Load Google Map in iPhone Application
How can I load a google Map in my iPhone application? Here I don't require entire web page, but just the graph part (zoomable). any sample code link.(if available). Thanks in advance. ...
How can I load a google Map in my iPhone application? Here I don't require entire web page, but just the graph part (zoomable). any sample code link.(if available). Thanks in advance. ...
I want my application to never just crash stupidly. I know that code quality is the root solution for this. But I still need an application to never crash when some unexpected bug happens. Here is code I want to try. -(void)testException { @try { NSString* str; [str release]; } @catch(NSException* ex) ...
Hello guys, I want to draw an outline to an image. Is there any simple way to do that in iPhone sdk. ...
Hello guys, I have a UIViewController in which I want to draw a square. So do I need to create a UIView for that and add the created view to my viewControllers view. Like Is there any way to do that or can I override the drawRect: method for my controllers view to draw that square. ...
Hello guys, I have the following code to draw a square outline with the following code. CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextClipToRect(context, CGRectMake(0.0, 00.0, 50, 50)); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 3.0); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); CGContextStrokeRect(context, CGContextGe...
I'm going to have a 10x10 grid of UIButton objects. Each of these UIButtons is going to need to be referenced by the row and column number, so they should probably be stored in some type of an array. My question: what is the easiest way to create this grid? Programmatically or through the Interface Builder? If programmatically, what wou...
When programming and looking at all different apps I have realized that some apps in the app store don't have the lit highlight on the top, making it look more 3D. I have an app idea but I need to take the highlight off. The app have been programmed in Xcode, so if anyone answers, that would be great. Thanks! ...
Let's say I have an iPhone app that has a UIWebView. Is it possible to write my own HTTP proxy server on the iPhone and then have every page that's loaded in the UIWebView go through this proxy? I guess there are two main parts: Write an HTTP proxy server on the iPhone Make sure all requests from the UIWebView go through my own proxy ...
How can I use both of these in the same UIView correctly? I have one custom subclassed CALayer in which I draw a pattern within drawInContext I have a another in which I set an overlay PNG image as the contents. I have a third which is just a background. How do I overlay all 3 of these items? [self.layer addSublayer:bottomLayer]; ...
I'm thinking about building an iphone app that would use the GPS feature to track where someone is and for how long. I realize I could probably get the current location from the iphone from a website but the only way I'm familiar with is using ajax calls, etc (Sorry if this is a rather newbie concept) but I fear that would bog down my s...
I'm still getting my feet wet with the iPhone SDK, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to get the ConnectionKit framework working for an iPhone app. I know it was developed for the desktop OS, so I'm not sure what sort of dependencies it has and whether or not it could be shoehorned into the iPhone OS. In my case, I would like to ...
Is there a way to read a CSV file into sqlite3 on the iPhone? Is there sqlite3 functionality similar to the SQL commands LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file.csv' INTO TABLE TABLENAME FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'; Or is there an approach that converts the CSV file into a format that sqlite3 can read aut...
I want to show some images as a thumbnail in View controller but i dont know how to do this. Can anyone please give me some ideas or sample code if possible. ...
hi, i am making an application in which am creating 5 tabbars in iDocViewController view. the problem is that when we are shifting control from disclaimer viewcontroller to idocviewcontroller tabbar. how'll i set focus on idocviewcontroller tabbar. how'll i get rid of this ...
We're days away from submitting our first app to the appstore and last night I was horrified to hear that it does not work on jailbroken devices. I got a few seconds with the device and saw the OS version, and free memory available (36MB, I guess that's low). Should I care? Presumably jailbreak users can buy the app and write scathin...
I've implemented a bit of code from one of the many Apple code examples, but I'm having a bit of trouble, because the retain attribute of one of the properties doesn't appear to be working. Here's the property declaration: @property (nonatomic, retain) EditingViewController *editingViewController; And here's the code: - (EditingViewC...
I am working on an iPhone application and understand some difficulties in releasing a GPL application through the app store. The license states that a program forking-and-linking to another program licensed under the GPL doesn't attach any requirements to that program. Moreover, it also says "If the program dynamically links plug...
hai i am new to iphone,i want to add image in every page,how can i do it?anyone can help me? ...
hai,i am new ..how can i open and see the records and tables etc through .sqlite execution file which has added in iphone application,is there any tutorial? ...
I have multiple TableViewDatasources that need to display list of objects form same pool depending of certain property. E.g. object.flag1 is set- it will show up in TableView1 object.flag2 is set- it will show up in TableView2 The obvious way would be to have separate arrays for each TableView, But same object may appear in different...