
Detect click outside element?

Similar to this question, but taking it a step further. I would like to detect clicks outside of a set of items, which I am handling in the following way: $('#menu div').live('click', function() { // Close other open menu items, if any. // Toggle the clicked menu item. $('body').one('click', function(event) { // Hi...

Rotating images client side using jQuery

Is there a good jQuery plug-in to rotate images? Looking for something that is stable. ...

Toggle State Incorrect in jQuery

I am using jQuery to show / hide lists, but it takes two clicks on a link instead of just one to show the list. Any help? jQuery.showList = function(object) { object.toggle(function(){ object.html("▾"); object.siblings("ul.utlist").show("fast"); }, function(){ object.html("▸");...

jquery Label Insertion Problem in Safari

I am inserting a label after a field to show the user an error message. The problem is after it is first inserted, it's top half is cut off then when you tab out of the field it fixes itself. There is no problem at all in FireFox. I have deployed the form to: http://thredup.atomicvapor.com/regtest/index.html I have also posted the co...

Jquery sliding menus

I've got a site I'm building here: http://theoew.50webs.com/portfolio_2/ See how when you hover over the menu at the top right, the item becomes taller(20px to 50px). I was wondering if I could do the same thing but have the text move with the list. So when you hovered over the list item, it would enlarge and the text would move to th...

How do I get URL query parameters into an object literal?

When looking at location.search, what's the best way to take the query parameters and turn them into an object literal? Say I've got a URL that looks like this: http://foo.com?nodeId=2&userId=3&sortOrder=name&sequence=asc What I'd like to wind up with is an object literal that looks like this: var params = { nodeId :...

JQuery Add click event to radio input text

Hey ya'll I would like the label associated with a radio button 'hot'. I started to implement this using the .siblings() method. I think there must be a better way. The click event on the radio button looks like this: $(".RadioButton").click(function(event) { var questionId = $(this).find('input').attr('name'); var res...

How do I show an enlarged version of a thumbnail properly even when I'm close to the edges of a container div or the browser?

I have a div full of 60x60 images arranged in rows of 5. I want to show an enlarged version (at 300x300 max) of each thumbnail when you hover each image. I have a surrounding div that hides overflow, so if you hover over an image at one of the corners, the enlarged image will get cut off, so I need to flip the image to the other side. ...

JQuery FixedTable

We found a JQuery plugin called FixedTable that is used to add scroll bars to an HTML table, and I've copied their sample code (see below) from their website into a ASP.Net web form. Each time the code executes it blows up on line 12, the $(".tableDiv").each(function(), saying that an Object was Expected. Anyone know what is wrong wit...

Optimizing a jQuery drop-down menu function

Here's the function, which I am calling like this: $(document).ready(function(){ dropdownmenu(); }); function dropdownmenu() { $("#navigation ul li.upper").hover(function(){ $("ul.submenu", this).show(400); },function(){ $("ul.submenu", this).hide(); }); } How can I optimize this function, specifically ...

jQuery in-browser popup / dialog

What is the best (prettiest, easiest API, best performing, most maintainable, most customizable, etc) in browser popup / dialog plugin for jQuery? I've had good experiences with with Facebox, but I'm curious what else is out there. ...

Cannot complete a JSONP call from jQuery to WCF

Okay, I am trying (poorly) to successfully make a JSONP call from jQuery on a test page to a WCF web service running locally, as a cross-domain call. I have, at one point or another, either gotten a 1012 URI denied error, gotten a response but in Xml, or just had no response at all. Currently, the way I have it configured it spits back a...

How can I highlight certain options in a HTML select using jQuery

I have a jQuery reference to a HTML select list. I need to iterate the options and check to see if the text of the option matches a regex, if it does I want to add a cssclass to the option. How do I do this? var ddl = $($get('<%= someddl.ClientID %>')); Can I take advantage of the .each() function somehow? Example <select id="somed...

JQuery FixedTable

I'm trying to use the JQuery plugin called FixedTable in an ASP.Net WebForm to add a vertical scrollbar to an html table (see code below). I've added a reference to the JQuery document for Visual Studio (jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js), and a reference to the fixedtable plugin (jquery.fixedtable.js) to my project. When I run it, I'm getting an...

Need help with IE8 and IE7 showing the nav in the hover on state with jquery...

I just finished Dragon Interactive's brilliant fading rollover tutorial, but the darn thing loads with the hovered state in Explorer...works great in every other browser...no surprises there (doesn't even work in IE6 but I could care less about that). If anyone knows how to tell Explorer how to play nicely with my script, the page is her...

Jquery Iterate Through All Checked Boxes and Remove Class

Hello All, I'm currently using jQuery and would like some help on iterating through all "checked" checkboxes and remove a class (called "new_message") of the parent table row. I've got a basic concept, but I can't quite figure the entire thing out. Here is what I am currently using: $("#unread_button").click(function (event) { event....

Don't submit form if nothing selected, using jQuery ajaxForm plugin

I'm using the jQuery Form plugin to do an 'ajax' submit of my form, which consists of about 4 radio selects. However, I want the form to not submit if none of the radio buttons have been selected. Here's my attempt so far, helped by so code I've found in another SO answer and the plugin docs: $(document).ready(function() { var option...

Cloning background image with parenthesis in file name

I have a background image with a parenthesis in the filename: <DIV style="BACKGROUND: url('http://site.com/image(8).png');"&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt; This is fine normally, and there is no confusion because there are quotes around the file name. Looking in IE's developer tools however, I see that the browser stripped the quotes for some reason...

Creating elements in JavaScript

I have a lot of JavaScript code that creates HTML. For example: function Reply(postId) { if (!document.getElementById("reply" + postId)) { $("#root" + postId).after("<div id='reply" + postId + "'><textarea cols='70' rows='8' style='margin-bottom: 10px'></textarea><br/><span style='margin-bottom: 30px'><input type='button' va...

Jquery image preloader (how do i get the loading.gif to appear faster)

Hello Im attempting to get a Jquery image preloader to start the "loading.gif" and image preloading areas to start immediately on page open (if that's even a proper term) and I have been experimenting with javascript placement and other things, but it always loads a bit too late for my tastes. Here is the URL http://eleven23.net/beta...