
jqgrid Data Load from Excel

Hi, does jqgrid (free or commercial with PHP) have an OOTB function to Import Data from Excel? i see export options and examples in my search, but i dont see any for Import. Is this supported Out of the Box, or does one have to write their own PHP for that? I am considering purchasing the commercial version, but want to be sure before ...

jqGrid colModel and jsonReader with no cell

The following json and jqgrid options give me no data in my grid. var grid = jQuery("#grid")[0]; grid.addJSONData({ // the json total: 1, page: 1, records: 10, items: [ { ProductID: '1', Name: 'Coke' }, { ProductID: '2', Name: 'Pepsi' }, { ProductID: '3', Name: 'L // jqGrid options { ... ...

Scope problem in JS: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an Object> has no method 'createDocumentFragment'

I'm trying to make instrument to simplify work with complex grids of jqGrid, a function that could read schemes of grids, but looks like i lack JS skills for that ) function renderGridSystemRecursively(scheme, container){ // CHILDREN if ('children' in scheme && scheme.children.length > 0) { scheme.prm.gridPrm.subGrid = true...

jqGrid - determine whether find or reset clicked in search window?

We are using jqGrid searching.. how can you determine if a user has clicked Search, Reset, or has closed the search window? There is an onClose event but it doesn't seem to have any parameters that indicate the action. ?? ...

jqGrid - how to reset search options?

Using jqGrid multiple searching how can you programatically "clear" the search options? The "clear" should ensure no filters are being sent to the server and that the GUI search box does not contain any search criteria.. We are currently calling trigger("reloadGrid"). We'd like to call a clearSearchCrieria() type method before reloadG...

jqGrid - use combo box options for search criteria

We are using jqGrid search - for a given field, how can you specify a combo box with specific search values instead of a text box? ...

Dynamic Population of JQGrid colModel and data

Hi, I am trying to create the grid dynamically. My objective is to create a sort of dynamic front end to show some of the database tables. So I need to add / remove columns dynamically. I need to change the datatypes of the columns dynamically. I used the script provided as answer in a similar question. I get my grid constructed it s...

is there any documentation of which jquery-ui components jqGrid expects?

having all of jqGrid and jquery-ui is starting to feel like bloat, but it's not entirely clear which portions of ui grid wants.... ...

How do I edit a jqgrid from javascript

I have a jqgrid that has several columns including a checkbox column that indicates if an item is selected. Underneath that I have a dropdown menu and a text box. The idea is that each item in the dropdown menu is a column in the jqgrid. Then all I need to do is modified all of the checked rows with the contents of the text box for th...

Using flexgrid plugin for jquery on html table, not on xml file

I trying to use this plugin for jquery which seems perfect for what I am being asked to do to do. http://flexigrid.info/ Now what I'm working with is an HTML table, and I don't have the ability to change it. The above site has three examples. The first two seem to apply the flex grid to existing tables, which is what I need, but they ...

jqgrid null json object

Hello... i am using jqgrid to display the table.... But problem is if i get json object as null, still it renders the table with the previous data. It doesnot show a blank table. $("#order-list-table").jqGrid({ altRows: true, autowidth: true, datatype :'json', url: 'order-list.htm', height: '90%', width: '100%',...

How to Display all Client Side Validation Messages as a Summary

I am using JqGrid for my MVC Application. I had defined required field validators for the columns like "Column.EditClientSideValidators.Add(new Trirand.Web.Mvc.RequiredValidator());" I am using the Grid Footer button to ADD/Edit records, Suppose if there are 3 required fields and when submit button is clicked while these 3 required field...

Remove search option filters jqGrid

I'm trying to set few filters to search with this: $.jgrid = { search : { caption: "Search...", Find: "Find", Reset: "Reset", odata : ['equal', 'not equal'], groupOps: [ { op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any" } ], matchText: " match", rulesText: " rules" }}; But I cannot get it to work. It is still listin...

trigger reload grid in the gridComplete.

Hi everybody, I try to reload my grid with the search parameters I got when I went to another page and I come back to the grid, so for the beginning, I tried with hard-coded parameters. When I try this in a click function, it goes very well: <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="r">reload</a> jQuery('#list').click(function(){ $('#list').jq...

jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine

I am using jqGrid in an ASP.NET page and injecting the datainto a script block on the page and then loading from there. For this one use case it is necessary that we have a large amount of data visible on the screen at once. which involves 300~500 records with 30 columns on each row. Paging for this case is not a good fit. The user needs...

jqGrid data stored in browser cache?

Does jqGrid store grid data on the file system? If so, do you need to clear the browser's cache to remove it? Or is it just stored in memory by JavaScript (and the browser)? Would just closing your browser remove the data? Do the answers to these questions change depending on whether you are using loadOnce? ...

using different params with the jqGrid api for paging

I'm using jqGrid with a restful api. By default when I click "next page", I get a url like: http://myservice.com?rows=20&amp;page=2 (I'm leaving out some params to keep the example simple.) The service expects a url like: http://myservice.com?limit=20&amp;offset=2 What's the easiest way to set up that translation? ...

jqGrid zebra striping

Does jqGrid support zebra striping? I can't see any examples. By zebra striping I mean each even row has one color and each odd row has another color. Currently we are using JQuery UI themes to theme our grids.. ideally the way we do striping won't interfere with us using the UI themes ...

How to toggle jqGrid display using jQuery?

We have two jqGrid grids - we only want to display one at a time based on a user's input. Each grid, when displayed, should appear on the screen at the same location. What is the easiest way to achieve this? Currently we just have our HTML set up with <table id="list"></table> and then we create the grid with $("#list").jqGrid({.......

in jqgrid, do all fields have to be visible to show up on the edit screen

i have a jqgrid, and i am using the popup editor to edit the fields for all of the crud functions. I have no more horiontal space but i want to allow editing of another field but not have it actually show up as a column on the grid. Is this possible? ...