
jqGrid - supply no data message in the grid?

If there was no data returned from our search currently we use the loadComplete callback to print out a message to the user to indicate that there is no data. Is there a way to configure jqGrid to print out a "no data" message within the grid? Currently we print it out in a div above the grid but would like it to be within the actual gr...

Edit in a new page with jqGrid

Hello, I would like to edit the rows of my jqGrid in a new page. I have setup a custom function for the edit button with the use of the parameter "editfunc". How can I redirect the user to that page within the javascript function? I am using asp.net MVC 2. ...

JQGrid with xml file as data source

How can I edit a xml file using JQGrid? I am using ASP.Net MVC 3.5 with C#. Is it possible to return a JSon object from controller method for this purpose? ...

Problem customizing jqgrid, navGrid button won't show , row fonts way too big in the grid

Hello! I've manage to get jqGrid 3.8 working in my project(Zend Framework) using json.While basic fetching of data works i failed to see why i can't see the buttons showed on the navigation panel. here is what i've done on client side: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $("#roomgrid").jqGrid({ url:'/admin/admin-ro...

JqGrid is not filling with data

I have all the required javascript included, and the proper locale (at least, I think): <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/Web/Scripts/jqgrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/Web/Scripts/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; Here's the j...

jqGrid need a field editable on Add dialog but not Edit dialog

I'm attempting to use jqGrid in my ASP.Net MVC application and have a requirement that some columns arre editable in the Add dialog but not the Edit dialog. Apparently the way to do this is to use the beforeShowForm javascript event and set the properties on the particular input field. So far I can't manage to get the beforeShowForm eve...

How to bind function to DOM events once and only once so that they will not execute for a second time in the triggering of event?

so I have anchor tags in the form of <a href='[link'] rel='Tab'> and I apply the following at page load:('document ready' I mean) jQuery("a[rel*=Tab]").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault();//then I do some stuff to open it in jq ui tab} now the problem is that when I do this and later through javascript new links a...

Custom Delete Function in jqGrid

I am trying to customize the delete function in jqGrid. I have enabled the delete button on the grid $("#myGrid").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { add: true, addtitle: 'Add Customer', edit: true, edittitle: 'Edit Customer', del: true, deltitle: 'Delete Customer', refresh: true, refreshtitle: 'Refresh data', ...

jqGrid Summary Row Calculation

I am using a jqgrid (3.8) and I want some help in loading Summary row at runtime. My grid is getting data locally (i.e. datatype:"local"), from an object that is being constructed due to some user operations (no server roundtrip). For e.g. my datasource looks like this: MyCollection = [ {name:"a", price:"10.2", ...}, {name:"a"...

jqGrid computed columns

Anyone have an idea of how to create computed columns. For e.g. I have a grid like: $("#myProductGrid").jqGrid({ url:DUMMY_URL, dataType:"local", width:285, colNames:['Item', 'Unit Price', 'Qty', 'Discount', 'Sale Price'], colModel:[ {name:'description', index:'description', summaryType:'count'}, {name:'unit_price', ...

[SOLVED]jqGrid addRowData doesn't work with grid as subgrid

I want to use a grid as subgrid in jqGrid because I read that "simple subgrid" doesn't allow cell edit. I'm filling main Grid with dataType function successfully and I'm trying to do the same for subgrid, but subgrid shows without data, and I don't know why because I debugged and I catch data correctly from web service, but when I go th...

JqGrid: Trying to add a + button to the right of a "add" form field (using elmsuffix)

I can get the icon to show up, and it fires a simple alert if I place the javascript line in the href but I cannot attach a dialog object to the link id. I am using "elmsuffix" to get the html there: This works: {name:'name',index:'name',width:100, editable: true, formoptions:{elmsuffix: "<a id="companysearch" href="javascript:alert...

Jqgrid and belongs_to relationship

Is it possible to display a belongs_to relationship in a single jqgrid? Example: Vehicle belongs to Person I can display the Vehicle jqgrid listing the person_id, but I would like to display the Person's name instead of their id. Example: person_id|vehicle_type 1 | honda person_name|vehicle_type Tom | honda ...

how to center jqGrid popup modal window?

Hello! I've started using jqGrid for few days and everything is working cool.so far so good. What borders me is that when you click on edit button in the NavGrid without selecting a row, it shows a centered modal popup notifying of no row being selected. But when you click on add or edit(with selected row) it shows a modal at the left...

JQGrid header height

I am using JQGrid within an ASP .NET MVC application. The grid itself is working great. However, the header height of the grid (or first grid on the page) is growing to match the height of my left navigation menu. Here is most of the Site.Master layout that I have. I just don't see why this is happening. <div class="page"> <...

Can I get Added and Removed Rows from JQGrid?

Hi, I'm using a JQGrid with cellsubmit: 'clientArray' and executing addRowData and delRowData from custom buttons in a column. I want to send modified data to server through a 'Send Button' and I know that I can getChangedCells to get edited cells but I don't know how to get added and removed rows. How can I achieve this? Thanks :-) ...

JqGrid inline editing confirm box dialog

I'm doing some inline editing on the jqgrid. The client wants a confirmation dialog to appear that the user really wanted to save the changes made (similar to how delete works). In looking at http://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/blob/master/js/grid.inlinedit.js I've noticed that the editRow command takes these parameters. table.jqGrid('...

jqGrid: using multiple methods to filter data

My requirement is to show a page with multiple filters to apply to grid data. Suppose we are talking about Orders and an order has the following attributes public class Order { public int OrderID public DateTime OrderDate public DateTime ShipmentDate public int OrderTotal public int OrderStatus } Inside the jqgrid...

Cas insensitive search in jqGrid including hidden fields

Hello All, I have few hidden fields in my jqGrid on which I have to perform a case insensitive search (may be using regex - not sure). Is it possible? Can someone give me directions on it? Thanks! ...

Multiple search with multiplefields by default

So, there is a jqGrid, with declaration, smth like: $("#grid").jqGrid({ ... bunch of stuff ... ).searchGrid({ multipleSearch: true }); which is fine, when I click Search button, it brings me modal form with I guess first column and a dropdown of sopts: searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'cn']}. Now, i want to be able to display a cou...