
MicrosoftMvcAjax breaks jQuery validate plugin

Possible Duplicate: jquery validate & ajax.beginform I'm trying to use the jQuery validate plugin to validate a form (Ajax.BeginForm). When I enter invalid data on the form the error messages are shown but the form will submit anyway. How do I stop MicrosoftMvcAjax from submiting an invalid form? Thanks in advance ...

jQuery Validate custom success message repeats on recheck.

Hello! (Again) So I have this jQuery Validation plugin, and it has a custom success message. The form validates automatically, because it's attached to the body. The problem comes when I wish to check the variable to see if the form is valid. That revalidates it, which ends up adding an extra success message (image in my case) which is ...

Jquery Validation Plugin Method required( dependency-expression ) use ok but callback not working

Hi all, i'm trying to make this work; this validate is applied to a payment form, and as you can see, there are only 3 requierd inputs, if and only if input[type=radio]:checked').val() != "CB"; wich means if user is about to pay with something else than a credit card. Following is the complete code to validate my form. $("#paiement"...

jQuery turn off form validation

Im using the bog standard form validation plugin. I have two radio buttons 'yes' 'no' and what im trying to do is set validation if a radio 'yes' is checked... Which works, but i need to then turn off validation if the 'no' radio is selected. Im trying the following... <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() ...

How to use jQuery Validation plugin with metadata and the jQuery Forms plugin (with some xVal as well)

I've been doing some development using the xVal framework for .NET to link up some of the validation rules for models on the server side along with some client side validation using the jQuery Validation plugin along with the jQuery Form plugin for submitting the form. The scenario is the following: Allow the client to perform basic v...

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC - client side validation using Data Annotations fails with multiple attributes

I'm having trouble with the JavaScript being emitted for client side validation when using Data Annotations on a model. Here's a sample of a model that works just fine with two required fields followed by the JavaScript that's emitted: public class LoginUserViewModel { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Email required")] pub...

jquery validate plugin method/css issue..need help.

Hi Everyone! I have this simple form that is having some CSS issues when the field is invalid. Check this out: Simple Form with jQuery and Validate plugin So all the fields are required. If you just hit the submit button the error fields get a nice yellow background to alert you (along with the invalid text). The issue is the option...

ajaxForm with jquery validate

I am trying to combine ajaxSubmit with the validate plugin Here is my code It says the ajaxSubmit is not a function $("#send-reply").validate({ meta: "validate", errorElement: "em", errorClass: "error", validClass: "success", highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) { ...

jQuery validate, can't get it to work.

OK, beating my head against the Javascript/jQuery wall over here, here is the code, which I simply can't get to work properly, any help is highly appreciated! Especially this bugs me, changing row 60 from c.gbForm.validator = c.dom.gbForm.validate(c.gbForm.validator); to c.gbForm.validator = $("#gbForm").validate(c.gbForm.validator); a...

Problem using rangelength for jQuery validation

Hi, I'm using the jQuery Validator Plugin. My code is like this: <input name="username" type="text" class="newtextbox required" rangelength="(4,16)"> The error message is "Please enter a value between NaN and 4 characters long". The actual error message that has to be is "Please enter a value between 4 and 16 characters long". I thi...

jquery validation plugin and check unique field?

I am currently using jQuery validation plugin with cakephp in my new project. It's working perfectly untill I need to make unique check to email field through ajax to check with the database.. I didn't know how to make the plugin make a unique validation to email from db. thanx ...

How to set errorContainer in jQuery validation dynamically?

Can I dynamically set errorContainer in jQuery validation, which means showing different error container base on the button clicked. This is what I am trying to do, but seems doesn't work: $('#b1').click(function(evt) { $('#form1').validate().resetForm(); validator.settings.errorContainer = $('#m1'); valid...

Jquery bassistance: validate that end date is after start date

I am using jquery bassistance validation and need to verify that a start date is after an end date. I am wondering if anyone knows if this functionality exists and if I can add rules to do this or if I have to add a custom check. I am having difficulty finding any examples of this that work with my code which forwards to another functi...

Reseting the form when usering the jquery validations plugin

I have a simple form like below that I have added the jQuery validations plugin onto (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation). I have this form in a modal popup window so if there are errors and the user closes the window when they open it again the form still has the errors. In my popup close callback I tried calling resetForm() but ...

show jquery validation error below the element

I have two elements(dropdowns) which are very closely placed. These elements are required fields. I am using jquery valiate to validate the fields. The error message are showing for both the elements and the space between the elements increases as the error message of first control is displayed near the element $('#RegisterForm').vali...

jQuery Validation Custom Message Before Listing Errors

I am looking to add a custom message before listing my errors for a login page: "Oops, you forgot to enter the following:" + "Username", "Password" (if both not entered) or "Oops, you forgot to enter the following:" + "Username" (if just username not entered) $(document).ready(function(){ $("#loginForm").validate({ errorL...

Jquery Validation Plugin: Disabling the onclick function of the form until validation is filled in

Hello I am using the jquery validation plugin I have the following code in an onClick function of my form submit button. onClick="parent.$.fn.fancybox.close();parent.location.reload();" When the form detects a field is not filled in, it successfully halts submission of the form, however the onClick event still fires. Is there a way...

Can you validate fieldsets individually using the jquery validation plugin from bassassistance?

I have a form that uses the validation plugin, but I need to validate a separate part of the form using slightly different criteria - most of the fields place the error in the next table cell, but for one field I need the error placed somewhere else. This is the validate function for the main form fields: jQuery("#form2").validate({ ...

jquery validate: focusCleanup: true and focusInvalid: false don't work as expected

I am using Joern's jquery validation plugin 1.6. My goal is to have the following behavior: remove the error message for an element once the user focuses it. From what I understand setting 'focusCleanup: true' should take care of this. However (at least on my browser (Firefox 3.5.7 on Linux)), I only get the desired behavior (ie, error...

jQuery understanding - Fire validate on tabbing?

Hey Peeps, Trying my hand with jQuery. I have this strange situation that i wish to understand. The below script "works", only problem is not exactly the way i want it to. Currently on page load. If i click on one of the input fields and without entering anything, tab to the next field (i.e press the tab key and go to next field), the ...