
How to resume a session on Facebook Connect iPhone

Hi, I'm using Facebook Connect for the iPhone in one of our applications. When the user logs in using FBLoginDialog, we pass the iPhone's session_secret to the server and our server then has access to all of facebook's functionality. However, when we use [session resume], even though it returns true, [session isConnected] returns true ...

NSScanner Looping retrieving multiple values

I have the following text <select name="username"><option value="177"> Bob1 </option><option value="221"> Bob2 </option><option value="227"> Bob3 </option><option value="164"> Bob4 </option><option value="271"> Bob5 </option><option value="137"> Bob6 ...

Performing lookup on multiple entities using NSPredicate

Hi, I've run into a problem when I've been porting my code over from a SQLite database to Core Data. The data that I'm using comes from a existing database and as such has all the relationships defined using the ID of each of the tables (or entities now that I'm using Core Data). My problem is that I want to query against a single tabl...

UIAcceleration filtering

Hi, I found the following piece of code in apple guidelines: - (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer*)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration*)acceleration { //Use a basic low-pass filter to only keep the gravity in the accelerometer values accel[0] = acceleration.x * kFilteringFactor + accel[0] * (1.0 - kFilteringFactor); ...

tab bar controller (iphone)

hi, i'm making an application of tab bars...having 5 tabbars.i.e. home,ask,tip,inbox,disclaimer..now the problem is that i want the control to directly shift to disclaimer tab after the launch of application ..right now control shifts to home tab..which is the 1st tab ...

How can I make an iPhone OS 2.1 project with the new Xcode?

Problem: I want to make iPhone OS 2.1 apps, but Xcode now always makes automatically an iPhone OS 3.0 project. I forgot about it and now I have an app which I want to test on my iPod touch, but I need to build OS 2.1. Is there a way to get this working? The dropdown from top left in Xcode only offers to build for OS 3.0 device. However,...

xcode: conditional file linking/compilation based on configuration

I'm building an iPhone app that has to run on both the simulator and the device. However I'm using an externally compiled library that has one version for the simulator and one for the device (different CPU). How can I do it? I'm coming from Visual C++ so I'm new to Xcode, and I can't find the way to do it. ...

Objective-C Bonjour/TCP Stack

Hi guys/girls, I was wondering if anyone knows of a combined Objective-C Bonjour/TCP stack out there, that would allow me to forget about managing sockets, broadcasting services etc and instead let me just host a service and/or get a list of existing services and connect to one. Then just continue by sending messages either to specific ...

Rendering the genie effect to the custom components rendered in the UIView

How to render the genie effect that we see in the MacOS or in iPhone native transitions, in the custom components that are rendered in the UIView? Any links that describe about the screen transition effects? ...

How to use NSzombie in xcode?

my application is crashing very much how do i find the error through nszombie..? could someone tell me step by step guide to use nszombie or valgrind tool to find memory error ,refrence error etc. ...

how to remove an object only if it exists on iPhone SDK?

I want to remove a UILabel from the UIView dynamically. There are some branching and looping, and in the end when I remove it by 'removeFromSuperview' sdk crashes as it doesn't exist anymore, in some cases. [lbl_timer removeFromSuperview]; So what i wanted is simply how to know if an object exists? thanks ...

Are there equivalent classes or functions to DataInputStream in Java for the iPhone to read binary information

Java provides classes DataInputStream and DataOutputStream to read/write binary data (as bytes) in a structured way like DataInputStream.readInt()/readLong()/read(byte[]) from a byte stream; likewise for the DataOutputStream. Are there equivalent classes or functions to the same in iPhone? ...

UINavigationController, UITableView and not showing the next view

I am having a problem with a table and showing another view when the user touches a table cell. I am using a UITabBarController for the main view to show different views. I then use a UINavigationController when the user selects a UITableView view to display the next view from the table cell selection. My problem is this: when they ...

Multiple UIViewController woes...

I'm relatively new, embarking on my second app, and having major pains with multiple view controllers. I've added the relevant bits of code to the bottom of this email. Here's what's happening: MainViewController: creates RoomViewController, then asks for its view RoomViewController: sets up the room with the items in it (in this case,...

how to do smooth scrolling in uiscrollview?

i am using apple's page control sample and showing three different types of views. the scrolling is very slow in device because i am having a uitable a 5 to 7 labels on my view.and everything is updating from database.how do i increase performance of my scrolling behaviour.so that it scrolls very fast in device. ...

Combining images

I want to place the picked image ontop of another image, so that my picked image wil be placed in some sort of frame i made in photoshop. After combining the images i want to save it to the disk. Does anyone knows how to do it, or mayby a link to examples? ...

iPhone: Sending large data with Game Kit

I am trying to write an app that exchanges data with other iPhones running the app through the Game Kit framework. The iPhones discover each other and connect fine, but the problems happens when I send the data. I know the iPhones are connected properly because when I serialize an NSString and send it through the connection it comes out ...

White bar at the bottom of root view!

Hi, I have two view controllers in the app. When the app starts, the layout of the root view controller's view is just fine. When a button is clicked, the view controller switches to the other one - which shows fine too. However, when the view is switched back to the root view, the contents are shifted UP by about 20 pixels, leaving a ...

How to get this value as a CGFloat?

I am asking for an Value like this: [self.layer valueForKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"] bit I need to pass it to a method which takes a CGFloat as parameter. What's the casting trick here? ...

How to solve this memory leak (iPhone)?

How to release this variable with no EXC_BAB_ACCESS ? //First line create memory leak UIImage *ImageAvatar = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[myg.imageData copy]]; Moins1 = ImageAvatar; //[ImageAvatar release]; if i release-> EXC_BAD_ACCESS Moins1 is a menber of the interface is declared like this : UIImage *Moins1; ... @property (non...