
Groovy & Jax-ws: @WebMethod annotation ignored

I recently found an example on implementing a We3bService with groovy and jax-ws: the problem is that the @webmethod annotation seems to be ignored. This is the source code of the groovy script: import javax.jws.soap.* import javax.jws.* import javax.xml.ws.* import javax.xml.bind.annotation.* @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) cla...

What is the maximum size limit for SOAP response for JAX-WS?

This is regard to my question On JMeter here i found the SOAP message size can be a problem for the exception. What is the size limit of SOAP response for JAX-WS webservices?. ...

jax-ws: how to get a handle to start/end of processing incoming soap message

Situation: jax-ws web service on Weblogic appserver; wsdl first development, jaxb customizations in external binding file. I would like to get a handle to the actual jaxb context that will process the incoming soap xml message, before it has been unmarshalled into java objects. Then I would like to get the unmarshaller of this jaxb con...

Map Database timestamp column to UTC Calendar (JPA) and pass it as UTC date via WebService (jax-ws)

This sounds like a simple task. Get UTC timestamp value from DB and pass it as UTC date via Web Service. We have timestamp column DATE_COLUMN and store there time in UTC time zone. With JPA we get this time with @Column(name = "DATE_COLUMN") private java.sql.Timestamp dateValue; And as we have to pass this time via Web Service in U...

Any tools or techniques to enrich NetBeans code generation (web services)?

Hello. I'm working on a project that involves the creation of numerous web services. Top-down/contract-first and model-driven design strategies are utilized (WSDL -> codegen). NetBeans (6.7) + JAX-WS + GlassFish comprise the chosen tooling stack. The web services will be EJBs deployed as Composite Applications in the Glassfish JBI cont...

Axis client with changing keystorefile. org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: General security error (No certificates for user user1 were found for signature)

Hi, I have a problem with axis2-client inside JAX-WS web service. This JAX-WS web service is inside Tomcat container. Keystorefile is retrieved dynamically from database. When I start Tomcat I can use ws-client normally and it works fine, but if i change the keystore it fails with stacktrace shown below. If I restart Tomcat it works fin...

JAX WS webservices on WAS 6.1

I am trying to develop JAX-WS webservices using WAS6.1, RAD v7, Java 5.0 on WIndows XP. Is it possible to develop with the above configuration without using Web Services Feature Pack(WSFP)? Our company does not allow for the installation of the feature pack. ...

jaxws 2.1.5 on weblogic 10.3.1 instead of pre-installed jaxws 2.1.1?

Is it possible, and when yes, how? ...

Metro + Jetty + OSGi = pain

I am trying to swap out Sun's HTTPServer for the much better Jetty server, within an OSGi bundle, running on Equinox. I have tried this: System.setProperty("com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServerProvider","org.mortbay.jetty.j2se6.JettyHttpServerProvider"); but when endpoint.publish(url) is called, and the server is spawned, it complains o...

java bean to wsdl - how to make fields nillable?

I'm using JAX-WS api for wsdl generation. Java-bean class is something like: public class MyBean { private String nullableField; private String notNullableField; // and here appropriate get/set/ters } When wsdl is generated then nullability of this fields is not specified. Question: what (and where) necessary to specify...

How to change the encoding of wsimport-generated files?

I am using the wsimport ant task of JAX-WS to generate sources based on some wsdl. However, these generated sources all seem to be UTF-8 encoded. Is there a way to change the encoding of the files wsimport task produces? ...

How to specify name of string argument of web-service method

Hello. I have a web-service with method signature like this: public RetType doIt(String description){ return null; } After wsdl is generated I see that (in wsdl) method doIt have argument name arg0. Is there a way in code-first approach to specify argument name to be shown in wsdl appropriately like in java class method signature? ...

Problem consuming Exchange Web Service 2010 with jax-ws metro

I am trying to consume the Exchange 2010 Web Service interface using JAX-WS. I'm using JAX-WS 2.2 RI (Metro 2.0). 2.1 exhibited the same problem. I am running into trouble with Exchange, which returns "HTTP/1.1 415 Cannot process the message because the content type 'text/xml;charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'text/xml; charset=u...

Building large MTOM/XOP messages with JAX-WS

Hi, I have a question about using MTOM/XOP with JAX-WS. I'm writing a web service which sends large amounts of binary data. The client requests a number of files and the server returns the files in the response. I'm able to get it to build the response correctly so that it correctly implements XOP, but I run into memory-related issues...

How to trace SOAP message on Glassfish 3

I would like to save to a server log SOAP envelopes for web service deployed on Glassfish version 3. I know that I can use Wireshark or similar net sniffing tool, but I would prefer to have the messages stored in Glassfish log. ...

Netbeans Basic Http Auth Jax-WS

Hi, how can I access a webservice through a basic http authentification? I am using the netbeans built in webservice client features. But when I try to access the webservice, I get an exception with a 401 auth failed error message. How can I pass the right username and password? Thank you! ...

Can't set serviceName and endpointName on an EndpointReference

I need to add ServiceName and PortName information on a W3CEndpointReference, but even if I add those to the W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder, this information won't show on the resulting EPR. This is preventing me from successfully creating a proxy to consume the service, getting the following error when I call epr.getPort(InterfaceClass.cl...

CXF + SSL + WebLogic 9.10

Hi I im developing a web application, its a servlet which basically acts as a front end for a web service, im using CXF for the web service client, the application is running on a WebLogic 9.10 server, every thing was working ok until the project owner decided to add ssl supprt, no big problem, since im using cxf whitout spring, i mana...

JAX-WS wsgen and collections of collections: wsgen broken?

I've been playing around with "bottom-up" JAX-WS and have come across something odd when running wsgen. If I have a service class that does something like: @WebService public class Foo { public ArrayList<Bar> getBarList(String baz) { ... } } then running wsgen gets me a FooService_schema1.xsd that has something like this: <xs:compl...

Tracing XML request/responses with JAX-WS

Is there an easy way (aka: not using a proxy) to get access to the raw request/response XML for a webservice published with JAX-WS reference implementation (the one included in JDK 1.5 and better) ? Being able to do that via code is what I need to do. Just having it logged to a file by clever logging configurations would be nice but enou...