
Ad hoc doesn't appear in iTunes

I've updated a 3.x app to sdk4. I have iOS4 installed on my phone. I drop the Ad Hoc version of the app into iTunes. It prompts to replace the provisioning profile and I click yes. Then I don't see the app in iTunes. I do have the iTunesArtwork file in the resources folder. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'm running Xcode 3.2.3 ...

Error trying to push a build to a first gen iPod running os 3.1.3 using SDK 4.

I just upgraded to iPhone SDK 4, I was building to the iPod running OS 3.1.3 fine untill i ugraded the SDK. When I try to build now I get the following error: Can't run 'AppName' - was built for 'armv7', but device requires 'armv6' or compatible architecture. In the project settings I have set the Architectures to Standard (armv7 armv6...

Application crash when application become active

Hi Guys, I have an iphone application. I am using XCode 3.2.3 and iphone SDK4. Application is supporting multitasking as of every application built in this version of XCode. My application goes into background and become active without any problem. One thing worth nothing here is that I don't need to store any information which I need ...

How to make a CTRunRef object? (iPhone SDK 4)

There is several CTLineCreate* functions, but I can't find a function which make CTRunRef. ...

overlapping text and images in iphone Table View cell

hi guys i am New to Iphone... i am developing Table View with image and Text but Over laps the image and text when with the old text i scrolls the table Can Any one help me... Here is my Code in cellForRowAtIndexPath... Thx in Advance... UIImage *img=[UIImage imageNamed:[imageArrray objectAtIndex:arc4random() %17]]; UIImageView *ivie...

How to determine a method is overridden or not from definition? (Objective-C/iPhone SDK 4))

How to determine a method is overridden or not from definition? (Objective-C/iPhone SDK 4)) ...

iAds: Removing or adding?

Apple requires you to make your app work nicely, whether iAds are available or not, which makes perfect sense. What I'm wondering about is the transition between those two states. Should I create a view that has a space for an iAd and push it to the screen. If no iAds are available, I then have to remove the ADBannerView once the view i...

Google Analytics within iPhone SDK 4 Built App

Three questions for iPhone developers using Google Analytics within their apps for tracking use of their apps: Will using Google Analytics cause us to be in breach of the terms and conditions of the Apple SDK 4 for developers? If the answer to #1 is YES, then what are we -- as iPhone developers -- allowed to use to track usage of our a...

Opening .docx file in sdk 4.0

HI i am trying to open .docx files in iPad with OS 4.0 but it is not working well it is working in OS 3.2. anybody know how to open it now in OS 4.0? Thanx in advance ...

CGImageRef to UIImage rotates my photos debugging on a iOS 4 in simulator or device.

I have a problem with some simple code. The photo's, either picked or taken with the camera, are rotated. At first I thought it was a setting in the UIView but it happens when I copy the passed in UIImage to another UIImage using CGImageRef. I did it this way as it was the easiest way to ensure I was using a copy. Correct this code i...

How do i create Pin Wheel(Like Daisy Wheel) in iPhone

Hi Buddies, I want to create a pin wheel(Like msnbc apps). Please see the below image. How do i create a pin wheel. Is there any sample code or tutorials available?.please guide me to how to achieve this?. Thanks. ...

Apple gyroscope sample code

Hi, I am planning to develop an gyroscope based project like rotating an opengl texture using gyroscope data, is there any sample code released from apple about gyroscope or any tutorial about integrating gyroscope with openGL... I searched google i didn't find anything except core motion guide and event handling guide. Updated: Please...

MPMoviePlayerController not working in iOS4

I'm using the first answer from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3130363/ios-4-mpmovieplayercontroller to try and get MPMoviePlayerController to play. In the simulator (iPhone device with iOS4), I hear sound but no video. On the device (iPhone 3GS and iOS4), I don't get anything. Here's my code: MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlaye...

Location updates not working in background using iphone sdk 4

Hi, I am trying to add the background location updates (i.e. the feature where applications running in background can still receive continuous lcoation updates) into my iPhone app. I implemented (in the view controller) the location update methods didUpdateToLocation and didFailWithError. I also added to the Info.plist file, the UIBac...

NSArray writeToFile returning "is deprecated" - iPhone SDK

I'm trying to save some settings from my app to a plist file when it closes, then load them when the app launches. I have 4 numbers saved in an NSArray called array. The loading works fine because if I change the file, the app starts the way the file was changed. This code works fine: - (void)LoadSettings { NSString *path = [[NSBundle ...

Unable to remove Settings.bundle

My app used to use the Settings.bundle to load settings from the user, but then I changed it to have the settings in the application. I have all the code completed, and it works. The next step is to remove any of the code for the settings.bundle. I have removed the code, and the settings.bundle itself, but when I compile, I still get th...

Using UISegmentedControl as button

In my code I am using a UISegmentedControl as a "button" with only ONE segment and the momentary property set to YES. In versions of the SDK prior to iOS 4, this was not a problem, but it appears that now iOS 4 requires that there be at least 2 segments. The following code throws an exception: NSArray *titles = [NSArray arrayWithObject:...

Simulate iPhone 3.0 with SDK 4.0

Hi, i have xcode 3.1.3 and xcode 3.2.1 installed For sure now I use 3.2.1 with Sdk 4 to develop new apps. But what if I like to test a App compiled with sdk 4 on a simulated iphone that would just have 3.0?? As BaseSDk i use 4.0 and as target 3.0 In xcode 3.1.3 i could select a simulator down to 2.x but with sdk 4.0 i only have the o...

UITablview cell text moves on its own??

i am creating a UITableview cell in the following way const NSInteger TOP_LABEL_TAG = 1001; UILabel *topLabel; static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell =[[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero reu...

Stock UIViewController can't be set as an IBOutlet?

I have a view-based application and I'd like to make a change to which UIView is displayed via my UIViewController. I set up an IBOutlet UIViewController *viewController and then linked it in Interface Builder, however whenever I make this link the app crashes right on startup with SIGKILL. Has anyone ever had any experience with this an...