
jQuery Validation hiding or tearing down jquery Modal Dialog on submit

Basically when clicking the modal created submit button, and calling jQuery('#FormName').submit(), it will run the validation and then call the method assigned in the submitHandler. After that it is either creating a new modal div or hiding the form, and I don't get why. I have debugged it and noticed that after the method call in th...

ASP.NET MVC Ajax form and jQuery validation

I have the same scenario as this question, but with a different problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298691/asp-net-mvc-ajax-form-with-jquery-validation I've set the AjaxOptions.OnBegin property to call return $('form').validate().form(); which works fine for when validation fails; the validation messages are displayed and the f...

Jquery Validation: Get rid of label tag for error

I'm having a hard time using jQuery Validation. In particular, I'm trying to remove the error message from the label tag and put it inside a div. I have 5 blocks of radio buttons. Each block looks like this: <div class="question-wrapper required"> <div class="question-title required"> <div class="question-box required">1.</...

Does the Jquery validation plugin require a form tag?

I want to validate some asp.net textboxes with the jQuery Validation plugin found at http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation, but it appears that the elements must be between a form tag. If I have just a couple elements, I would hardly call that a form, so I would rather not have them wrapped inside a form element. Is there a way ar...

jQuery validation form not working

MY .js file: //rounded corners $(document).ready(function() { $("#topbar").corner("bl br 5px"); $("#mainbar").corner("5px"); $("#sidebar").corner("5px"); $("#bottombar").corner("5px"); }); //form $(document).ready(function(){ $("#commentForm").valid...

submitHandler is an invalid label

Below is the code, I get an error which says that submitHandler is an invalid label $(document).ready(function() { $("#withdraw").validate({ rules: { amount: { required: true, number:true, min:0, max:<?php echo $balance; ?> }...

Using JQuery Validation Plugin

I was wondering if someone could help me using the JQuery validation plugin. I need to add the ability to make sure that a field only contains letters, numbers, underscores, whitespacke, and dashes. I currently have the following js code (not including the call to jquery and the plugin .js files) $(document).ready(function() { $("#inf...

Turn this Javascript to jQuery equivalent

Hi, Can you help turn the following Javascript to jQuery equivalent? // Let's use a lowercase function name to keep with JavaScript conventions function selectAll(involker) { // Since ASP.NET checkboxes are really HTML input elements // let's get all the inputs var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); ...

jQuery Validate Plugin: How can I add groups to a validator after its been initialized?

On our site we are using an embedded sign-up form from our ESP that uses the jQuery validate plugin. We are customizing the form a bit, adding a couple of custom fields (first name, last name) and we want them to be grouped so there is only one error message for both the fields. Since the form's validator has already been initialized I ...

Jquery Validation Div containing all messages plus text/image next to errored input

Hi there How do i (using jquery validation) put all the messages in a div tag but leave the errors next to the input field? At the moment i seem to be only able to have one or the other. For the Div tag errors i have used errorLabelContainer: but if also try to use errorPlacement: to put a message/image next to the input box it does n...

Using jQuery noConflict with flowplayer tools

hi, i appear to be in the midst of troubleshooting a namespace conflict of the $() function. i'm using validate 1.4. i've attempted to use jQuery's noConflict() method, but i'm still missing something. <link href="/c/jq/ui.all.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="http://cdn.jquerytools.org/1.1.2/full/ jquery.tools.min...

jquery.validate equalTo and simple modal

Hi all I am using simple modal to open a registration form. I am trying to validate password and confirm password but the password field is always empty any idea? <form method="post" action="Player/Register" id="registrationForm"> <input type="text" id="password" name="password" style="width: 200px" /> <input type="text" id="passwor...

Jquery validate: re-validate a validated form after checkbox changed with different rules

I am trying to validate a form with a couple of elements being required if a checkbox is NOT checked. Now if I submit the form the rules fire - and then I check the checkbox on - the validation rules have already fired - and even though the checkbox is now checked - the validation rules still apply and the form will not submit until I ...

JQuery Validation Plugin: Ensure Form Field is not a specific Value

Hi there, i am using the Jquery validation plugin, sourced from here. It is function well for required fields, email etc, however I would like to set up some specific validation rules for certain form fields. For example, I have a select form field which contains the following options... <select name="salutation" id="salutation" cl...

JQuery Validation Plugin: Use Custom Ajax Method

Hi Looking for some assistance with the Jquery form validation plugin if possible. I am validating the email field of my form on blur by making an ajax call to my database, which checks if the text in the email field is currently in the database. // Check email validity on Blur $('#sEmail').blur(function(){ // Grab E...

jQuery Ajax FormPlugin: Grab Ajax Response

Hi there I am using the ajax form plugin to handle my ajax submissions, like so.. // Submit Form New User $('#setAdminUser').ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit : validateForm, success: ajaxSuccess }); // Ajax success callback function ajaxSuccess(){ // Do processing here // Create div, containing the response fro...

Jquery Validation Plugin, dynamic form validation

I'm using the Jquery Validation Plugin to forms loaded via Ajax (dynamic forms). I know that as of Jquery 1.4, live events on submit is now possible. Now the problem is I want to show a confirm message after the dynamic form has been validated. My code looks like this: $('.dynamicForm').live('submit',function(){ $(this).validate(); ...

Submit problems with jQuery validation plugin

Hey! Im having a master page form which i validate. I add code inside the asp:content tag (validation rules code). The validation is working correctly, the only problem i have is that when i click my "save" button i can see the validation errors come up (correctly) but the button still causes a postback and performs its server side code...

jQuery validate(); Only validate on click of one type of submit button

Hi Guys, I have a quite perflexing problem that I have researched and come up blank; Scenario: I have a form, with the jQuery bassistance.de's validate() plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation). Does the job on submit perfectly, however; I two types of submit button. One submits the form as usual, triggering my back-end v...

How to enable only digits to enter into the Texbox on ASP.NET MVC Page?

Hi I have an ASP.NET MVC Page along with Zipcode, Phonenumber & Fax. Now i want to disable all other keys and only enable digits from the keyboard while typing on these textboxes. Appreciate your responses. As of now this is how the form is validated using Validation Plugin. Zip* <td CssClass="Form_Value"><%= Html.TextBox("Zi...