
Access JMS Queues from WebLogic in JBoss

What is the recommended approach for an application deployed as an EAR in JBoss 5.1 to access JMS destinations on WebLogic 9.2? The current implementation, which worked just fine on 4.2.3, does not even start without errors on JBoss 5.1. The application deployed to 4.2.3 used a Spring JmsTemplate to connect to WebLogic. WebLogic's clien...

jms on jboss: how to set delay time of message

"The delay represents a time interval after which the message becomes available to the Message Consumer. A message specified with a delay is in a waiting state until the delay expires and the message becomes available" how to set it on JBoss (5.1)? thanks ...

Flex Blazeds Java NoSuchMethodException

Hi All We have a Flex-BlazeDS-Spring-JMS application. The issue is sometimes we get a Blazeds error: NoSuchMethodException. It is not able to find the Java service. The weird issue with this it does not happen all the item...1 time it goes through and returns the result, the 2nd time it fails, 3rd time fails and so on. Also not all meth...

Is JMS (or any messaging solution) appropriate for a follower/following model

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume I'm cloning twitter (I'm not). So every user can follow other users, and be followed by other users. For each user you follow, you receive all tweets he sends. Everything is stored in a data storage (be it a NoSQL solution or a sharded relational database). However, when users are online, do you ...

How to connect JMS queues from JBOSS 4 and 5?

I have a server on which a Jboss 4.2.2 and a Jboss 5.1.0 runs. The problem is that a 3rd party is not able to upgrade its application to Jboss 5.1.0 in the near future, for us it is a simple matter. Unfortunately we need to send and receive some JMS messages from the third party app running on Jboss 4.2.2. What is the easiest way to ena...

How do I configure SonicMQ in JBoss 5.1?

Trying to setup SonicMQ as the primary messaging provider in my JBoss 5.1.0GA server. The resources available for this are horribly outdated (This wiki article on JBoss is 3 years old, and references a broken link from Sonic's parent company, thus providing incomplete instructions for an outdated version of JBoss (4.x)). I need to use ... maven repo - JMS artifact missing

I just created a new Maven project using the default archetype and added the following dependency to my POM file. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>javax.jms</groupId> <artifactId>jms</artifactId> <version>1.1</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> Realizing that the Sun's JARs are not on...

Difference between JMS and Web Service

I need to develop a system which accepts orders and returns confirmation. Orders could come from java or non java clients. Not sure whether to go for web service implementation or JMS. Any suggestions ... ...

JMS / ActiveMQ Transaction Timeout

I've been having problems with setting the transaction timeout for ActiveMQ. I want to set the timeout on a message so if it isn't committed within a certain period, then rollback() is then called. I'm not sure whats the best way to go about this - whether it is set on the activemq configuration or it is done at the time the message is...

ActiveMQ Ajax problem, re-writing Javascript code

Hi. I'm experiencing a very weird problem, subscribing to an ActiveMQ topic through Ajax. Here's my simple javascript code: var priceHandler = { _price: function(message) { if (message != null) { var store_id= message.getAttribute('store-id') var job_id = message.getAttribute('job-id') var status = message.getAttribute...

ActiveMQ and Client identity through certificate authentication

Is there a way to determine the identity of a Message sender in ActiveMQ (JMS in general) that successfully connected to a broker via SSL using a client certificate? I am planning on using JMs for communications between a remote terminal and a perimeter server within my network simply because of the extensive work that's been done inter...

Which JMS ConnectionFactory shouuld one use on JBoss 5.1?

I have generic question on using JMS provided by JBoss 5.1. I deploy my JEE application (implemeneted using Spring Framework) on JBoss 5.1. The application is using Spring to consume messages from JMS queues (DefaultMessageListenerContainer) and also sends messages to JMS destinatiosn using Spring's JmsTemplate. What is important here i...


I'm having trouble getting an example running using the REST API with ActiveMQ 5.4.0. I've seen several different GET URIs. The documentation refers to this URI: http://localhost:8161/demo/message/&#060;queue name>?type=queue Other sources refer to these URIs: http://localhost:8161/queue/&#060;queue name> http://localhost:8161/demo/...

ActiveMQ Broker connectible only on Localhost

Is there a way to run a loopback JMS adapter that will only be detected locally? I'm not sure if my terminology is correct, but I want the ActiveMQ broker to only be connectible from the same machine that the broker is running on. ...

Accessing MQ with JMS

hi, i am using MQ7 and trying to access a queue with JMS api's. Getting this error. Has anyone seen it before? How do i resolve this? TIA Exception in thread "main" JMSFMQ6312: An exception occurred in the Java(tm) MQI. The Java(tm) MQI has thrown an exception describing the problem. S...

Can I build a directory structure (JNDI) with the file based context factory com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory

Using the com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory file based JNDI context factory and it seems to only allow 1 binding file in location you specify. For example Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(2); properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"file:///tmp/jms/mycontext"); properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscon...

How can I specifiy the drive letter (windows) for the PROVIDER_URL of the JNDI InitialContext

I am using the com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory file based JNDI context factory. It seems to take the drive of the where the java application is started in. Hashtable properties = new Hashtable(2); properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"file:///tmp/jms/mycontext"); properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.f...

HornetQ - Trouble unsubscribing durable topic

I have to connect to a HornetQ running on a remote box. I specifically have to subscribe to a durable topic, so I am notified of any missed messages upon reconnection. The first thing I noticed is when my client tries to reconnect after disconnecting, I cannot do so - instead, I get the following error: javax.jms.IllegalStateException...

Does EE Server need to be installed to make a use of JMS?

Hello, I got a question about usage of JMS(Java Message Queue). Somewhere in documentation I have seen that everything I need to use JMS is jms.jar on the machine where the client is going to run. But I still not sure if I need glassfish or JBoss also installed on machine.. Anyone can me tell if it's really only jms.jar is needed or I n...

ActiveMQ + REST + Java environment creation

Hey, I got several questions regarding this issue 1) ActiveMQ after installed and started also starts Jetty? Jetty is running on port 80? (the environment where my application is going to be installed already running Apache, so there can't be another web server on port 80...) 2) I have managed successfully post and get messages from q...