
jQuery modal dialog using different styles?

When we display our grid (jqGrid) in a jQuery modal dialog it uses different styles (font size specifically) versus the grid displayed on our main screen. Any ideas why? ...

jQgrid search a value on the grid

Hi, I have to search a value contained in a jQGrid and when found it, I have to delete the row. How I can scan the rows of the grid? Thanks. ...

Is there a way to prevent jqGrid from autoloading?

I am using jqGrid and I don't want the grid to autoload. I only want the grid to load once a user enters filter criteria. Any advice? ...

assign Unique ID Jgrid Row

Hi, i am using Jgrid.i want when i add new row to the table each time it assign the new id to that row. I am adding the row using var AddNewRow = function(id){ var datarow = {Consultant:"",Role:"",Task:"",SDate:"",EDate:"", Deliverables:"",Complete:""}; ...

Reload single jqGrid row?

How can you reload a SINGLE jqGrid row? We know how to reload the entire grid - but we just want to update a single row when we know that the data in the row has changed. ...

jqGrid not displaying a single row

Our jqGrid is working well - if we return > 1 row everything works. But.. if we return just one row, the grid does not display any data and the nav bar says 1 of NaN. Very weird - any ideas?? This is the JSON being returned for the single row: {"records":"1","page":"1","total":"1","rows":{"cell":["ECS","D","201009","","0","ABCD","0"...

how to create a custom remove row button in jqGrid?

I have a button says remove selected button. On selecting a particular row or multiple rows I want delete it from the jqGrid..How can I achieve this ? can I use delGridRow method. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks! ...

How to search for a row and then select it in jqGrid?

I have a scenario where in I have to select a row in jqGrid programatically. From a function I will have a value of a column which is available in jqGrid and based on passed in column's value I have to search in jqGrid and when it finds a record match I have to select that row. Not sure how to achieve this using jQuery for my jqGrid. ...


I am able to display my records on jqGrid however the paging is not working. I have 90 records in total and its always showing the first 10 records even though the page number did increase. I had checked the return values to jqGrid from my method and it did show a different set of records being sent to jqGrid but jqGrid is not able to di...

How to "fullscreen" a jqGrid?

Hi all I'm using jqGrid with jQuery to display some data on an application I'm building and am struggling over extending its abilities. How would I go about toggling a "fullscreen" mode for the grid. i.e. expanding the grid to the full size of the page, on top of the other elements? Thanks all, Gausie ...

jqGrid rowid naming conflict during save

Hi, I need some help with jqGrid. I have a table with the primary key column named 'id'. It seems that there is naming conflict with jqGrid when the inline edit does ajax post back to save data. The rowid used as the unique identifier is also named 'id' in jqGrid. Is it possible to change the default rowid variable name to something e...

Need to override Search Filter url param (_search) in jgrid the jquery plugin?

Hi I have created a user message page with this plugin. The grid will show the user inbox and the user outbox(sent) messages. here's a little code: jQuery(document).ready(function() { //...some stuff currentURL = function() { return 'json_member_mail.php?task='+ currentBox; //where cur...

jqGrid Events problem

Hi, i have scenario where i have to do the batch update like in save change i have send the update to the database from jgrid. now, i am using the the array to store the updated data. and on onafterupdate event i have to add the element to the array. onafterupdate event is not working. please, help me. How to use onafterupdate event....

jqGrid header width different from data column width

Hello, I've implemented jqGrid with treeGrid enabled. On Firefox, the width off the header row (with the titles of the columns) is different from the width off the data rows. I've attached the init code for the jqGrid and a link with the screenshot image off the problem (because I'm new to the site, it appears I can't upload the image) ...

jqGrid prevent pager navigation?

We use a custom formatter to output html form text boxes. In the case that a user has entered in data and they hit the next/prev button, we want to tell them "you've edited data, hit ok to stay on this page and save your data". How can you do this? The 'onPaging' event fires when you use the pager but it doesn't seem to let you preve...

how to bind a form data and rowselected data from jqGrid to server?

I have a jgrid and on selectiing and submitting the row I have to submit the for data with that url which contains two date field... How can I bind the values of form and selected row together on submit to server? Nay help will be appreciated.. Thanks! Update 1: jQuery(".sorder").click(function() { var earliestDate = jQuery("...

jqGrid paging question

If you have 17 records and are displaying 15 at a time then when you're on page 2 you see records 16-17 of 17 - makes sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav (set datatype='json') when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16-30 of 17. This seems to be a bug - is the...

jqGrid sort icon displayed when no sorting performed

In our grid we do not have sortName or sortOrder defined but the first column has the sort icon displayed (in ASC order). How can you prevent the sort icon from appearing? Update: Code below $("#list").jqGrid({ url:'NoData.json', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames:['Product', 'Type','Expiry', 'Put Call', 'Str...

Changing rowId on jqgrid?

I have a jqgrid that contains some data, the first column of which is the numerical PK from the database. When my delete method gets called, it passes in the rowId of the grid (which it should.) However, my back end doesn't know what data is on what row. Is there a way I can set the row ID to my PK field? Or is there a way to force i...

JqGrid Custom Edit Dialog

Hello, I am working to an application that uses jqgrid. The problem is that the edit dialog that should appear at row edit must have a specific layout. So i would prefer to load it via ajax and then send the data back to jqgrid. I searched a lot on the forums but i could not find an example on how to do it. So, i just need jqgrid to fi...