
Webservice protection against big messages

Hi! I am developing a WebService in Java upon the jax-ws stack and glassfish. Now I am a bit concerned about a couple of things. I need to pass in a unknown amount of binary data that will be processed with a MDB, it is written this way to be asynchronous (so the user does not have to wait for the calculation to take place, kind of...

Limitations of exposing Java web services using javax.xml.ws.Endpoint?

I am trying to expose some Java web services so that I can interoperate from C# (see this SO question). The proof of concept code below works great with WCF! My question is about the use of the javax.xml.ws.Endpoint class to publish my service: What do I forfeit by going this route instead of a full-blown application server? Is ...

How do I annotate a JAXB property to use xsd:time rather than xsd:datetime?

I have a JAXB class like this: public class Game { private Date startTime; @XmlElement public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } public void setStartTime(Date startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } } which results in an .xsd where startTime has type xsd:datetime. I want it to be xsd...

deployment jax-ws on weblogic fails

Hi, my beaweblogic did not startup successfully. Do you have an idea? Thanks failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/app". javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlException: Unable to find namespace for prefix 'tns'. This is used in element [part: null] at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.server....

JAXWS serves only 100 requests, how to configure JAXWS to change it to unlimited?

Hello, I'm using JAXWS for generating webservices and serving using EndPoint.publish() as well as deploying war file, but as soon as it has served 100 requests it wouldn't return 101st response. How to configure JAXWS to change this count to unlimited? EDIT: solution found, first of all it was not related to JAXWS and I'm sorry for pos...

Jaxb2Marshaller and primitive types

Is it possible to create a web service operation using primitive or basic Java types when using the Jaxb2Marschaller in spring-ws? For example a method looking like this: @Override @PayloadRoot(localPart = "AddTaskRequest", namespace = "http://example.com/examplews/") public long addTask(final Task task) throws AddTaskFault { // do som...

wsimport ant task assumptions and how to work around those

I use the ant task from jax-ws - wsimport to generate my dto's. What I'm wanting to know is what assumptions does wsimport make? for example, w.r.t to the service endpoint and the location of the wsdl, where does it expect these to be and what if they're not there. Wsimport generates the code with the wsdl being loaded from the locatio...

WSDL over SSL mode.

I have a simple web service that is going to be invoked over ssl mode (https://ipaddress%3Acompany/service/servicename?wsdl). so i created a keystore and truststore with sun jdk tool(keytool) and saved the in the server. But I still get the below error. Using metro webservice javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.V...

Advantages of using a Dynamic Client with JAX-WS

What are the advantages of using a dynamic client with JAX-WS services as opposed to just using generated client classes? What are the disadvantages? **For my particular case I am using Apache CXF, I'm not sure what other libraries allow "dynamic" clients. -I thought I didn't need to add this, but... I'm looking for non-obvious(I know....

JAX-WS: How to Exclude a "member/field" in a Response Object (WS Response) that is inherited?

Hello Experts, I have a WebService that returns as the result of the Invokation of the Web-Service a ResponseObject called "CustomerResponse". When I implement this object "from scratch" everything works fine: My implementation in this case only contains all the needed "Simple Types" like Strings, Integers but NO Object references/assoc...

setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMessage

I'm trying to deploy some web services in a WAR application on JBoss 5.1.0. I have created the source files from an existing wsdl using JAX-WS tool wsgen. This created the Service files and @XmlType annotated clases that would act as request and response wrappers. This classes worked well on JBoss 4.2.3, but when moving to JBoss 5.1.0,...

Problem calling (Jax-ws) web service from another web service within JBoss.

I have a web service, code generated by JAX-WS RI (JAX-WS RI 2.1.1-b03-) with one method addroute. I can see the web service in the list of deployed services (http:///jbossws/services) and using that wsdl I can access the method addroute from outside jboss, using curl and soapui. however when I try to access the web service from with...

Deploying jax-ws on Tomcat

After noticing Java 6 includes javax.xml.ws, I'm able to create a standalone web service. How would I go about hosting that in Tomcat 6? ...

Connecting to WebService via HTTPS throws SCL Profile Allocation error

I'm trying to use Jax-WS generated classes (created using wsimport) to call a webservice over an HTTPS connection from within a Java component in the application server Sybase EAServer 5.3. I get an exception in the EAServer log with the following as its underlying cause (I have removed the URL of the webservice). 2009-11-15 18:39:...

Any way to generate WSDL documentation from Javadoc with JAX-WS?

I'm hoping that an extension of some kind is available that does this (although I suppose that my hope is foolishly optimistic). /** * <p> * Gets the {@link ResultObject} given the identifier. The following * fields are not available for some users and will contain a null value: * </p> * * <ul> * <...

How to hide interface methods in the web service when using @WebService's `endpointInterface` attribute?

Is there a way to prevent a method from an interface used in @WebService's endpointInterface attribute to be exposed in the web service? I'm using the endpointInterface as that seems to be the only way to make the service work on JBoss with Metro, not doing so results in a: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Undefined port type ...

Problem calling (jax-ws) web service from within JBoss

I am trying to connect to a web service via a VPN from my server. I can connect to the wsdl and send a soap request using Curl (it gets a valid response too). The code I am using is able to connect to the web service when installed on another server, but for some reason does not seem to connect from within JBoss on this server. There ...

Does metro support hot deployment?

Does metro support hot deployment? If it supports, please give some explanation/details/links. ...

Client catching Web Service User Exceptions [Java 6.0.17]

I am trying to send an EXCEPTION from a Web Server to a Client using JAX-WS ... When the exception is thrown by the server the client does catch it ... but the contents are not the expected message... Server.java package pck; @WebService() public class Server { @WebMethod() public function() throws UserException { thro...

JBoss Web Services Behind IIS Through HTTPs

This is a tangled web that's woven, I suppose, but it really shouldn't be all that hard. Let me see if I can paint the picture: I have written a web service, starting with a WSDL, which is to run in JBoss. This is all fine and dandy when I run it on my local machine and point my Netbeans "client generator" (probably just using "wsimpo...