
Is there a way to turn on wifi on iphone through your app's code ?

Hi, I am building an app using iPhone SDK 4. Is there a way to programmatically turn on the Wifi on an iPhone/iPodTouch (iOS 4 specifically) if it is switched off ? I want to be able to turn on Wifi (if its turned off) after alerting the user and taking his/her decision into account. Thanks, Abhinav. ...

MPMoviePlayer button overlay not responding in iPhone SDK4.0

Do you know how to get a working button overlayed on MPMoviePlayerController. This was working in SDK 3.x. The button displays but is not responding to touches. ...

Disabling edit button in "more" view of tab bar controller does not work in iOS4

In my old app I could completely disable rearranging views in tab bar controller by doing: tabBarController.customizableViewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:nil]; But on iOS4, the Edit button is still displayed, although it displays no items. Is not it possible to hide the edit button completely? ...

calling deprecated methods?

Hi. i have a view controller that uses the getDistance method for calculating the distance between two points. My problem is that starting from iPhone SDK 3.2, the method is deprecated and distanceFrom method is effective. Now i want to build a code that works for both the sdks. How do i do it? One possible solution is to go for responds...

use exit(0) to close an app in iphone 4 instead of send it in background mode.

I've noticed that pressing the iphone button using SDK 4 sends the application in background. Since I'm dealing with login and other problems I find better closing the app instead of sending it in background status. So I would put an exit(0); statement inside (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application. Is it a cor...

Old projects are not running in new iPhone SDK 4.0

I have UICatlog project downloaded from apple development library. It was running fine with 3.0 Base SDK, but when I upgrade xCode SDK Version 3.2.3. I am getting en error: error: There is no SDK with the name or path 'iphoneos3.0' Please help. Thanks ...

will a iphone 3.1 build work on 3.2, 3gs and 4.0.1

Hi, I am planning to do a app which works on 3.1 and launches on 3gs as well. Please let me know how will it be displayed when launched at iTunes connect ? will it be like works on 3.1 and above and will get installed on iphone 3.1, 3.1.2, 3gs and 4.0.1 or just works on 3.1 alone. Please enlighten me what has to be done for working on a...

Audio Session "Ducking" Broken in iOS 4...?

Hello all, I've an app which uses the MPAudioPlayerController to access the iPod music library, and an AVAudioPlayer to overlay audio on top of the music. I've used this documentation as a guide. Specifically: Finally, you can enhance a category to automatically lower the volume of other audio when your audio is playing. This could...

NULL input from textfield won't NSLog?

I'm trying to debug my iPhone app (a basic counter) and I have a "goto" function to go to a specific number. When testing my app, I noticed that when set the goto without putting anything into the NSTextField, it doesn't return anything. Not a NULL, nil, or anything. NSLogging the input string doesn't even show up in console. No blank me...

will an iphone app built with Base SDK 3.2 be rejected by apple?

Hi, I've recently updated xcode to 3.2 and to the iPhone SDK 4.0. I've submuitted the binary and my app is "waiting for review". However, my base SDK was set to iPhone Device 3.2 and I have been reading rumours that apps not submitted with iPhone SDK4.0 wont be approved. Is this correct? My deployment target is 3.0, but BASE SDK is iPHon...

Iphone ADBanner is not coming...its Displaying white

hi i am working with Iphone sdk 4,i am developing App with ADBanner View, but the Banner is Displaying with out any Add(that means only white color)... My internet Connection is working fine My Code also working fine Can help any one ...

AVAsset and AVAssetTrack - Track Management in IOS 4.0

Hi, The new features list of IOS 4.0 says that AV Foundation framework has got Media asset management, Track management, Media editing, and Metadata management for media items. What do they mean by this? Using track management and media asset management can i access media files from the photos app? Can i make my custom compositions us...

iphone 3.1 based code on iphone 4

Hi, I did a very small app which downloads files from a server. iPhone 4 supports background processing of the app that is the app goes in background when user switches it. Here is my question, if my small app developed on iPhone 3.1 based stuff (build to phone by changing to iOS 4) is allowed to run in background, will my app still c...

In iOS4 applicationWillEnterForeground may get called before applicationDidEnterBackground and it makes problem

Hi, In iOS 4, if I close & re-open my app rapidly then (after applicationWillResignActive invocation) there is a chance for applicationWillEnterForeground to be get called well before the applicationDidEnterBackground and results in a black blank screen as because the app entered into background state immediately after the foreg...

iOS 4 app crashes at startup on iOS 3.1.3: Symbol not found: __NSConcreteStackBlock

I'm running Xcode 3.2.3 with the iOS 4.0 SDK. I built my app with Base SDK = iphoneos4.0, Active SDK = iphoneos4.0, Deployment Target = 3.1.3, and Architecture = standard (arm6 arm7). Compiler = GCC 4.2. As I understand it, this is the correct way to build an app for both iOS 4 and 3. The app runs fine on devices running iOS 4. But it c...

UIIMagePickerController with iAds

Hi All, I am trying to add iads to my iphone app which uses UIImagePickerController. When I try to add the iads its not getting loaded meaning when I tap on the test ad it doesn't get full screen but when I remove [self PresentModelViewController:picker animate:NO]; this line from my code then the iAds are working just fine but now ...

UI for rating an app during deletion

Hi, Is that possible pop up the UI which comes during the deletion process before deleting the app ? (A UI which has stars, no thanks, rate my app button). If no, can you tell me whether it is possible to create a screen and send the rating captured to iTunes connect ? ...

MPMoviePlayerViewController, what if it fails?

I'm creating an application to scan barcodes and provide video information on the scanned product. I'm running into the problem where the MPMoviePlayerViewController ends up giving me a white screen if a video url is not valid. It should just go back to the previous screen if no video is available. How do I handle this exception? I can't...

Core Data leaking strangely on device but not simulator

I've narrowed a memory leak problem down to this specific block of code: NSFetchRequest *req = [NSFetchRequest new]; NSEntityDescription *descr = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Capture" inManagedObjectContext:dataContext]; [req setEntity:descr]; NSSortDescriptor *sort = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"created_at" ascen...

CALayer or UIView backgroundColor UIImage on iOS 4

Good day all; I am not sure what has changed to prevent this from working. On iOS 3 SDK, the following code worked fine in a CATiledLayer class: - (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context { UIImage* image = [[ResourcesManager sharedResourcesManager] getUIImageFromArray:Image_Cell_Background Index:[mazeCell zone]]; UIColor* col...