
JSF h:ajax tag problem. The datagrid doesn't relaod

Hi this is my Code. It does not work for me. But it works in the solution of a friend. I don't know whats the reason. I don't get any error. All seems to be fine. But if i click my radiobutton nothing happens. I'm getting crazy pls help! <h:form id="form"> <h:panelGrid id="baseData" columns="2"> <h:selectOne...

Pass request parameters through FacesContext

Hi! I moved from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 and it seems I missed something during the switch. I have following scenario: There is a button on one page with actionListener set to one managed bean's method which adds an object to request by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put("foo", fooObject); Na...

JSF state saving method and lazy relationships

Hi guys, I have classes on my domain model with plenty of lazy relationships; I was using server-side state saving with JSF, and that allowed me to have these lazy mappings initialized on-demand by the presentation layer. But switching to client-side state saving, I have an exception from EclipseLink, telling me that it could not seria...

JSF2, i18n and SEO

Hi there, I am migrating an application from Struts2 to JSF2. In struts2 I had mapped most of the actions so that the same action returned different locale content depending on the URL. For example: http://site.com/en/content.action http://site.com/es/content.action The action returned the same JSP which showed spanish or english de...

Best Practice to Handle Backing Bean initialization with JSF 2.0 jsf-2.0

I have an @PostConstruct init() function in my backing bean that performs a lengthy database query. The backing bean is @SessionScoped. Every time I perform an Ajax query, I hit that init() and the database query fires off again. Do I need to check life cycle phase in my init() before firing the database query? Or should I store the d...

Why do I have to click my submit button twice?

I have quite a huge form for data capture. The main problem is that I'll always have to click on the submit button twice in order for the form to be submitted. The first time I press it, it just refreshes and does nothing. Why is this so? Inside my form, there is plenty of input text. There are also some dynamic select menus, in which ...

How to save ice:panelpopup renedered after refreshing page in icefaces?

In http://www.icefaces.org/main/downloads/os-downloads.iface after log-in when clicking any download link a modal panelpopup will open ,and if the whole of page is refreshed the modal popup still opened,how that?! ...

Do I need frameworks to complement a Java EE 6, JSF-2 Web-App? Which ones?

In the previous J2EE versions, it was common practice to complement the default libraries with frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Struts, etc. Java EE 6 seemed to close the gap (with CDI, JPA, JSF2.0, etc.) - should I still use additional frameworks (Seam? A faces library? Spring?) I am currently using the default Oracle stack - Glass...

Glassfish JSF 2.0 charset problem

Hi! I'm working on a project developed with JSF 2.0 (Mojarra 2.0.3) front end and deployed on Glassfish v.3.0.1 server. Application must accept ISO-8859-2 charset and write data to MySql database. To problem is that data is not in right charset. The request Http header has attribute value: content-type: application/x-www-form-urlenco...

Book Suggestion About JSF 2.0 Security Implementations

i am looking for a book which has JSF 2.0 security topics and decent amount of tutorial/examples how to implement those security features (e.g session management, roles, limited number of login tries, input validation etc.). ...