
Adding command column to a jqGrid in Asp.Net MVC

Dearest All, I hope you have a good morning. I'd like to use jqGrid in my Asp.Net app. So far, I've been producing an html table and converting it to a grid, but I'd like to try a better approach: loading the data via an AJAX call as it's supposed with the grid. I found out how to fetch data, but I'd like to have the "Edit" and "Delete...

Add row in jqgrid

Hi, i am using jqgrid its working fine. I have scenario where i have to add the blank row in jgrid instead of popup to add the row. how can i do it. Please Help. Thanks. ...

Loading JqGrid with JQuery

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to invoke a jquery grid from client side to refresh itself. So once the page is loaded it will request its own data. ...

Grid text box stretchable

Hi, I am not able to make my jgrid text box draggable. How can I make it draggable? Please help. Here is my code. jQuery(document).ready( function() { //debugger; var lastsel3; jQuery("#test").jqGrid({ url:'/Content/xml/user.xml', //url: $!retrivexml, datatype: "xml", colNames:['Consultant','Project R...

ASP.net MVC - Strongly typed object to represent a Json Object that I pass to the view

I'm using jqGrid to display some data on a page. Within the controller action, we're using an anonymous object to represent the data that the jqGrid needs. My question is, is there a way we can create a strongly typed object to represent the jqGrid data that we are sending with Json()? Main reason for this is so that we can do unit te...

JQGrid : subgrid as a GRID with a navigation bar

I am using JQGrid and displaying subGrid as a JQGRID itself. I was wondering if there is a way to display the navigation bar for the subgrid too. I tried following the way its being done for JQGrid, but in vain. Thanks in advance! ...

jqgrid not reloading after making a ajax call using trigger('reload')

I am trying to reload the grid with new data which is just been changed , so that user can see the new data with modification . my approach: jQuery("#relCasePick").click( function(){ var ids=jQuery("#list10").jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/cpsb/unprocessedOrders.do?method=releaseTo...

JQGrid pager says "1 of Nan"?

When I have no rows returned, our jqGrid pager says Page 1 of NaN. The JSON returned is: {"page":"1","records":"0","total":"1"} Why is NaN listed? Update: We only seem to have this issue when we use loadonce:true. Here's the source code: $("#list").jqGrid({ url:'NoData.json', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', c...

jqGrid text field column

Is it possible to set jqGrid always to show input text field in column? When i set column editable: true it shows input field only if i click on it. ...

Add empty row to the jgrid

Hi, i am jsgrid i want have implemented the add row button. when i click on thet button its open the form in dialog box with submit and cancel button. i just want to add the row in in jqgrid. i dont want to save it to database how can i achieve this. Thanks ...

JQuery and JqGrid retrieve data from row

Hi, How I can retrieve data from jqgrid row, if I have only the number of the row? For example what I have to do if I want the id column of the 3th row? Thanks a lot. MP ...

JQGrid Sorting - how to trigger onSortCol event

I am trying to get the onSortCol event get fired when I press a column header. Currently, when I click a column header i can see a request going to the server but I want the onSortCol to be fired before this happens. I have pasted below the code I am using. Am I missing anything? How do i get onSortCol to work? jQuery("#list").jqGrid('...

how to populate the selected row from 1st jqgrid to 2nd jqgrid ?

I have a grid displaying some information and when I select multiple rows and click on add order button it should display those rows in 2nd grid without making any call because its just show the selected row from 1st to 2nd grid....just like shopping cart application ? Is it possible with jqGrid? Moreover, if I selected more rows it sho...

jqgrid paging - always shows 0 of 1

I am trying to get paging work on my jqgrid, but it always reads "1 of 0", I am loading data using addRowData to populate data on my grid. for (var i = 0; i <= mydata1[0].rows.length; i++) jQuery("#list").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, mydata1[0].rows[i]); The data returned is in the format: {total:'1',records:'10',page:'1',...

jquery strange reload on delete row

Hi, I am using jQGrid. When I delete a row with: jQuery('#jobList').delRowData(row); after it has delete the row, the page reload himself.....? Why it happens? Thanks. ...

ASP.net MVC - Model with DateTime, trying to serialize for Json() for jqGrid

I've got a model... [DataContract] public class DeviceModel { [DataMember(Order=1)] public string Alias { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 2)] public string Location { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 3)] public string State { get; set; } [DataMember(Order = 4)] ...

jqGrid recreateForm parameter

Hello, I would like to know where is the correct ubication of the following sentence: jQuery.extend(jQuery.jgrid.edit, {recreateForm: true}). I found here that setting it, you can solve problems with edition of rows, when you are using custom edittype columns, in respect of these type of fields don't refresh between successive editi...

How to get jqGrid reload to go to server?

We use the jqGrid navigator reload button on a grid with loadonce set to true. The reload button currently does NOT go back to the server to get the data - how can we get the reload to go to the server to get the latest data? I believe we can use the beforeRefresh callback to set the grid data to json instead of local but I'm not cle...

Restrict jqGrid columns eligible for searching?

Is there a way you can restrict which grid columns are eligible for searching on using the jqGrid search navigation bar feature? In other words, specify that only 3 of your 5 columns will appear in the field list on the Find bar. ...

jqGrid recreateForm parameter

Hello I'm trying to setup the jqGrid's recreateForm parameter to true in order to solve problems originated by using custom edittype columns. Here I found the best form to do that is putting this line: jQuery.extend(jQuery.jgrid.edit, { recreateForm: true }); I tried it without success. Anybody can help me? The code of the wiew I ...