
jquery ui sortable placeholder and forcePlaceholderSize

I have a list with floated thumbnails. See http://jsfiddle.net/Y2ER7/8/ (Don't mind the favorites feature) When I use placeholder and forcePlaceholderSize, I get strange styling behavior. Can you tell me why? EDIT: okay I just found out.. I used a border (outside) for my placeholder class, which caused the thumbnails to squeeze out th...

How to make a jquery datePicker button image unclickable

I have a jquery UI datePicker in my page. I have a text box on which the date is displayed. The code is: $("#cal").datepicker({ minDate: new Date(), defaultDate: new Date(), buttonImage: '/images/calendar.gif', constrainInput: false, closeText: 'Close', showButtonPanel: true, showButtonText: 'Choose a...

On page reload, open to a specific accordion panel

From an accordion panel, I post some data and then reload the page. I'd like on the reload for the current panel to be open and focused on the screen rather than re-opening the first panel and moving me back to the top of the screen. I know which panel I want open, so I don't need code to figure out the panel, just how to display it. ...

jQuery IE8 Object required

I have a button, that when clicked is supposed to open a jQuery UI Dialog. It works in FF3, FF4, Chrome, and IE8 with ChromeFrame. It does not work in normal IE8. I get an error that simply says "Object required". Below is the function the click calls. function punchNonProd() { var HTML = ""; HTML += "<tr id='burdenLine'><td><st...

is there any documentation of which jquery-ui components jqGrid expects?

having all of jqGrid and jquery-ui is starting to feel like bloat, but it's not entirely clear which portions of ui grid wants.... ...

JQuery. Array of connected sortable lists. Save to Mysql. Desperate

Hello, I have been intensively looking for an answer for a week. There are a lot of examples out there, how to save results, when having fixed number of lists. My task is: I have one 'ul' list, full of items (with id from 1 upwards) queried from MySQL. And I have several other EMPTY 'ul' lists (with id from 1 upwards) also queried fr...

jquery ui buttonset shift down in IE 8

Hi All, I have this scipt <script> $(document).ready( function() { $('.add').button({ icons: 'ui-icon-plus', text: false }).next().button({ icons: 'ui-icon-minus', text: false }).next().button({ icons: 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-w', text: false }).next().button({ icons:...

jquery-ui close dialog

I have a little problem closing my dialog box in javscript/jquery on mouse exit here is the script $().ready(function () { $(".popup").live("mouseover", function () { $(this).next().dialog(); }); $(".popup").live("mouseout", function () { $(this).next().close(); }); }); ...

Jquery Movable/Dockable navigation

Does anyone have any good suggestions with regards to movable / docakable navigation in JQuery. I have a requirement to allow the user to move their navigation and have it dock to the top, left, right or bottom of the screen. Thanks ...

searchbox with jquery ui

I am trying to get my searchbox to look like that of facebook, where the button looks like it's inside the textbox. Please see the facebook home page. I am using jquery ui and the graphics with it, for the button, problem is I think it adds borders to the button is creates, hence there is this separation between the text input and the bu...

Can jQuery copy an element's bounds (position, size, margins, etc.) to another element?

I have an element of an arbitrary type. I'd like to create another element, of either the same or a different type that has the same position and size as the first. The element may or may not be positioned. For example, I might start with a <select> with a certain size, possibly dependent on its contents, i.e. width/height auto. I wa...

jQuery Not to show Year on the Datepicker?

How can i possible not to show the year entry on jquery Ui datepicker. now its show as Oct 2010, but i just need Oct. is it possible?? ...

jQuery UI Accordion Scrolling issue

I have a page with several sections of significantly varying length within a jQuery UI Accordion. If I open a new section (which collapses one of the longer sections above), I'm left at the bottom of the page. Because the sections are of significantly different heights, I can't use the autoheight feature without it looking very strange...

Draggable and extensible containment

Hello, i'm trying to the authorize to drag out an object only on the right or bottom side of his containment and cannot do it properly whitout stop dragging the element. My code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> #parent { height: 500px; width: 500px; border: 1px black solid; } #images { height: 100px; width: 100px; backgrou...

jQuery UI Dialog, Checkboxes and the mysterious case of IE6

I have a jQuery UI Dialog containing some checkboxes. I want to conditionally set the state of these checkboxes and then open the dialog. Unfortunately this causes problems in IE6. The checkbox is never checked if it's value is set before opening the dialog. For example in the following code "Dialog Checkbox 1" is never checked in IE6,...

jQuery UI datepicker (with time addon) issues

Hi all, I'm trying to implement the jQuery UI Date Picker with the Time Picker addon (http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/) For some reason, I'm getting NaN instead of numbers and the little slider isn't showing up. I downloaded Redmound theme from the UI, so that might have something to do with it? But I've also copied the ...

Java Scrip Conflict with jquery plugin - working on test page

I am attempting to use the smooth scroll by smoothdivscroll dot com/#quickdemo , but I am getting a js conflict. I have it working on a test page, http://www.visfire.com/scroll.html, but it does not work on the live page viwfire dot com /Design/Logo-CorporateIdDesign.aspx . According to Firebug, "$("div#makeMeScrollable").smoothDivScrol...

How do I assign a real function into a javascript object to use as a callback?

I've got a Javascript mess that looks something like: Note: Not working code, just trying to illustrate my problem... $(function() { $(foo).Something( { //Something is a grid control buttons: { add: { onClick: function() { //Build dialog box to add stuff to grid $('<div></div>...

JQuery UI Themes

Possible Duplicate: Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere? Hi, Where from can i download all jquery-ui theme for offline use? ...

Resizable handles dont autohide on dragging

Hi, I have set the .draggable() and .resizable() properties to my elements. I have set the handles to 'autohide' and appear 'se' (southeast). Initially the handles appear only on hovering on the element. But if I drag that element around, then the handle remains there, and doesnt autohide. What could be the issue here ? ...