
jqGrid. add dialog

I have jqGrid with some columns, I want to add additional fields in Add dialog, that not displaying in grid, but sending in request. How i can make this functional? ...

JqGrid How to change width of edit form?

I don't understand how to change width of edit form in JqGrid. I found option 'width' but I don't know how to use it (there isn't example). ...

toolbar in jqGrid?

hello, I would like to create a toolbar in jqGrid with only the buttons that usually are on the pager. At the moment I have the following definition $("#foroGrid").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { add: true, addtitle: 'Add Foro', edit: true, edittitle: 'Edit Foro', del: true, deltitle: 'Delete Foro', refresh: ...

RichFaces application, should I use rich:dataTable or jQGrid, pros cons?

Following on from here, I need to have an inline editable grid in my web application using RichFaces 3.3.3, JSF 1.2 and Facelets. My options are the rich:dataTable RichFaces control, or the jQuery plugin, jQGrid I have tried both and found the following so far: jQGrid works really well, but I am not sure what will happen if I try to ...

Is there any way to copy from excel and paste into jqgrid.

Is there any way to copy data cells from excel and paste into jqgird or opensource grids so that is saves to database. ...

JqGrid bug, buttons are shown twice

When I load jqgrid first time everything is ok. When I reload it, buttons are show twice. How to fix it? Is it a common problem with jqGrid? I can't post screen to show it :-( ...

jqGrid and the autowidth option. How does it works?

Hi, I am using jqGrid with the autowidth option set to true. Standing to the documentation: When set to true, the grid width is recalculated automatically to the width of the parent element. This is done only initially when the grid is created. In order to resize the grid when the parent element changes width you should apply cust...

jqGrid drag and drop a copy of the row, rather than moving the row?

It's easy to connect two grids for Drag and Drop: jQuery("#sourceGrid").jqGrid('gridDnD',{connectWith:'#targetGrid'}); However, this moves the row from source to target. I want to copy the row from source to target. The default "drag_opt" for gridDnd includes "helper: 'cone'", but it doesn't appear to be cloning. Does anybody have ...

why does jqGrid give "Error: No url is set" if cellSubmit is 'clientArray'?

using jqGridversion 3.7.2 I thought that if I set cellSubmit: 'clientArray' then the grid does NOT need a url to post data. I'm trynig to just capture the changed value locally and process it manually, not auto trigger a server event. Yet when I try to exit an edited cell I still get the "Error: No url is set" dialog. grid options def:...

jqGrid custom buttons with edit/delete behaviour

Hello, I am using custom edit/delete functions in jqGrid and I really enjoyed the fact that they call your custom function after checking if a row was selected or not. Now I would like to add two more buttons and I would like to use the same behaviour of the edit/delete, so when a row is selected my function get called but if no rows h...

JQGrid, change row background color based on condition.

I have the following jqgrid that uses the jquery ui theme imported to my master page. $("#shippingscheduletable").jqGrid({ url: $("#shippingscheduleurl").attr('href'), datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', altRows: true, colNames: ['Dealer', 'Model', 'Invoice', 'Date', 'PO', 'Seria...

jqGrid does not populate with data

I am trying to populate a jqGrid with data from a web service. I have looked at the jqGrid code and documentation thoroughly. I need another set of eyes to look at the code below and tell me if I'm missing something. As you'll see in the code, I have the grid set up to load when the page loads or during a refresh. After the grid load...

jqGrid - clicking on row removes altclass and hoverrows

We use jqGrid with altclass set and with hoverrows:true. When you click on a row, the altclass class is no longer applied and the hover effect no longer works on the clicked row. How can you stop this from happening? ...

jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert

I have been able to pull data from my DB using jQuery/Ajax from a webservice into the jQGrid. Now I would like to send added/edited data back to the webservice. I've seen some examples by using PHP and the editurl: command. Will that work for webservices as well (like how I pulled down the data originally)? I've looked over the exam...

Can I set up a jqgrid treegrid so that it fetches the child data on row open? How?

The example treegrid implementation isn't exactly crystal clear. I've got a grid like: ID Name Val + 1 Foo 45 + 2 Bar 30 Which I'm populating from a json object. When you click on the +, I want to go to the server and get the data associated with that row's id: ID Name Val - 1 FooBar 45 - Foo 20...

Adding jqGrid Custom Navigation to Top Toolbar

Is it possible to add navigation items to the "top pager" in a jqGrid? And if so, what's the syntax for doing so? I have an HTML snippet on my page that looks like this <table id="mygrid"> </table> <div id="mygrid_pager"></div> And then an jqGrid initialization that looks something like this $('#mygrid').jqGrid({ ..., //full co...

IE8 Out of memory and "Object doesn't support this property or method"

Hello, I am using jqgrid for a website i am developing and can't seem to find the problems in ie8. In ff everything works fine, but in ie8 i get the "Out of memory at line 12" message followed by a list of "Object doesn't support this property or method" Here is the list with all the js files i include: <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.m...

jqGrid - how to set grid to NOT load any data initially?

How can you create a grid but not load any data? If I omit the url option then the loadError callback is triggered. Currently we set url:NoData.json where NoData.json is a static file with no rows in it. Issue is in our loadComplete callback we'd like to dipslay a message if the grid contains no data - except we don't want to display ...

jqGrid Focus invalid cell after cell edit?

Hi, I'm trying to validate a celledit with ,editrules: { custom: true ,custom_func: myCustomFunc } But when error message is accepted, focus gone to another cell. How can retain focus on the invalid cell? Thanks in advance :-) ...

jqGrid - how to add custom properties to a grid

How can you add custom properties to a grid? The properties would not be used by jqGrid itself. It's more of meta data which would be used by our custom code. For example, we want a custom property to identify if the grid appears on our 'main page'. This property would be read by some of our common functions which would handle certai...