
IE css problem or jquery ui problem? weird cursor while showing custom nested rows.

I hope you can help me on this one. Here's a simplified version of my row object. Nothing special: a button, a title, and a content that slides down when the button is pressed. var row = function(title) { this.clear = $('<div/>').css({clear: 'both'}); this.$icon = $('<div/>').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-carat-1-s'); this.$but...

Need help to re-enable dragging of a draggable ----- JQuery

I have a draggable element $(".element").draggable({ helper: "clone", revert: 'invalid', containment: '#parent', appendTo: '#parent' }); I have two issues : 1 --> After this element is dropped, the original gets disabled automatically. 2 --> A close anchor tag is appended to the dropped element. On click of this 'close' the original ...

Stacking notification bars

I like the notification bars used in stackoverflow. I have found a jQuery plugin which makes the notification bar possible with just a few lines, but this plugin does not seem to stack multiple notifications bars when required. Does anyone know of a better plugin or how to get the plugin below to stack bars as more notifications become...

Load jquery Ui Scripts in asp.net applications

is there any component or control exist for asp.net application that load jquery ui scripts and themes? thanks. Depend on this sample Can Any body help me and introducing component or control ? :) ...

jQuery UI dialog modal window, passing values to a HTML file and using .load

Hello, I am using a jQuery UI dialog box and have some textboxes. When a user clicks on a textbox a modal dialog box opens with a loaded HTML file using the .load option. Is there a easy way to get the response from the child HTML file, which is a drop down box on some kind of change event. Below is a sample of me trying to get the r...

jquery .addClass to future js generated html

I do something like this: $(".field-validation-error").addClass('ui-state-error'); and at some moment something like this happens $("body").prepend("<span class="field-validation-error">This field is required.</span>") I would like this new added element to have also the class 'ui-state-error' ...

jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine

I am using jqGrid in an ASP.NET page and injecting the datainto a script block on the page and then loading from there. For this one use case it is necessary that we have a large amount of data visible on the screen at once. which involves 300~500 records with 30 columns on each row. Paging for this case is not a good fit. The user needs...

Setting defaults for JQuery UI datepicker on whole site

I'm working with a site with the JQuery UI datepicker displayed on a lot of different pages. We have a certain set of features we'd like the date picker to use for all pages - the same date format, the same icon, etc. What's the best way to set these items as the default for the datepicker() function, rather than have every call to d...

Retrieving the dateFormat from jQuery UI datepicker

Hi, I would like to retrieve the dateFormat from my datepicker default set up declaration like so: $.datepicker.setDefaults({ constrainInput: true, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', gotoCurrent: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true, minDate: '-1y', maxDate: 0, showOn: 'both' }); Is there a way to retrieve this information? ...

jQuery ui - autocomplete from XML cache xml document

I've implemented an autocomplete using an XML source. It takes ~4 seconds to download this XML document from the server. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I could cache that document so that the next time the user visits the site they wont need to download it again unless it's changed. Thanks ...

Closing all jquery dialog windows in JavaScript

How does one close all jquery ui dialog windows in javascript? Situation: The page has multiple things that can be opened using the dialog boxes. I need a way to close all previous windows before opening a new one. ...

load web page into jquery ui

is there anyway of loading a web page from a different domain into a jquery ui dialog? ...

jQuery UI Button - Text beneath the Custom Icon

I am trying to create a jQuery UI button with a custom icon on the top of the text. The default behavior creates icon on the left/right of the text but I want the icon to be on the top! Can this be done? If so, your help/guidance is greatly appreciated. Also, how can one have a 32x32 size Custom Icon (even increasing the height of the b...

Debugging issues : detect where my focus is with jQuery ?

Forcing focus() on an element is easy, but after having debug issues, I realize trying to determine where is my focus gone is a lot harder. thing is I'm generating a modal window using jq.UI, and from time to time, while focus is supposed to be set on first input of the form inckuded in the modal, cursor just disappears, to never show ag...

use # for nested jquery tab navigation

I am using JQuery tabs. One of my tabs contains another set of tabs. I can use http://site.com/page.aspx#tab2 and the page will load with the second tab being selected. However this second tab is the one that has another set of tabs in it. I want to do something like http://site.com/page.aspx#tab2#tab2 And have it select the second ...

jquery dialog displaying ugly title

hello i have dialog working but it looks nothing like the demo at jquery.com i have the theme css and the js files and referenced, but it looks ugly. big text and the title and 'x' are out of position. i have placed a grab at: http://picasaweb.google.com/100992319569544717409/DialogPics and would be grateful if someone could explain ...

jqGrid zebra striping

Does jqGrid support zebra striping? I can't see any examples. By zebra striping I mean each even row has one color and each odd row has another color. Currently we are using JQuery UI themes to theme our grids.. ideally the way we do striping won't interfere with us using the UI themes ...

Make text selectable in a textarea within a jQuery Sortable parent

I have a table whose body I've made sortable using jQuery UI's Sortable function. Within this sortable table, I have a textarea which allows the user to enter comments about a given table entry. <table id="status"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Comment</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="dragHandle">Jason</td> <td><text...

jQuery UI Tabs -- Can the 'cache' option be applied on a per-tab basis?

I'm working on a tabbed UI using jQuery UI AJAX tabs. Some tabs (tabs which are read-only) need to refresh automatically whenever the user leaves and returns to them, while others (tabs which contain forms) should only load once and not refresh when returned to. Is it possible to specify that a single tab should cache it's AJAX conte...

Use jQuery's switchClass method to fade in an element?

Is this possible? I've tried visibility:hidden/visibility:visible and display:none/display:block on the classes to switch between, but both result in the element popping in at the end. ...