
jqGrid multiselect behavior when pressing special key

What I was expecting from a multiselect behaviour is to behave just as normal as long as no special key is pressed. I mean, if you have a row selected and click on another with no other key pressed, then it should select the new one and deselect the old row. Well, jqGrid’s standard options lets you choose between always regular behaviou...

How can I format the numbers in viewrecord on jqgrid pager?

When a large number of pages are present, the format of the numbers in the pager is "11 223" but I would like it to be "11,223" View 11 026 - 11 031 of 11 031 should be View 11,026 - 11,031 of 11,031 I searched the documentation for JQGrid but couldn't find a way to do this. ...

Changing the AJAX url in Jquery Plguin, JQGrid!?

I'm using the jqgrid plugin for jquery and jquery ui and I would like to change the AJAX url on a dom event. this is the instatiation of the jqgrid table: jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ url:'AJAX/JSON/json_member_mail.aspx', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames:['','Title', 'from','message',''], colModel :[ {name:...

Order jqgrid by data that is not loaded into the grid?

When using jqgrid you can set the select statement via: $grid->SelectCommand = $query However you cannot set the ORDER BY here. jqgrid allows you to sort the grid on any column. If my DB table has a column called "cost" and I want my grid to be in order by cost but NOT show cost. Is there a way to do that? ...

jqgrid navgrid problem

hi.. i am using navgrid function for pagination.... But navGrid function is not getting called.. i tried to put an alert in the jqgrid.js file where navGrid is defined.... But this alert is also not getting called.... $("#order-list-table").jqGrid({ autowidth: true, datatype : "json", url: "order-list.htm", height: '90...

Jgrid Problem Generating XML

Hi, i am using Jgrid. i am injecting the data to the Grid using Xml as we most of us do. i want the batch update to database, my requirement that when i click on the "Save Change" it generate the Xml of current(updated) grid data. So, how can i generate the Xml of Jgrid data. please help. here is the code. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/...

JQGrid trigger("reloadGrid") in ASP.NET MVC not firing

I'm not sure how to use trigger("reloadGrid") to refresh a JQGrid. I've tried many things but none of them will get trigger to fire. I have a grid I created through ASP.NET using the MVC dll from JQGrid. Now I'm attempting to change the grid onload of the page. $(document).ready(function() { $('#myGrid').setGridParam({rowNum: 20}).t...

jqGrid default sort order?

It appears that the jqGrid sortname and sortorder properties do not actually cause your data set to be sorted - they just cause the up/down arrows to be displayed. How can you get your data set to sort on download? The sort works well when you click the column headers but I want a default sort to be applied to our data. Update: Wh...

Create a jqGrid link with just the id

I can see how to create a jqGrid link using: colModel: [ {name:'myname', formatter:'showlink', formatoptions:{baseLinkUrl:'someurl.php', addParam: '&action=edit'} This creates a request like /someurl.php?id=XX&action=edit and the display text will be the value of myname. But in our case we don't need the m...

How to change the theme of the jqGrid?

Hi every one, I'm looking for the way to change gqGrid theme for the current version. I've started to use jqGrid in my ASP.Net MVC 2 application recently and download some demo solution/projects. I tried to change the theme of the grid by changing the theme ui javascript but it doesn't work for me. Looking at the document doesn't help m...

How to get rid of empty data in Craig Stunz's demo application ?

I download Craig Stunz's demo application from his blog and run it from Visual Studio 2010. The result is the grid with its UI but no rows. What should I do to make it works? ...

How to get the version of the jQuery jqGrid used in Craig Stunz's demo source code?

I download Craig Stunz's demo application from his blog and want to update it to the latest version of jQuery jqGrid but don't know how to get the current version in the source code. Please help! ...

How to update a usage of jQuery jqGrid version 3.5 to the current version 3.7.2 ?

Let's say we have the jqGrid in our ASP.Net MVC 2 application, e.g. Craig Stuntz's demo source code on his blog, and we want to update the grid's codes to version 3.7.2 (currently when this question is being asked). How can I do it? Which steps should be followed? I found here from the internet (trirand.com) but there's nothing related ...

How to make the column auto resized corresponding to cells' values in that column?

Let's say we have the jqGrid in our ASP.Net MVC 2 application, e.g. Craig Stuntz's demo source code on his blog. I want to make to columns auto-resized but don't know how to do it. Please help! ...

in jqGrid the grid size should be based on form or window size

Hi, I wanna grid in jqGrid should vary its size dynamically depending on the window or browser size. Is there any way to achieve the same. Any help will be appreciated and thanks in advance ...

jqGrid - do not display scrollbars

Is there a way to not display the scrollbars? We'd like to also NOT show the extra space where the scrollbars would go if our data didn't fit on the grid. ...

jqGrid - Having text boxes along with sorting

Apparently when editing a row, sorting via column headings is disabled. We want to have a grid where a text box always appears in each row where users can enter data and then hit a submit button. We figured out how to display a text box for each row BUT the problem is that this disables sorting. Any way to do both? ...

jqGrid - How to edit and save multiple rows at once?

We are aware of how to allow users to edit multiple jqGrid rows - but how would one have a single save button that saved all edited rows? ...

jqGrid noticeably slower in IE

We've noticed that the jqGrid sort/pagination performance is noticeably slower in IE vs FFox and Chrome. Is this just 'how it is' or are there any perf improvements that can be applied? ...

jqgrid radio button

Hi, I was trying to define a jqgrid column as a radio button group, but I could not. Anybody knows what I have to do? Please give me an example. ...