
How I can access the call log/history of iPhone

This is for jailbroken iPhone. Is there a way I can access the call_history.db on iPhone which is a database where apple logs the phone call information. It is stored at /private/var/mobile/Library/CallHistory directory. When I try to enumerate directory paths under /private/var/mobile/Library it does not list CallHistory folder but e...

UNIX System commands for iPhone to control services

I am looking for SpringBoard commands to control jailbroken iPhone programmatically, but theres hardly any information out there, or its pretty well hidden! I would like to be able to talk to the ComCenter programmatically. Now I know this is not approved by Apple, but I dont care, I dont follow rules ;-) Anyone know of a good referen...

PhoneGap example app does not do anything

Hi, I built the PhoneGap 0.8.0 example project and then deployed it on my jailbroken iPhone. I am using Xcode 3.2.1, and target set to "Device - 3.0 | Release" However the PhoneGap app did not do anything, it could not get my iPhone information, and clicking the "watch accelerometer", "Get Location", etc, did not do anything. The same...

Adding a UIWindow in xcode iPhone SDK

Hi there. I am creating a project in which i have to change the main.m file, so that UIApplication doesnt appear straight away, so i deleted the following line from main.m int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); and deleted these lines from AppDelegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application ...

Write to iPhone file system - Jailbreak/Toolchain

so I am working on a jb app that requires writing to the file system (/var/mobile/Library/Downloads specifically), and I tried hard coding it in like someone recommended but I cant seem to make it work, i know how to do so to the Documents directory in my app but not the file system, any ideas? thank you! edit 1 - as reference: the way ...

[iPhone] Settings.bundle deployment with Cydia

I have created a settings.bundle and the settings are visible when I debug it on my iPhone. But when I upload it to a repository the users can not see the settings in the Settings.app. So how do I make the settings appear in Settings.app on jailbroken devices? Is there something I can put in the preinst-script to fix this? ...

How to create a MobileSubstrate Plugin for iPhone?

Hi there. i have googled alot on how to create a mobilesubstrate plugin for iPhone but couldnt get any basic tutorial for that. Anybody having any knowledge of how to do this? I am looking for a basic understanding of it. Thanks :) ...

Copy files to iPhone System Folders

Hi there. I am developing for Jailbroken iPhone. I need to write(copy) a file to iPhone System Folders (/Library/LaunchDaemons) to which only ROOT has write access. How can i write a file to such folders through my Code. I know i can use NSFileManager's copyItemAtPath:toPath method to copy the file, but i cant write as i dont have permis...

How to run my app even after iPhone screen locks?

Hi there. I want my app (LaunchDaemon) to keep running even if user locks the iPhone. My LaunchDaemon simply check a file and if some condition is true, it displays an Alert to the User. Its working great when iPhone is on Home Screen, but it is not working when user Locks the Screen. I want something Similar to Alarm app of iPhone whi...

What is a makefile in iPhone development environment?

Hi there. i have been developing iPhone apps for a few months now, i have gone through some examples of some iphone open source apps which have "makeFile" file in them. Just like cydia has got here Cydia Source Code i googled for it but couldnt get any satisfactory explanation of it. All explanations are somewhat complex. Can somebody...

How to create kiosk-mode iPhone app?

Hi, I'd like to run an app in the KIOSK mode, so that it auto-starts after starting the device re-starts after app crash/power loss/etc. Any ideas how to do this on a [probably jailbroken?] iPhone? ...

Do launchDaemons keep running on iPhone Lock Screen?

Hi there. I need an answer to a simple question. Do the launchDaemons keep running even if iPhone Screen is Locked? ...

Creating a libsubstrate for iPhone Simulator.

Hi there. I am working on mobilesubstrate plugins on a JB iPhone. i have created a dylib in xcode for my iphone which builds fine for Device, but when i try to build it for Simulator, it gives me an error "_MSHOOKMESSAGE reference from: blah blah". I have placed all the headers in proper locations. I got libsubstrate from device but tha...

Change iPhone's default Browser

Is there any way to alter the application an iPhone uses to view websites so that Safari isn't opened by default? I'm thinking it may be possible with a Jailbroken phone by editing an application's Info.plist to trick the iPhone into thinking a 3rd Party browser is Safari or using some form of openURL to handle all NSURL calls. ...

Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen

I m creating an app that has to display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert even if iPhone Screen is Locked, currently i am using this code CFOptionFlags responseFlags = 0; CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(20.0, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Hello"), CFSTR("Hello World"), CFSTR("OK"), NULL, NULL, &responseFlags); This works great on Home Scree...

iPhone .deb App installation Problem

Hi there. I am into a very strange problem. I have developed an app for myself, which has following three files MyApp.app MyAppDaemon.app LaunchDaemon.plist When i copy each file into specific folder using ssh , my app works perfect. MyApp.app into /Applications MyAppDaemon.app into /private/var/mobile/ LaunchDaemon.plist into /Sy...

How to stop a LaunchDaemon in iPhone programatically?

Hi there I have a LaunchDaemon in my app. It fires perfectly on iPhone Start and keeps firing after a specific amount of time, but now i wanna know is there any way i can stop that launchDaemon and make it not fire if some condition is reached? ...

Reading iTunesMovies file in iPhone?

Hi there. In iPhone, the iPod app saves the media files (audio, video) with strange names and in weird folders (F00,F01 etc). There is a file named iTunesMovies in iPhone, which contains all the information about the metadata of those video files and how they are to be displayed in iPod app. I copied that to my Mac also, and when i trie...

Jailbroken iPhone: Application Delegate Methods not Found on Device

Hi all, In the simulator, I don't have this problem but when I run the app on my device applicationDidBecomeActive and applicationWillTerminate aren't called. Is it because I'm jailbroken and running backgrounder etc? Here's the gdb log from Xcode: [Session started at 2010-02-28 15:37:00 +0900.] GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple vers...

Private Method For changing Setting of the iPhone

Which are the private methods available to change the settings of the iPhone, say Toggling Wifi, 3G. I know this will be rejected by the AppStore , But still curious to know how, atleast could be used for jailbroken device. ...