
JQuery "Constrain" plugin - Weird Javascript Error

Background: Our web app uses the jquery.constrain.js plugin to handle data entry in some text boxes, to only allow valid characters to be added. This plugin allows various constraints upon the data, using regular expressions, whitelist/blacklist characters, etc. Until today, we were running the 1.0 release of this plugin, unmodified. ...

Problem to have access to jquery plugin inside $(document).ready() with django-debug-toolbar

Hi, I wrote my own jquery plugin and was amazing that I haven't access to it inside $(document).ready function. I write this testpage and was amazing more: /** * jQuery anchor plugin */ (function($) { $.anchor = { hashTrim: /^.*#/, } })(jQuery); console.log($.ajax); console.lo...

jQuery plugin generator

I have now written a few jQuery plugins which have unit tests, packing and library dependencies. This requires a base folder structure and downloads - and also the packer changes when I'm on PC or Mac (because of perl, for instance). I am thinking of writing a generator for doing these tasks similar to gem packaging and various generato...

Jquery Tabs

how can i make jquery tabs with image please give me code and related files ...

Need a jQuery Lightbox plugin that supports $.live() and grouping

I'm bringing in all of my images via Ajax, and I'm looking for a quick fix for the front-end of this project. I've tried a couple of jQuery lightbox plugins, but I can't seem to get them to perform in a live function (correct me if I'm wrong in thinking I need to do this). Currently attempting to use Balupton's Lightbox Plugin (can't li...

How to: jQuery cycle lite plugin (image rotator plugin) manually set images by ID

Hello I am using jQuery cycle lite plugin (image rotator plugin), and I want to use the middle example (click triggers) but instead of setting the IDs of the prev and next button, I'd like to manually set the image ID. My aim is to have a list of thumbs on the bottom of the page, and when thumb clicked set the large image in the 'slides...

JQuery to load Javascript file dynamically

I have a very large javascript file I would like to load only if the user clicks on a certain button. I am using jQuery as my framework. Is there a built-in method or plugin that will help me do this? Some more detail: I have a "Add Comment" button that should load the TinyMCE javascript file (I've boiled all the TinyMCE stuff down ...

Problem using jQuery cycle plugin as image rotator and a pager

Hi all! I am trying to use jQuery in order to make a pager for tumbs and large images and I don't succeed. I am using this example from jQuery's site, I think I followed the direction but it doesn't seem to be worknig. I do see only the first image and not all of them, but no pager. Am I missing something? So here is my HTML: <!DOCTY...

i need drag n drop in jquery?

Hello, I'v bean searching for a such plugin and I think found it http://batiste.dosimple.ch/blog/posts/2008-05-18-1/jquery-drag-and-drop-and-resize-event-delegation.html but the problem is .. how can I define events? .. when the object gets dropped or re-sized I call a function that print all changes in some like name:div1; top:10;...

Looking for a web based, client side form editor

I'm looking for a javascript library (could be based on jQuery) that will implement a client side Form Editor. The perfect example is something like offered by http://wufoo.com/ You should play with their free version to get the feeling of what I'm trying to find. Also see this example someone made with jQuery. it is very basic, but a ...

How to use the jQuery Cycle Plugin with WordPress?

I have tried everything that I can think of. It shouldn't be this hard. Can some one please explain to me the process of using jQuery with WordPress (specifically jQuery Cycle Plugin)? in header.php I have: <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery.cycle.all.min', '/wp-content/themes/andrewhavens/jquery.cycle.all.min.js', array('jquery')); ...

jquery livequery plugin execute blur event more than more

Hi everyone !!! I have a problem with the livequery plugin Version: 1.0.3. Watch this code: $('#'+$(celDiv).find('input').attr('id')).livequery('blur',function(){ var idProduct = $('#idProduct').val(); var idSupplier = $('#idSupplier').val(); var lotNumber = $('#lotNumber').val(); var idSpecification = $('#idSpecificat...

jQuery validation errorPlacement and removing elements?

Ok, I've tried a few things, but I'm stuck here... Here's the HTML I'm working with: <div class="required"> <label for="paysys_idworldpay" class="labelRadio"> <input type="radio" value="worldpay" name="paysys_id" id="paysys_idworldpay" class="inputRadio"/> <b>WorldPay</b></label> <label for="paysys_idoffline" class="labelRadio"> <input...

Client-side pagination with jqGrid

I know it's possible to do client-side sorting in jqGrid by setting loadonce = true but is it possible to do client-side paging as well? I want to pass all the data (about 80 pages of JSON) to the client initially during page load and then, I don't want any server calls. I want jqGrid to handle both the paging and sorting. ...

Jquery Validation Plugin - can you enable "eager" validation from the options?

I'm using the Jquery Validation plugin on a project. By default, the plugin validates input when the submit button is clicked. The behavior is "lazy" in order to be unobtrusive to the user. If an error is found, the validation then becomes "eager" and validates input as the user corrects the offending entries. Is there any way to overr...

JQuery BlockUI Not Working When Window Minimized and Scrolling

Hi, The JQuery BlockUI plugin is great but it does not block the complete UI when the page is minimized. Here is way to reproduce the problem. Block the page while in the full page mode and then minimize the page. You will see that the BlockUI is not blocking the right (scrollable) region of the page. How to solve this problem? Bro...

Stop an executing jquery and then resume where it left...

Well, I am using this jquery carousel plugin...and it works just fine (it has automatic carousel enabled), however I am trying to make it stop when any user runs a mouse over the carousel and then trying to resume where it left, after the mouse is out. I have not yet managed to do this, and I'm not even sure how to continue trying. This ...

Suckerfish bugging in Safari (jQuery)

I'm having some serious trouble getting Suckerfish working well in Safari. I'm using Suckerfish to create a dynamic horizontal drop down menu. The problem is basicly that Safari doesn't change the css class like it is supposed to when a person click a different sub-menu. This only works if the sub-menu has children, if not – the old sub...

jQuery PrettyPhoto passing ID to iframe

Hi all, I'm trying to use jQuery PrettyPhoto and for some reason it's not passing through the id variable.. if someone has come across this problem before and knows a solution, that'd be fantastic! Here's the code: <a href="/store-item-details?id=5&iframe=true&width=800&height=530" rel="prettyPhoto[iframes]" title=""> <img src...

Why JQuery Form submitHandler does not refresh its callback?

I am using the JQuery Form Plugin, the JQuery validation plugin and the jqTransform plugin. I have a hidden form which I make visible to add or edit stuff. Edit or Add actions trigger the next function call. function activateAddForm(formId,callback) { $('#'+formId).jqTransform().validate({ submitHandler: function(form...