
Can a jax-ws web service use an rpc type call and receive raw xml?

Hello. I have a web service that I've been working on and it's wokrring fine so far by creating a port in the client and then calling a method on the port. However, I've just been told that a couple of the clients who will be using the web service plan on sending it raw xml based based off of the schemas used by the web service and I was...

Is it possible to handle User Defined Exception using JAX WS Dispatch API ?

Hello, I'm performing dynamic webservices call using following code snippet: JAXBContext jc = getJAXBContext(requestClass, responseClass, jaxbContextExtraClasses); Dispatch<Object> dispatch = service.createDispatch(portQName, jc, Service.Mode.PAYLOAD); Object requestValue = getRequestValue(requestClass, pOrderedParameters...

How can I list all deployed jax-ws webservices?

I have deployed some jax-ws webservices in a tomcat: web.xml: ... <servlet> <servlet-name>WebServiceJaxWs</servlet-name> <servlet-class>...a bean of mine which overwrites WSServletDelegate</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> ... The webservices themselves are defined in the sun-j...

why is jax-ws spring service reference prefixed with #, as in ws:service bean="#myService"

I've developed a web service with jax-ws and Spring using the tutorials at the jax-ws commons website. It shows you how to define and reference your service from your spring applicationContext file (https://jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net/spring/). What is the reason for the "#" when referencing the web service? I would expect to see somet...

Issue with Silverlight interop with JBoss WebService

I have a simple JAXWS webservice deployed in JBoss. It runs fine with a java client but I'm trying to connect using a Silverlight 3.0 application. I've changed the webservice to use Soap 1.1: @BindingType(value = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http") public class UserSessionBean implements UserSessionRemote { ... } I'm using...

How to programmatically set JAX-WS 2.1 JMS client timeout in WebSphere 7?

I'm converting a JAX-RPC client and service to JAX-WS, and am trying to figure out how to set the client timeout programmatically. This will be a JAX-WS 2.1 client running in WebSphere 7. In JAX-RPC, there was a property I could set on the SOAPBindingStub to set the timeout. In the JAX-WS code, I've tried setting several properties as...

How to include Jax-ws annotations in Javadoc

I want to add Jax-ws annotations to my Javadocs for service interfaces, such as @WebService(name = "CommentService", targetNamespace = "http://xxx.org/wsdl/comment") @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED) public interface CommentService exte...

How to pick CXF over Metro on Glassfish

Hello all, I'm having the following problem (reported there by someone else) when running my webapp under Glassfish, while under Jetty it works fine.. javax/xml/ws/spi/Provider mentions creating a META-INF/services/javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider resource, but this is already supplied with CXF and creating an additional resource file does no...

JAX-WS - Map Exceptions to faults

I am using JAX WS to expose a WebService. Some of the operations of this service can generate exceptions. Not internal server exceptions, but rather exceptions that are dependent on the input arguments of the operation invocation. If I specify that my operation throws a custom Exception, like so: @WebService @SOAPBinding(style = Style...

Java: using endpoint to publish webservice to tomcat server

hi all, i am creating a simple SOAP web service. i am to ensure that it runs on a tomcat web service. im trying to implement this with JAX-WS (see code) my question is: does the Endpoint.publish use the tomcat server to host this or is it a mini glassfish kind of server? should i be extending UnicastRemoveObject or something simili...

Impossible to yield classes from wsdl file made with contents of URL, but works with original wsdl file

Hi, I'm having extremely painful difficulties to have wsimport working to generate my client classes, as per the following method: 1/ I open my endpoint/URL in a web browser, 2/ I copy-paste the contents of this page in a .wsdl file, 3/ and I try to yield the classes by running wsimport against the file I've just created => it fails. ...

Creating a web-service client directly from the source

Hi, I am trying to generate the WS client jar directly from the @Webservice class(es). Let's take this example : package com.example.maven.jaxws.helloservice; import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService public class Hello { public String sayHello(String param) { ; return "Hello " + param; } } I can gener...

How do I set the timeout for a JAX-WS webservice client?

I've used JAXWS-RI 2.1 to create an interface for my web service, based on a WSDL. I can interact with the web service no problems, but haven't been able to specify a timeout for sending requests to the web service. If for some reason it does not respond the client just seems to spin it's wheels forever. Hunting around has revealed that...

JAX-WS: when input soap validation fails

I have created a web service with JAX-WS. When the input SOAP message is not well formed or can not be validated, a soap fault is returned automatically to the caller. I dont want the caller to receive this standard SOAP message but i want to create an own custom SOAP fault. So if the call looks like this (note Envelope1, its not valid)...

Use Maven to trigger a wsgen & wsimport in a row, using wsdlLocation

I have hard times using maven to generate my client. So Please refer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2131001/creating-a-web-service-client-directly-from-the-source for the first part of my question. To keep it simple and short, I want to go from here (a file in src/main/java) : package com.example.maven.jaxws.helloservice; ...

JAX WS RI 2.1.6 Error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: '*_Type' is already defined

I'm using JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 (wsimport/JAXB) for data binding and for generating Java classes. However, I'm getting several of these errors: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: '*_Type' is already defined at com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.impl.parser.ParserContext$1.reportError(ParserContext.java:165) at com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.impl.parser.NGCCRun...

JBOSS webservice annotations.

Background I am attempting to make a webservice using SOAP and JBOSS. I know that to make a webservice that you do something like this: import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService public class HelloImpl { /** * @param name * @return Say hello to the person. */ public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello, " + ...

JAX-WS get soap without actually sending to a web-service

Using JAX-WS and a custom WSDL, is there a way to get the message that would be sent to a web-service without actually making a call to the service? I need to generate a soap message conforming to a WSDL, but that soap message is actually embedded into another message. I was thinking I could create a local web-service that just echos bac...

How to config WebService to return ArrayList instead of Array?

Hi * I have a web service in java that implemented on jax-ws. This web service return an generic list of User. It's working very good :). @Stateless(name = "AdminToolSessionEJB") @RemoteBinding(jndiBinding = "AdminToolSessionRemote") @Remote(AdminToolSessionRemote.class) @WebService public class AdminToolSessionBean implements AdminTo...

Call UPS Parcel Tracking Web Service with Delphi?

Delphi 2009 imported the UPS WSDL without any errors, and I managed to invoke the web service with my account information and an example parcel ID. The response from the server is: <detail> <err:Errors xmlns:err="http://www.ups.com/XMLSchema/XOLTWS/Error/v1.1"&gt; <err:ErrorDetail> <err:Severity>Hard</err:Severity> <er...