
iPhone Simulator custom CA certificate.

I'd like to test an application on the iphone simulator which connects to a service using a certificate which is signed by our own CA. I can do this on the actual device by adding a provisioning profile which has the CA certificate. I had thought that having the CA certificate in the standard OSX keychain would work, but it doesn't. So ...

Disable location service in iPhone simulator?

I'd like to test what happens if my app can't get the location coordinates. Is it possible to disable the location service in the simulator, like on an iPod Touch with WiFI turned off? I still don't have my iPhone Developer Program certificate, so I can't test it on my device. Thanks in advance! ...

iPhone XML Parser - [c setImage:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"img"]]; WARNING

Hi I am having issues with the following and it crashes the iPhone simulator, while the script has no errors it did bring up one warning in this script. [c setImage:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"img"]]; The warning is City may not respond to -setImage: I am not sure what I have done wrong here is the fill source code. #import...

Is possible to read plist from application bundle and documents folder at the same time?

Is it possible?to read from my local bundle and at the same time also read from documents folder into UItableview? thanks thanks yes.simultaneously ...

iphone interface events resolve on exit

I'm having trouble getting components added through the Interface Builder to work on the iPhone. It works perfectly in the simulator, but not on the device. When debugging I found that the events are handled on exit, instead of when i actually press the button. Anyone else run into this issue? edit: after some investigation, it turns ou...

Any easier way to implement an image slideshow application in Iphone SDK 3.1.3?

I would like to make an application very similar to this one but with the zoom in/out functionality: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4212791/chrissie_chau_portrait_application_on_iphone/ I already read this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1631170/iphone-image-slideshow And I tried the suggested codes in this site: http://lieve...

Finding iPhone Application Identifier Prefix programmatically

Is there any way to find the application identifier prefix in you iPhone application programmatically? Or even just to get the entire Application Identifier string? I see you can find it by peeking into the "embedded.mobileprovision" file, but is there an easier way? (And I don't think that works if you're running in the simulator) EDI...

Xcode and the iPad simulator

Hi - I have just installed Apple's SDK 3.2. When I run the iPad simulator Safari doesnt appear in it. Can anyone help? Any help much appreciated. ...

iphone simulator picks up deleted resources from xcode

I'm getting confused. I add resources (mp4 videos) to the resources folder in xcode and run the simulator and it picks them up, great! I delete the file and simulator still picks it up from the resources directory. I delete the file in the app bundle that xcode is using and it still detects this file. I'm at a loss as to where/how I sho...

iPhone Simulator vs iPhone OS testing: file is not of required architecture

hi there, i'm working on an iphone app ( sdk 3.1.3 ) and I have added the corelocation and mapkit framework. I used the iphonesimulator package, but added them using 'relative to current sdk'. When I test my app in the iphone simulatore everything works. But when I switch to iphone device 3.1.3 i'm getting 2 warnings and 4 build errors:...

Compiling the ffmpeg on iPhone?

I downloaded the iFrameExtractor sample code and try to compile it with the iPhone simulator version 3.1.3 The project shows the following errors ( http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3245/66948298.png ) even thought I added *.a libraries to my project. All libraries was under the library searching path. I guess it is a linking problem...

uitableview not showing data

i followed the tutorial -> http://icodeblog.com/2008/09/02/iphone-programming-tutorial-creating-a-todo-list-using-sqlite-part-2/ but the thing is my uitableview isnt showing anything from database!! i did an nslog and able to query the data..so what could be the possible error? i went through line by line with the source..but still can...

Core-Data: How to Delete Entities in a Relationship

Hi everyone, I have a complex Core Data graph on the iPhone. A user entity has a lot of other entities which are related one to the other with multiple relationships etc... My question is how can I delete all the related entities when I delete the user entity. Thanks in advance! ...

Image "moves" when varying heightForRowAtIndexPath in UITableViewCell.

I have a table view with varying height, as defined in the heightForRowAtIndexPath. For some very odd reason, the image is "indented" to the right based on the height; if the height is low enough, the image is stuck to the left side of the cell, but as the height increases, the image for said cell is shifted rightward compared to other r...

Run Iphone app in simulator from the terminal : how to set up iPhoneSim ?

Hi, I found this project which seems to make it possible to run an iPhone app from command line ! http://github.com/jhaynie/iphonesim Unfortunately there is almost no documentation and i'm stuck at building this project : I download all sources I run MakeFile and i get these errors : admin$ ./Makefile ./Makefile: line 4: -Werror:...

NSURL Connection will/won't load data

So here's my issue: I followed the NSURLConnection tutorial in the iPhone Developer Documentation almost to the T, and it only kinda works. Here's where it all goes wrong: The object seems to be created correctly and delegates to connectionDidFinishLoading, but with any URL I try to load the response data always ends up only being 0 by...

sqlite3 problem..need help..urgently..HELP**

- (void) hydrateDetailViewData { //if detail view is hydrated then do not get it from database if(isDetailViewHydrated) return; if(detailStmt == nil) { const char *sql = "select snapTitle, snapDesc from Snap where snapID =?"; if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &detailStmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) NSAssert1(0, @"Error w...

xmlCtxtGetLastError - Iphone

Hi, I have been programming with NSXMLParser for quite a while and lately, I came out with this error. The strangiest thing is that it only happens in debug mode. Once I load the App in Simulator and run it from Simulator (without Xcode involved), it runs fine. The code is very straight foward, it is a simple XML parsing whose contents...

Operation could not be completed. AVAudioRecorder iphone SDK

I am trying to record using the iphones microphone: This is my code: NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; // the path to write file NSString *appFile = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"testing.mp3"]; ...

does anyone find ipad simulator has bug in message forwarding?

I have problem with button click. I put a button in a view which is put in a view controller in a navigation controller stack. it is a little complex. but the problem is weird. when I click the top of the button, the action of the button can be triggered. but when I click the bottom, the action is not called at all. does anyone have the ...