
Microsoft Intellimouse Scroll Wheel Not Working with Netbeans 6.5 on Vista

I would appreciate any help with this problem, I have spent hours trying to diagnose it myself to no avail and haven't received a single response when posting it to the Netbeans user list and the bugs list. Netbeans is an excellent IDE, and I have loved it since switching over from Eclipse a few months back. I do Java on Unix and Win32...

How to compile single/multiple java files without server restart? Is there any Eclipse plugin for the same?

I want to compile multiple java files in my Application without restarting Weblogic and Tomcat. Otherwise, this takes a lot of time. For this I got one Hotswap plugin in Eclipse, but this is not working in all the cases. It says it works for single file compile. Even if I use that it is not working in all the cases. Is there any other ...

Eclipse RCP: Actions VS Commands

Hi, What are differences between Actions and Commands in the context of Eclipse RCP? I know that they both contribute to the menu entries, but which one is better? And why? Of all the online resources I read, I could not get a firm understanding of the differences between both. I have not actually tried to use them, but just wanted ...

Is there a SIMPLE example of How to use buckminster

I don't understand buckminster at all. Lets say I have a project, and it needs log4j and junit4. How do I get started, what do I need to do, to specify the dependencies and have the dependencies added to my classpath in eclipse. Is there any tutorial which shows how its done? ...

Can I inject properties into a JPA Entity Listener

I could prototype this and see what happens, but I am being lazy. I want to be able to inject an EJB3 into my JPA Entity Listener so that it can access functionality of the EJB during the PrePersist operation. Is that possible? If not... then under JBoss, will the Listener be created once, or once per method invocation? I guess I am tryi...

How do I build an object that stores pictures?

If you were building an object to store a photo (for a program like photoshop) how would you design it? What properties would you take into account? ...

How to grant access for all authenticated users?

Need to grant access to users without any role using Spring Security. Anyone how process authentication must be granted to access any URL. So can I do that by something like this or may be somehow else? <http auto-config='true'> <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ALL" /> <intercept-url pattern="/login.jsp" filters="none" /> <for...

What is the best way to unit test a EJB3 component without having to deploy the component.

I would like to have a JUnit (or other) system where the enterprise beans can be tested in a mock environment so that all resources/beans and so on are injected locally. The enterprise beans should not have to accomplish this. All kinds of injection should be supported. I would like to have a maven plugin for this so that the tests can...

Monitor changes to a collection

Say you have the following java bean: public class MyBean { private List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); public void addName(String name) { names.add(name); fireNamesPropertyChange(name); } } How would you normally implement a property change event for a collection? Do you try and use the inde...

Running a Java process in Windows even after the user is logged out

I have a batch file that starts a Java process in a Windows 2003 server. As per the security policy, the users of that machine are logged off forcefully, if the user is inactive for a certain period of time. The problem is that when the user is logged out, the process also dies. I scheduled a new task (Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks) ...

Whereabout of the RSS4J project

Anyone know what is the project home site of the RSS4J. I found several reference on Maven repositories, but can't find the original project site. Also is this project alive? ...

Most efficient collection for this kind of LILO?

I am programming a list of recent network messages communicated to/from a client. Basically I just want a list that stores up to X number of my message objects. Once the list reaches the desired size, the oldest (first) item in the list should be removed. The collection needs to maintain its order, and all I will need to do is iter...

Implementing client - masterserver/slaveserver application java

We have a string processing service (c++, uses stdin/out for in/output) that has different layouts, each layout runs separately (eventually will run on separate machines), each layout takes time to load, thats why it must keep running after first run. I must implement a system with client that will ask the master server to connect it ...

Is there a way to get a list of all the Spring application contexts running in the JVM?

I would like to be able to get a list of all Spring application contexts from the web applications running in my servlet container. This so so that I can re-initialise the contexts without restarting or reloading my container or webapps. Is this possible? If so, how? Is there anyway to get a list of all the servlet contexts running on a...

Check if a column is auto incremented in Sybase with JDBC

To check if a column is auto incremented i can do the following Connection con = ... DatabaseMetaData meta = con.getMetaData(); ResultSet metaCols = meta.getColumns(catalog, schema, table, "%"); while ( ) String value = rs.getString("IS_AUTOINCREMENT") ... works fine except with Sybase databases. I've...

Is inheritance possible in JFlex?

I'm fairly new to JFlex and JSyntaxPane although I have managed to hack together a lexer for XPath. The problem I find myself in is that I'm working on a project that supports a subset of XPath with a few proprietary features. Nasty I know. If this were a regular Java problem I'd turn to inheritance but it doesn't seem possible to ach...

Change the owner of a JDialog

I have a very specific problem, and I wanted to know if there is a way to change the owner of a JDialog (it can be set using the constructor). I suppose there is no "official" possibility (other than a hack), but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. Any ideas or hints on the topic would be helpful, thanks already... ...

Read Jena OntModel with Dependencies

I'm new to the concept of ontology and Jena, so I'm not sure I'm phrasing this correctly.. I need to read a series of connected owl files (by namespace dependencies?) into an in memory Jena model (OntModel?) so inference can be run. How do I do this? Does the order of the files matter? Do I need to call a specific method to "run the ...

Java Blob to Image

I have a blob data object which i can return from a database however i want to be able to use this on an awt application which is running on a PDA running J2ME. How would i do this? ...

What are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes?

I have a Java library I'm considering porting to C#. The Java library makes extensive use of annotations (at both build time and run time.) I've never used C# attributes, but understand that they are the rough equivalent of Java annotations. If I proceed with the port using attributes to replace annotations, what do I need to know? W...