
submitHandler doesn't work

The following code doesn't work. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#digitalchange").validate( { rules: { addbalance: { digits:true, min:20, max:1000 }, addquota: { digits:true, min:5, ...

jQuery validation - only show one error message

Is there a way to only show the latest error-message thrown, when using the validation-plugin for jQuery? ...

JQuery validate dynamically add rules

Hi, I am currently using the validate plugin to validate a form (using ASP.Net controls). I have stripped out the rules from the standard setup within the form.validate method ie: $("form").validate({ rules: { ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$dgQuestions$ctl14$iRadList_Col0: "required" } }); I now have these in various functions wh...

My form can not be submitted even if "true" is returned in the submithandler function, what's wrong

This is the jQuery code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#digitalchange").validate({ rules: { addbalance: { digits:true, min:20, max:1000 }, addquota: { digits:true, min:5, max:1000 ...

jquery.validate plugin - how to trim values before form validation

I'm using the excellent jquery.validation plugin by Jörn Zaefferer and I was wondering whether there's a easy way to automatically trim form elements before they are validated? The following is a cut down but working example of a form which validates a email address: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http:...

How to add a customized method to determine the number of words in an input box with Jquery form validation plugin?

I am developing a website which is similar to stackoverflow.com. A poster is required to enter 1 to 3 tags for his problem or task.If a tag has more than one word, then - is used to combine multiple words into single-words, space is used to separate tags. I use Jquery form validation plugin to validate the form. I need to add a customize...

How to get the number of words in Jquery form validation plugin?

It is tag input box validation.A poster can combine multiple words into single-words, space is used to separate tags. I use Jquery form validation plugin to validate the form. I need to add a customized method to validate the tag input box. This is the code: $.validator.addMethod("tagcheck", function(value, element) { return valu...

How to change the content of "This field is required" in Jquery form validation plugin?

How can I change the general message of "This field is required" in Jquery form validation plugin to "このフィールドは必須です"? The color of the message can be changed by using the following code: <style type="text/css"> label.error {color: red;} </style> But how to change the content? I want to change all "This filed is required" messages. I...

Validator plugin firing with links and on submit

Hi, I have a web form which is split up into several HTML pages. I am using the validation plug-in to check fields on submit and this is working great. The spec says that users should be able to navigate through the form, both linearly (just using the submit buttons to go from page to page) and also to skip to any particular page. I ...

jquery validate and IE

Hi i am using jquery validate that works fine in FF but IE dont listen the rules and dont submit. Here is the code $(document).ready(function() { $("form#loginForm").validate({ submitHandler: function(form){ customer_dispatch('login'); }, rules: { user_login: { required: true }...

Is 42 a valid credit card number? jQuery validator thinks it is

We all know that 42 is the answer to everything, but it's news to me that it is a valid credit card number. Try entering '42' or '42176' into this jQuery Validation testing page and click OK. What's going on? I thought this was supposed to be the de-facto validation library. Even Microsoft is using it now, but it thinks '42' and '42176...

Javascript not working on Blackberry

Have a script that using jquery validation. Tested on 2 Blackberry's and neither worked properly. http://andrewpeller.com/contest/indexTest.html 1st one - Blackberry Bold Email validation would not work even with valid email such as [email protected] 2nd one Form would not submit at all. Any suggestions as to how to get this to wo...

$("#form1").validate is not a function

<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $(document).ready(function() { $("#form1").validate({ rules: { budget: { required: true, minlength:3 } , duration: { required: true, digits:true }, town: { required: true, ...

How to check the size of an uploaded file using Jquery and Jquery form validation plugin?

I want to implement the Jquery validation on the client. When a user is going to upload a file, the Jquery will check the size of the file and if it exceeds the max size, a user can not upload the file. How to do it using Jquery or Jquery validation plugin? ...

jquery regular expression with custom messages

I need to implement a regular expression in my asp.net mvc(C#) application using jquery. I have a sign in form, in which i need to validate the fields with the required and regular expression. Putting more clearly, I have Username and Password fields in my Sign in form. I need to validate as required first, and if the user entered any ...

jQuery Validate Custom Rule Ignore a Checkbox

With some help from other post the related to validating multiple checkboxes, I decided to go with this customer rul $.validator.addMethod("checkBox", function(value, element) { return $("input[type=checkbox]:checked").length > 0; }, ""); I then call this in the rules section: field_name:{checkBox:true} This works great for ma...

jQuery Validation Highlighting One Label for Two Fields

I have a form validation script using the jQuery Validation plugin where for the phone area, there are 2 fields, area code and phone number. However, there is only one label for both fields that reads "Phone." Both fields are required in the validation. So when there is an error in the phone field, the label gets highlighted and the er...

jQuery Form Callback Compatibility Issue

I have a form on my website (http://www.jakelazaroff.com/#contact) that I submit with jQuery. The callback function for when the form is successfully submitted is supposed to make the form fade away; however, for some reason this only works on certain browser/OS combinations. Right now, the compatibility list is as follows: WORKS o f...

Asp.net MVC 2.0 DataAnnotations Validation doesn't emit correct JSON

I'm trying to get setup using the DataAnnotations validator in ASP.Net MVC 2.0 Beta, but with the following model: public class Foo { [Required] public string Bar {get;set;} } And the following code in my view: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Foo>" %> <!-- later on --> <% Html.EnableClientVa...

multiple jquery validators on one form

I'm using jquery.validate plugin and facing the following situation: <form id="myForm" ....> <input type="text" id="value1"/> <!-- Here is some code rendered from the partial --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var validator = $('#myForm').validate({ rules: { ...