
Convert String from ASCII to EBCDIC in Java?

Hello, I need to write a 'simple' util to convert from ASCII to EBCDIC? The Ascii is coming from Java, Web and going to an AS400. I've had a google around, can't seem to find a easy solution (maybe coz there isn't one :( ). I was hoping for an opensource util or paid for util that has already been written. Like this maybe? Con...

Is it possible for two ExecutorServices to share a thread pool?

I've got a collection of records to process, and the processing can be parallelized, so I've created an ExecutorService (via Executors#newCachedThreadPool())). The processing of an individual record is, itself, composed of parallelizable steps, so I'd like to use another ExecutorService. Is there an easy way to make this new one use the ...

What is the best way to work with file paths in java?

I believe it's the File class but I heard that is very expensive in memory. Is there a better way to work with file paths? ...

Tips on Speeding up JDBC writes?

I am writing a program that does a lot of writes to a Postgres database. In a typical scenario I would be writing say 100,000 rows to a table that's well normalized (three foreign integer keys, the combination of which is the primary key and the index of the table). I am using PreparedStatements and executeBatch(), yet I can only manag...

Some (anti-)patterns on using assert (Java, and others)

Finally, I have a question to ask on Stack Overflow! :-) The main target is for Java but I believe it is mostly language agnostic: if you don't have native assert, you can always simulate it. I work for a company selling a suite of softwares written in Java. The code is old, dating back to Java 1.3 at least, and at some places, it show...

Securing MBeans operations

I've got some MBean operations that I need to secure. I would like the users to be required to log in as the server admin and I would like this to be setup programmaticly or, preferably by a config file in the WAR, when the app is deployed. I want to avoid requiring the admin to set this up as a deployment step. We're running glassfish...

How can I call a method in an object from outside the JVM?

I have a really simple Java class that effectively decorates a Map with input validation, with the obvious void set() and String get() methods. I'd like to be able to effectively call those methods and handle return values and exceptions from outside the JVM, but still on the same machine Update: the caller I have in mind is not another...

How to write a profiler?

Hi, i would to know how to write a profiler? What books and / or articles recommended? Can anyone help me please? Someone has already done something like this? ...

How to reuse a Criteria object with hibernate?

I'm trying to do query result pagination with hibernate and displaytag, and Hibernate DetachedCriteria objects are doing their best to stand in the way. Let me explain... The easiest way to do pagination with displaytag seems to be implementing the PaginatedList interface that has, among others, the following methods: /* Gets the total...

Use Tomcat to serve a directory?

I have a directory on a linux box that I want to make publicly readable using Tomcat (5.5). I think this is easy to set up but can't find the appropriate documentation. Is there a simple way to accomplish this? ...

Webservices - Java or .NET?

I need to implement webservices in an upcoming project and wanted to know what are the main points to base the decision on whether to implement using java or .NET I'm a C++er... ...

How to develop multi-touch applications in Java?

Anticipating the day when multi-touch interfaces become more pervasive, are there libraries in Java that can be used for developing touch applications? I'm looking for interfaces similar to MouseListener / MouseMotionListener / MouseWheelListener. ...

Java icon constants - Are static constants ok?

I have a number of icons used throughout an application - let's take ok/cancel icons as an example. At the moment they might be a tick and a cross (tick.png, cross.png) but I may want to replace them in future. Also, I would like to keep the resource path in one place. Is this ok: public class Icons { public static Icon OK = new Im...

best way for get min and max value from a list of Comparables in java

I think in something like this: public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T minOf(T...ts){ SortedSet<T> set = new TreeSet<T>(Arrays.asList(ts)); return set.first(); } public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T maxOf(T...ts){ SortedSet<T> set = new TreeSet<T>(Arrays.asList(ts)); return set.last(); } But is not null s...

What are your favorite Eclipse plug-ins?

The only plug-ins I use are the ones required to do my job like SoapUI, Maven and SVN. I'm wondering if maybe there are some plug-ins out there that might make my life easier. Are there any Eclipse plug-ins that you find invaluable? ...

Java: using a RuntimeException to escape from a Visitor

I am being powerfully tempted to use an unchecked exception as a short-circuit control-flow construct in a Java program. I hope somebody here can advise me on a better, cleaner way to handle this problem. The idea is that I want to cut short the recursive exploration of sub-trees by a visitor without having to check a "stop" flag in eve...

How do I map a hibernate Timestamp to a MySQL BIGINT?

I am using Hibernate 3.x, MySQL 4.1.20 with Java 1.6. I am mapping a Hibernate Timestamp to a MySQL TIMESTAMP. So far so good. The problem is that MySQL stores the TIMESTAMP in seconds and discards the milliseconds and I now need millisecond precision. I figure I can use a BIGINT instead of TIMESTAMP in my table and convert the types i...

Best way to compare objects by multiple fields?

Assume you have some objects which have several fields they can be compared by: public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; private String age; /* Constructors */ /* Methods */ } So in this example, when you ask if: a.compareTo(b) > 0 you might be asking if a's last name comes be...

How to discover the type of the NAT a given interface is behind

I would like to discover the type of the NAT (FullCone, Restricted Cone, Port Restricted cone, Symmetric) a given network interface is behind. I've tested different tools (, but they report different results for the same interface. I'm looking for a definitive ans...

java append to file

I googled for this for a while but can't seem to find it and it should be easy. I want to append a CR to then end of an XML file that I am creating with a Transformer. Is there a way to do this> I tried the following but this resulted in a blank file? Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); xformer.set...