaving the media player idle. How can I make sure that the events are delivered correctly to the p...

How does the iPhone know which OpenGL ES context to use between 1.1 and 2.0?

I've been digging around the net recently and noticed some video tutorials show an older template (pre SDK 3.2) with one OpenGL ES context. Now there are two of them, which, I've gleaned are the two versions of OpenGL ES available on the newer iMobile devices. Can I just use the older one or do I need to do everything twice? How do I ...

iPhone SDK 3.2 and UIAppFonts

I've added my custom font to UIAppFonts and it's loaded just fine: (shows up in [UIFont familyNames] ). When I manually set the font in viewDidLoad { [myLabel setFont: [UIFont fontWithName:@"CustomFont" size: 65.0]]; } everything works and the font is rendered. However doing the same thing in IB doesn't (some other default font is use...

UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey is deprecated, what to use instead?

Hi, I'm working on an iPad app using 3.2 sdk. I'm dealing with obtaining the keyboard size to prevent my textfields from hidding behind it. I'm getting a Warning in Xcode -> UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey is deprecated what should I use instead not to get this warning? ...

Obtaining touch location for a uiscrollview touch

I have a uiscrollview as an element of a uiscrollviewcontroller, along with other view objects. The image scrolls and zooms as expected, when the scrollView is the top subview. However, I also need to get the screen location of the touch, in particular when there is no scroll action. (I understand the location may change during a scro...

MPMoviePlayerController problem at start

Hello guys! I have a problem with MPMoviePlayerController, because when I start it in fullscreen it exists, but the song is still playing. I added the MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification notification and it says that when the video starts playin it exists the full screen. Here's my code: _multimediaPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerContro...

iPhone: Insert New Row at Row One of a Table View

I capture values from three text fields labeled to, from and message. When the user fills in these three text fields and hits a button, I need the values in these three textfield to be displayed in a new row 1 of a table view i.e. the new row should be the first row pushing the previously existing rows downward. How can I do this? Re...

how to set and access variable values from another classess

I am modifying QuartzDemo example app and want to do set and read values of integer type variables in other classes which are already included. For example, in MainViewController.m I want to set a numeric value (simple numbers from 1-100) to a variable which is then going to be called (read) in file QuartzImages.m. Question is how to d...

Template compiling errors on iPhone SDK 3.2

I'm porting over some templated code from Windows and I'm hitting some compiler differences on the iPhone 3.2 SDK. Original code inside a class template's member function is: return BinarySearch<uint32, CSimpleKey<T> >(key); where BinarySearch is a method inherited from another template. This produces the following error: csimpleke...

launching iphone app in itunes store help

Hi, I developed an iPhone app using UITablesView and database in the background. I want to know furthur step for it like after completing the app development how to proceed furthur for launching it in itunes store. Can anyone help me in detail about it. Thanks, ...

How do I print the application's path?

How do I print the application's path? ...

An offscreen MKMapView behaves differently in 3.2, 4.0

In 3.1 I've been using an "offscreen" MKMapView to create map images that I can rotate, crop and so forth before presenting them the user. In 3.2 and 4.0 this technique no longer works quite right. Here's some code that illustrates the problem, followed by my theory. // create map view _mapView = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithF...

Shall I start learning iPhone SDK 3.2 when 4.0 is about to be publicly available?

Hi, Just became an iPhone developer. I'm completely new to this, and not really sure whether I should start learning SDK version 3.2 or 4.0. I found tons of videos and tutorials for 3.2, not a lot for 4.0. So shall I start with 3.2 and then worry about 4.0 later? or am I going to have to re-learn many things that I will learn in 3.2? ...

iphone bring up address book contact

I am having some trouble accessing the iphone addressbook. I have contacts with a home address, work address, etc. I want to be able to programmatically determine which contacts have an address on their record. then determine what type of address it is (home, office, work, mail, etc) Any help would be nice. I'm stuck! ...

iPhone OS 3.2 File Sharing Path

Currently I have this for my file path and file... NSURL *storeUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Shared\PartyPlanner.sqlite"]]; This allows me to share the file with iTunes, but instead of just having 'PartyPlanner.sqlite' in the 'applicationDocumentsDirectory\Shared'...

Make iPad app a Universal app

I have an iPad app that I would like to make Universal, however this seems alarmingly difficult. I've changed things around so that I support both builds, but when building, I get lots of errors about using UIPopOvers. Here're my questions: Why does UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() not compile or register on 3.1.3? Can I conditionally have va...

how does presentPopoverFromRect work?

I don't understand how to define the (CGRect)rect in order to control the position of popover, and the position of the arrow. For example, I have a 1004 x 768 view, how can I put the popover at lower right of the screen, and point the arrow at 700 (x) 1000 (y)? Thakns! ...

texture not drawing in single EAGLview

I am taking picture from camera with zooming it and then assign UImage to EAGLview. Add EAGLview as subview on UIImageview. first it shows the image properly but when again i take picture and load it, it shows only green color on screen. Sometimes get errors: AVCapture: no preview image available; creating one manually instead Couldn'...

expected ":" before "]" token + confused by earlier errors, bailing out

Ok so im at my wit's end here. I have tried every imaginable thing to get rid of these errors heres my code: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller. /* //<#DetailViewController#> *detailViewController...