
How to create richtextview, that show URLs and Images and handle touches

How to create richtextview, that show URLs and Images and handle touches? ...

How to properly work (retrieve values) with NSUserDefaults

Hi all, I have a simple method in my code which looks like the following: - (BOOL)isFirstTimeLogin { NSString *t_gName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kGroupIdentifierKey]]; if ([t_gName isEqualToString:@""] || t_gName == nil) { DLog(@"LoginViewController, m:::isFi...

UIImage: Resize, then Crop

I've been bashing my face into this one for literally days now, and even though I feel constantly that I am right on the edge of revelation, I simply cannot achieve my goal. I thought, ahead of time in the conceptual phases of my design, that it would be a trivial matter to grab a image from the iPhone's camera or library, scale it down...

Most performant audio layer?

I'm curious as to which of the available audio layers is the most performant, out of the ones available on the iPhone. Currently I've used the SystemSoundID method, and the AVAudioPlayer method, and I'm wondering if it's worth investigating AudioQueue or OpenAL...are there significant performance gains to be had? Thanks! ...

How do you add multi-line text to a UIButton?

I have the following code... UILabel *buttonLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:targetButton.bounds]; buttonLabel.text = @"Long text string"; [targetButton addSubview:buttonLabel]; [targetButton bringSubviewToFront:buttonLabel]; ...the idea being that I can have multi-line text for the button, but the text is always obscured by the...

UIScrollView pauses NSTimer until scrolling finishes

While a UIScrollView (or a derived class thereof) is scrolling, it seems like all the NSTimers that are running get paused until the scroll is finished. Is there a way to get around this? Threads? A priority setting? Anything? ...

Displaying UIActivityIndicator for x seconds

I have a UITableViewController, which is RootViewController. It's XIB only has a table view. I've add a UIActivityIndicator through IB and created an IBOutlet. I've programmatically added a toolbar with a delete button to the RootViewController. When the user clicks the toolbar's delete button, I want to display the indicator, center...

How to use self class method on iPhone? (conceptual question)

I write an instance method in ClassName.m: -(void)methodName:(paraType)parameter {...} And call it using [self methodName:parameter]; A warning will pop up, but the code still runs successfully. Is this because I haven't created an instance of the class? Why the method still runs normally? And what is the correct way to call self meth...

How to pop up alert when HTTP connection fails on iPhone?

I want to write some code to handle exceptions when HTTP connection fails. I use the following codes: -(void) connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError: (NSError *)error { UIAlertView *errorAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: [error localizedDescription] message: [error localizedFailureReaso...

Hide/Show Navigation & Tool Bar on tap

I'm trying to hide my Navigation and Tool bars on tap. Similar to the way the Photos application works. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

How to enlarge Picker View on iPhone?

I add a PickerView to one of my views in an app, but its size is too small(in height). I find that I cannot drag to make it "longer". How to change its size then? ...

Question about HTTP exception handling on iPhone

I try to add a method to handle exception, but the program just crashes instead of pop up an AlertView. 1) I set up the connection: -(void)connect:(NSString *)strURL { NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:strURL] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy ...

Add custom certificate for iphone HTTP API

Hi, Is there any way to bundle a certificate in my application - and then use that to perform HTTP GET/POST using a NSURLRequest? I.e. the certificate should not be used for other HTTP traffic on the device, only by my application. Cheers ...

Correct way to use UIActionSheet Delegate? Pointers Mapped to identical Memory

I am using the actionSheet variable passed by actionSheet:didDismissWithButtonIndex: to compare the calling actionSheet to a list of UIActionSheet variables in my class. This seems to be the way the delegate method was designed to differentiate between events. - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(N...

Is it possible to access data from the proximity-sensor of the iPhone surface?

When you hold the iPhone to your ear, it detects that there's something (proximity-sensor) and switches off the display. is it possible to access this sensor in an iPhone app? ...

Which are the best iPhone Dev tutorials on the net?

I know objective-c and now I am waiting for my books to arrive. But they still need two weeks to come. So I would like to start with online tutorials. Does someone know any good ones? ...

iPhone Development: What's the difference between an View-Based Application and an Window-Based Application?

Like I understand, an Window has a lot of Views. A View is an object that can draw something on the screen, and the Window provides the space for drawing. So where's the point, that I dont have an window? What's the difference here between them? ...

iphone QuickTime error

Hi all, I try to play simple mp3 file iPhone simulator in my Mac. I use AVFoundation.framework and AVAudioPlayer. In one of my mac everything is OK, but in onother Mac, when i build app ( simulator 2.2 ) give me error: Error is: Error loading /Library/QuickTime/DivX Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX Decoder: dlopen(/Library/QuickT...

How do i resolve EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors encountered in iphone development

I'm trying to do a simple thing; read an image from the internet, save it to the app's documents directory on the iphone, and read it back from that file so that i can do other things with it later. Writing the file works fine but when i try to read it back i get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in GDB that i have no idea how to resolve. Here i...

Playing sounds in iPhone games - slowdowns

I'm using the AVAudioPlayer to play sound FX on a separate thread in my app. Right now my app is fairly simple, I have a UIScrollView for a scrolling background, and a couple of CALayers that represent a player and an enemy in a simple side-scroller type game (think Mario or Kung Fu or whatnot)...I can move the player left and right, wit...