
JSON dot notation in jQgrid?

I am using addRowData method to populate my grid. But my current JSON data have another object inside of each object in the JSON data. To make it view in the grid, i followed the notations in the documentation of jQgrid. But that column remain empty. My Grid definition: $("#ExpenseTable").jqGrid({ datatype : "local", mtype ...

Compress JSON using jqGrid

Is there a way to compress/uncompress JSON sent from an app server to a jqGrid client? Our app server is Java/JBoss. ...

jqGrid disable row highlighting

How can you programatically disable the grid from highlighting a row when you hover over it with your mouse? Looking to do disable this only at certain times. This is the code from Oleg which worked: $('#result-close').click(function() { //Turn off hover highlighting $("#list").unbind('mouseover'); $("#list").u...

jqgrid howto send all rowData in json format to server?

how to send jqGrid data in json format to server? DO I have to use any external library or script to achieve that? Thanks! update1: extra licensePlateNumber should not be there [ { "licensePlateNumber": "" }, { "licensePlateNumber": "0000000000000029000721804", "sku": "795127", "description"...

jqgrid in asp.net mvc

how to start working with jqgrid...basics about how to use jqgrid in asp.net mvc application. means wat namespace to be included...and all ... thanks in advance ...

How to disable tabs in JqGrid at runtime?

Two Default Grids Defenition: initialise(){ $("#ExpenseTable").jqGrid({ datatype : "local", mtype : 'GET', colModel : [ {name:'expnsId',label:'ID', width:150 }, {name:'userName',label:'NAME', width:150 }, {name:'catName',label:'CATEGORY', width:150 }, {name:'date',label:'DA...

How to send only two column values from jqgrid?

I have a jqgrid and on button click I just want to send two column values instead of sending the whole values...how can I achieve is using getRowData ....any suggestion will be appreciated.. Thanks! ...

Jgrid Save cell on button click

HI, I am using afterSaveCell that fires if we modifies the cell then it get fires. My scenario is that i m doing batch update to the database on save change button. But when user edit the cell and got to the other cell then i log the modification in a array. But if user edit the cell and click on the Save Change button the cell focus n...

JQgrid not sizing properly in IE8

For some reason I cannot seem to get IE8 to display my jqgrid right as you can see below. This isn't the only grid that doesn't display properly. I have another one in my project that renders just like the one below :(. Needless to say, I tried all sort of column widths, tried turning the scrollbars off etc etc. but nothing seems to impr...

jqgrid - search. Which event gets fired when find button is clicked ?

I am using multisearch on my jqgrid to enable users search data from the server side. My requirement is, I want to capture the search parameters specified by the user in the search grid as soon as they press the Find button. Accordingly, a. Is there any event that gets fired when a user clicks the Find button in the search grid? b. how ...

Recommended max data size for internal web app?

We're building an internal web app used by about 50 users. Our users will access the app from accross the internet (not by local LAN). What are some current guidelines for how much data can be transferred while providing good load time and a generally positive client experience? Accessing Gmail it seems Gmail downloads almost 900K wor...

how to empty the jqgrid grid after sending the data?

I have a jqgrid and after sending those grid records to server I want to empty the grid ...I am trying with reload but its not working...i am using it under complete ...but its not empty the grid grid instead it show me the same data... how can I achieve it ... ...

How to add a simple text label in a jqGrid form?

When using the Add or Edit form from the pager I'm wondering how a simple static label can be added in the form without it creating any additional columns in it's affect on colNames[]'s and colModel[]'s. For example I have a quite simple typical Add form which opens from the pager containing a few label's and form elements: Name, Email, ...

How can I change jQuery jQGrid Subgrid Caption

Need help in changing the caption of the subgrid of jQgrid also can I designed it based on my want's? When it collapsed it will show a certain layout out? ex: id: 200-2010 thanks! ...

jqGrid sort icon manipulation

How can you toggle the sort icons on/off? From another post I saw this seems to turn them off: $("#gbox_list .s-ico span").hide(). But this corresponding code did NOT seem to turn them on again: $("#gbox_list .s-ico span").show(). ?? And how can you manipulate them? Ie: How can you programatically set the second column to show the a...

How to read userData in jqgrid?

I need to pass userData to jqgrid, but can't find any examples of how to do this. Here's my attempt: Sent from the server: { total: 25, page: currentpage, userData: {foo: 'bar'}, rows: myRows } and in jqgrid: var data = jQuery("#grid").getGridParam('userData'); How can I send userData and read it from jqgrid? EDIT: I know ...

rails find(:all) do... how does it work?

I'm on rails 2.3.5 puts params[:_search] users = User.find(:all) do if params[:_search] == "true" puts "TESTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" pseudo =~ "%#{params[:pseudo]}%" if params[:pseudo].present? firstname =~ "%#{params[:firstname]}%" if params[:firstname].present? lastname =~ "%#{params[:lastname]}%" if para...

jQuery: jqGrid - creating a table where one can edit cells

Folks, I am completely new to jQuery and JqGrid both. Usually I take some time to understand the underlying software before I ask around but I am unfortunately short of time and so my question may have a simple answer (RTFM). If you can give an alternative answer that would be nice :) I am trying to draw a simple grid where one can edi...

jgrid validation.

Hi, i have to put the validation on jgrid cell. Like user cannot be able to enter the any value in calender cell even not the numeric value. How can i prevent script injection in grid cells. Thanks ...

Loading Xml to jgrid

Hi, i am using jgrid. i am creating a specific XML as per the jgrid format using c#(Castle Monorail). i am sending data to view in string format and pass it to "url:" but its not working. but if i m passing the xml file path to the "url:" its working and data is showing in the grid. Is i m doing mistake any where. Should i have to paa...