
How to load a jqgrid with data, onclick of a button...?

hi, i am new to jquery. i was able to load data from mysql table into a jqgrid on loading of the page. but how can i do the same thing on click of a button. sinario: initially the page will have an empty grid. When i click a button (say "load data") on the page, the grid should be populated with the contents of the mysql table. pls help...

jqGrid - make all columns not sortable?

Is there a way to make all columns on a grid NOT sortable other than adding sortable:false to each column? I know you can set global options at the grid level but didn't know if you could do it at the colModel level. ...

JQgrid Clear Search Criteria

Hi Everyone, I am hoping that one of the jqgrid gurus can help me here. Here is my problem. Currently I have a grid set up with the search enabled. When I run a search everything works fine and I can return good data back to the grid. I see that the "_search" parameter on the url is set to "true" and all is well. However, when finished...

jqGrid pager textbox size

On our jqGrid pager the page number textbox size is off. Some of our other site CSS is liking causing an issue. Anyone know how to fix this? This is our footer: ![alt text][1] And an example from the jqGrid demo site with a correct size: ![alt text][2] Update 3 (removed prior 2 updates).. The issue appears to go away after chan...

jqGrid throws "Uncaught Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #"

Hello everyone :) I'm sorry for the long code listing, but I'm not sure exactly where I'm screwing up here. I'm writing an internal-use-only jquery plugin for editing access control lists. A component of the ACL editor is the jqGrid plugin, which is an excellent grid implementation, which comes with it's own AJAX loading facilities and ...

JQGrid - How can I Create Check box in Navigation to Trigger Multiselect or SingleSelect

function bind_single_select() { if (!$("input#single").length > 0) { $("span.single_select").prepend("<input type='checkbox' name='single' id='single' checked='checked' style='vertical-align:middle' />"); } $("table#gridTable").find("tr").click(function () { if ($("input#single").attr("checked")) { $(".trSelected").re...

how to create Jqgrid using jsp..

Hello All I am very new in jquery and json.i know jsp and java in my project job i have to implement a data grid same like shows in http://www.trirand.com/blog/jqgrid/jqgrid.html# i this example site i need a datagrid using Json object. i explore all in internet but i cant find any help of that. please provide me an example with uses j...

How do I add a cancel button to my jqgrid?

I've got a jqgrid (version 3.5.3) on my site which gets its results from an ajax call to a web service. Often the query is complicated and it takes a few seconds to load the result. While it is loading the user sees a box [Loading...]. In case the users realise they're searching for the wrong thing, the client has asked to add a cancel...

jqGrid: customizing the delete message

Hello, I have setup in jqGrid a delete function call that uses the native features for checking if a row have been selected in the grid or not as in the following code sample: $("#myGrid").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { add: true, addtitle: 'Add record', edit: true, edittitle: 'Edit record', del: true, deltitle: 'Del...

Filling JQGrid Searchoption values dynamically

In my colModel I have defined that one of my columns will have a drop down filter in the filter toolbar. I use ASP.NET Webforms and a webservice webmethod I have tried to use dataUrl for this and it works with a static HTML page. However I need to use a call to my webservice, which I can't get working. searchoptions: { dataUrl: 'WebSe...

jqGrid navGrid search submit on Enter keypress not working

I'd like to be able to invoke the find button on the search dialog when the "Enter/Return" key is pressed. Unfortunately the 'savekey' option doesn't submit the form and the same way it does in the edit and add Form Editing. Here's a snippet of the code I'm using. $("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {edit: true, add: true, del...

Set class or identifier on jqGrid row based on a key/value pair placed in row (like ID).

I'm guessing afterInsertRow is the method to use, and I've already got extra data for each row (read/unread), with the key "readStatus". What I do no want is to be transversing the DOM after grid has completed to add a css class to row based on some cell value. Any suggestions? Add-on: If this is the cell data: {"cell":["blah blah b...

Load data from Webservice (asmx) to jqgrid. Please help me

I create a Sample to test jqgrid. GetDataService.asmx: using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Web.Script.Services; using System.Web.Script.Serializatio...

Dropdown list in jQGrid

Hi all, I have a jQueryGrid in which a dropdown list needs to be implemented. The code that I have written below just displays the data and that too only the first result: new JQGridColumn{ DataField = "DepartmentRoleName", HeaderText = "Deptt Role/s", Sortable = ...

JqGrid not loading data from asp.net mvc action

Hi, I run into this problem few hours ago, and I can't get around it. I'm trying to implement JqGrid into my ASP.NET MVC application. I was using examples from Phil Haack's blog post. I imported js and css: <link href="/Content/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/Content/ui.jgrid.css"...

JQGrid - How Can I populate dropdownlist in searchoption from MVC

I found this code for populate searchoption editoptions: { value: "List:School" }, stype: 'select', searchoptions: { value: "List:List Prices;School:School Prices" } But I want to Populate it from Data in Controller use some JQuery Ajax like this $.getJSON(url, function (data) How can I do it.Thanks ! ...

Access row data in jqGrid custom formatter

We have a grid with datatype json. We have the following custom formatter: function opsFormatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject){ '<a title=MA href=javascript:showDialog(' + rowObject[5] + ')>MA<a>' + '&nbsp;&nbsp;'; } Instead of rowObject[5] is there any object notation where we can specify the actual column name ("account")? ...

how to get the current sort column in a jqGrid after user clicks a column header

I'm in the beforeRequest handler, and would like to know what the current sort column is. How can I find that? ...

jqGrid Json,decompression

Use jqGrid, how to load the local json request directly data without url, consult ace, JqGrid whether uncompressed version of the source ...

jQgrid, validation in search dialog

Anybody know how to use validation in custom search dialog that looks like validation in edit/add forms ? thanks in advice. ...