
Is there any option for local database like Sqlite for j2me - CLDC devices?

Hi all, Is there any option for local database like Sqlite for j2me - CLDC devices? PerstLite and OpenBaseMovil are both under dual license. Is there any open source option for this? Or, any alternate way of developing application. ...

How to implement notification service in JavaME - CLDC application?

Hello, How to implement notification service in JavaME - CLDC application,for both series 40 and series 60 phones? ...

Problem updating record store

Hi guys, im having some trouble updating a record store, its for an events application. The user inpus the event details , but i want to have an edit section so that they can retrieve whats storesd in the rs and then add to it or delete anything they want. Below i'll show the code for retreiving data from the rs. Below this ill show the ...

Context Sensitive Menus - Java ME

Hello, I'm trying to build a context sensitive based command list. I set the command.ITEM option for all my command buttons. But I couldn't find a way how to provide the following functionality: I have a list of values say A, B,C For A, my command menu should contain 2,4 When I move the selection (cursor) to B, my commands menu should h...

Symbol SPT-1800 Java Barcode Scanner

Does anybody know if its possible to write a barcode scanning application for the SPT-1800 in Java? I don't know how to program the Old School Palm OS.. so java would be great. ...

Handling dependencies in blackberry development

What is the best way to handle 3rd party dependencies in a .jad file? Is it possible to bundle a .jar? Do you need to unpack it and include the .class files? ...

Signing a jar with WTK via ant task

Is there a way to sign an Jar for a JavaMe / j2me aplicattion, using Sun WTK via an ant task? examples, or tutorials links would be appreciated. ...

Blackberry - Loading/Wait screen with animation

Is there a way to show "Loading" screen with animation in blackberry? Options: PME animation content multithreading + set of images + timer/counter standard rim api some other way Any of this? Thanks! ...

Which is better tool for Blackberry application development?

Hi, Which gui development option gives a optimized and faster gui for Blackberry applications? BB tools,J2ME tools,or any other UI toolkit like LWUIT ? ...

Is J2ME's Integer.parseInt() broken?

While writing a game for J2ME we ran into an issue using java.lang.Integer.parseInt() We have several constant values defined as hex values, for example: CHARACTER_RED = 0xFFAAA005; During the game the value is serialized and is received through a network connection, coming in as a string representation of the hex value. In order to ...

Parse a png image into many png images in J2ME!!!

Can anyone tell me how i can parse a png image into many png images in J2ME??? I want to write a code that take a image and give many images that have equal pixels. Can anyone give me sample code???? please help me....It's emergency! Thanks a lot guys... ...

JSR-135 MMAPI Implementing Custom Codec

Is it possible to implement a custom codec decoder and play a media file using JSR135? Actually I am interested in playing back a custom media file in J2ME. I think JSR135 is a good starting point but I am open to other suggestions. Thanks. Update I have not tried but I believe, if I open the file using JSR75 I will get an InputStream. ...

Help in J2ME for creating image and parse it

Can anyone tell me how i can parse a png image into many png images in J2ME??? for examole:I just wnat to have a source image 150*150 pixel and parse it to 10 image with 15*15 pixel. I write an elemantary code that have exeption. This is my code: public class HelloMIDlet extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { private boolean mi...

What cell phone has the widest potential market for software?

I developed a flashcard program a while back for learning Japanese. I've been considering porting it to a cell-phone. What is a good target platfrom? I'm thinking about iPhone, HTC Touch HD (system software: Windows Mobile) or a Nokia (system software: Symbian). Since I know a bit of JavaME, something that runs that would also be cool. ...

No default radio button selected (J2ME, Java)

Currently working on a mobile app in J2ME and have questions with radio button answer options. Any suggestion on how to make it so that no default answer is selected? We've tried: cg8.setSelectedIndex( -1, true ); But get an out of bounds exception error and setSelectedFlags( boolean[] ) with all false, but also get another error. T...

How to draw a line on the camera screen with j2me?

Currently I am developing an application for decoding barcodes using mobile phones. I have a problem with how to draw a line or a square on the camera screen to easily capture the barcode. What is the easiest way of doing it? ...

How to install an application signing certificate on a Motorola Phone?

Motorola phones do not have Verisign/Thawte root certificates for code signing. They only embed Java UTI certificate, that requires you to pay to sign your application for every phone model you want to sign the app for (and this, every time you want a new version of the app). I've created a simple web page pointing to a certificate (DER...

Can a blackberry HTTP request error out immediately if there's no connection available?

I have an HTTP connection, opened by HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection); where url is one of:;deviceside=false;deviceside=false;ConnectionType=mds-public;deviceside=true;ConnectionUID=xxxxxxx;deviceside=true;interface=wifi Is there any way to cause the...

Accessing the 'Media' directory of a Blackberry within the JDK

Trying to use JSR 175 to access media saved under the '/home/video/' directory on the device. Using Blackbery JDK 4.6.1. Single line of code throws a 'filesystem io error' exception. Which is, as usual, unhelpful in the extreme. fconn = (FileConnection)"file:///home/user/videos/"+name, Connector.READ); Has anyone trie...

How to install a MIDlet on a SonyEricsson phone directly in the Organizer folder

This question refers strictly to Sony Ericsson phones running Java Platform 8 or higher. It is possible to instruct the AMS to install the application in one of the folders Applications or Games. But I want to install the MIDlet in a different folder. The target folders are Organizer, Entertainment or Location services. Is it possible t...